My only addiction - Episode 1

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Ethan's POV
If only people knew behind that mask, I wore sadness and an urge to be understood....

Sadness drained through me as I walked through the Marcias gate...Any other son would have been happy to be home but this one here didn't...

My name hasn't left people's tongues  since I scored that bicycle kick goal...They were proud of me...

I had made my country and team proud but when it came to Jordan Marcias being a footballer was the worst decision I ever made...He would never stop taunting me about it...I am sure when he dies, he will still turn in his grave in rage....

If he only understood that football is my only addiction....

"Hey sir, you are here...." The guard asked the moment I got out of my car...
"Is my mother in????"
"No sir...."

I threw him the car keys and begun walking towards the mansion....I don't know if my great grandmother who we call GG will love my little surprise...It was her birthday and I wouldn't miss it for anything....

I was supposed to arrive tomorrow from Tanzania but here I am...

"GG??????" I called out when I got into the mansion....
"Ethan????" Troy was surprised to see me(Uncle Jaxon and Aunt Ariana's son)
"Ethan what are you doing here???You were supposed to arrive tomorrow..." Uncle Jaxon retorted, hugging me...

"Where is GG and granny????" I pulled back and begun walking towards the living room...

"GG?????" I looked around the living room but she wasn't there.....

"Are you looking for me????" I heard a familiar voice behind me....

It was GG, I turned around and ran to her....
"Happy birthday GG!!!" I hugged her so tight like my life depended on it....
"I hope you haven't cut the cake without me????"I pulled back....

"How would I do that???" She cupped my face...
"What happened,You won't hug granny????" Granny faked a sad face beside GG...

"Granny I am sorry," I walked towards her and hugged her, "How is the most beautiful granny in the whole world????"

"She is fine and how are you??? Are you okay??? Why did you come today, are you sick??? Troy why did you not pick your brother from the airport??? Look how exhausted he is..." My granny with her paranoia....

I placed my hands on her shoulders, "Granny am okay...I just wanted to surprise GG, I wouldn't miss that for anything...Where is the cake????" I looked around ..

"Brother, I have bad news....GG would celebrate her birthday without the two melodramatic princesses..." Troy shrugged....

"What, Mia and Hope are coming back??? How soon????" I stuttered....
"That was actually Troy reaction too..." Uncle Jaxon who I always call Jax chuckled...

"Oooh my god Mary I said warm water not hot water..Do you want I get a dry skin???" Troy imitated how Hope talks and the room was filled with laughter...
"Mary, do you want I get fat???? How dare you cook my food with coconut oil???Jeez!!!" I imitated Mia, rolling her eyes like she does it and everyone was now dying with laughter...

"You two should stop imitating your sisters!!!!" Granny grabbed our ears....
"But they are unbearable...." Troy and I cried out in unison....
"I can't with you two...." Granny shook her head smiling....

"Congratulations brother on your bicycle kick goal this weekend..I have never been tensed like how I was during the game...I thought the game would end up 0-0.." Troy squeezed my shoulder...

"It would have been a shame to go all the way to Tanzania and come back home with a zero slapped on your faces but then how can that happen with Ethan Marcias around????" Uncle Jax boasted and for a moment I felt like some royalty...

"My Ethan is the best footballer in the whole world....He always makes me proud..." GG praised me....
"I wish you saw your mother, she was screaming around the house saying that's my son as if we don't know..." Granny shook her head....

Nobody mentioned Jordan Marcias, I know if it was up to him he would have banned football all over the world...The only person I want to impress and prove to  am worthy....

If mom didn't love him so much, we would have left this house already....

My mother had always been my greatest support and that is what gives me strength....
"I am not surprised... After all I am her son..." I replied proudly....

"Dinner will be ready soon, you should go freshen up...I hope you are sleeping here tonight..." Granny gave me that pitiful look that I have never learnt to resist...
"Yes granny, you know I would do anything for you...."

"Where are our gifts????" GG frowned...
"They are in the car GG....Caro will get them but nobody touch the pink shopping bags only Ciara Marcias should...." I warned...

"That's not fair..." Uncle Jax cried out...
"Sorry my friend, she is my mother..."

"I always knew you love your mother more than me but because you did an amazing job in Tanzania I will forgive you..." GG beamed...

Just before I could shower her with sweet words, I heard a familiar voice behind me...
It was him, Jordan Marcias....
"You guys should stop praising him so much..."

I felt my heart sank just by hearing his voice....

I turned around with the hope to see my mom but he was alone....
"Where is mom????"
"She is outside talking to the gardener..." Dad replied dryly...

"She will be happy to see you....She was happier than all of us about the goal..." Uncle Jax tried to cheer me up but my mood had already being ruined...

"Jaxon you are the reason he will never understand that Marcias sons will only play football for either fitness or as a hobby...Never as a career, we create empires not run around the field..." Dad cussed out...

"Jordan when will you understand that this is my dream???? Football is everything to me...." I could feel tears burning behind my eyes...

He made it clear as long as I am playing football I shouldn't call him dad...Although it breaks my heart, his wish is my command...

"I will never do that Ethan Marcias," He begun walking towards me,"You should be working in the company with me and Troy..."

"That can't happen.....I hate suits and sitting around just signing the stupid files...It's so boring..." I pointed out...

"Do you know that's what fed you, educated you, gave you the luxurious life you have????" He begun yelling, coming closer and closer towards me....

We were now nose to nose,"Jordan I think you will never understand me....No point of arguing with you..." I said calmly and swirled around to face GG and granny...

"I am sorry Granny but I can't sleep here tonight..."
All she did is nod..It's like she read the disappointment on my face...
I kissed both her and GG and walked past Jordan....

"Do I come with you Ethan???" Troy asked but I shook my head...
"I need time alone Troy, I will call you later..." I faked a smile...
"Text me Ethan when you get home..." Uncle Jax said in a commanding tone and I just nodded....

I wish he would support me...Hold my hand as I fulfill my dreams but no I forgot he is Jordan Marcias and things should be done his way....

When I walked out of the mansion, I found my mom talking to the gardener...

"Mom????" I ran towards her and hugged her....
"Did you two argue again???" In that moment, her arms squeezed a fraction tighter and I breathed more slowly....
"Mom, why can't he support me????"
"It's okay, he will come around....Don't be sad my son, I will talk to him..."

My body melted into my mom's as every muscle lost its every tension...I felt sadness disappear like rain on summer earth...

"Mom, I just want to disappear....If it were up to me I would take you from here and live with you elsewhere..." Salty tears flowed unchecked from my eyes....

"Don't cry,"She pulled back and wiped my tears with her thumbs,"You are amazing...You are good in what you do...Just believe in yourself...I believe in you my Ethan so don't lose hope...You know I can't leave Hope and your dad we are a family..."

"But he is always angry with me..."

"Forget that, let's go inside and I will make you your favourite dish..."

Mom tried to take my hand but I drew it back like it was on fire....
"I would rather go home mom, I will see you soon..." I kissed her on the cheek...
"I understand, call me when you get home..."
I nodded and walked to the car where I took the shopping bags from the back seat...

"Here carry them in the house!!!"I ordered the guard...
"Mom, the pink bags are yours..." I shouted at her before getting into the car...

I leaned back on the driver's seat and gripped the steering wheel tightly...I closed my eyes and bite my tongue so hard not to scream as his words since I was fifteen begun playing in a slow motion mode in my mind...The insults, discouragements, the slaps and the night I almost slept outside since I got home late from playing football...

The pain was raw....I couldn't breath, I felt choked up with sobs...
I felt the urge to be understood creeping in...I hate feeling intimidated and inferior infront of  Jordan Marcias the great....

I really need a strong drink....

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. .

Read " Pierced Rose " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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