My only addiction - Episode 44

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Arya's POV
"I love you Arya..." I felt his nose on my neck as he inhaled deeply...

"I love you too Ethan..."

"I am so sorry for all those times I have hurt you. I was just so scared of the unknown...But after confessing to you what I felt, I feel complete. And I promise to be by your side forever baby..." He whispered, plastering featherlight kisses all over my shoulders..

"I wish I would wake up to this every morning.." I began running my hands all over his back...It was like fire meeting gasoline..
"I promise it will always be like that..."

He kissed me passionately, forcing my lips apart with his tongue and I returned the kiss with my own passion .

It's too hard not to fall a little deeper every single day..

After making out for what seemed like forever, I broke the kiss,"Ethan, let me take a quick shower..."
"*ex in the shower, dangerous and I love it..."
"No buts, come and let's get wet..."

Ethan dragged me into the bathroom and peeled the t-shirt I was wearing off my body...
"I love you Arya...."
"It's seems you are more excited of been in love with me than I am..." I teased.
"Because it just feels right saying it...."

He stepped out of his boxers,walked into the shower and I followed him into the cascading water holding my face up to the torrent..

Thanks heavens, there was room for both of us under the gargantuan showerhead..

"I don't feel like going back home baby..I want to stay here with you forever..."
"Ethan you have an amazing life plus the season is starting soon."

Ethan reached for the shampoo handing me the face wash and starts with his hair. And I followed suit, cleansing my face..

As I rinsed my face, I felt his hands on me soaping my body: My shoulders, arms and bre*sts. It felts so good and intimate.

"Let me scrub your back.." He murmured and I turned to face the glass wall...

"It feels so good...." I said in a deep breath...
"And I just can't get enough of you..." He pulled me against him and continued down my body. My stomach, my behind and between my legs.. My breathing began to change, becoming shallow, rushed and full of expectation.

I love this man so much. I wish he knew the effect he had on me.
"I want to make love to you right now..." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers all over my spine.

Before I could respond, he turned me to face him again and began to kiss me in a fiery passionate way...

He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around my waist..
He leaned my back on the glass wall and kissed his way down to my cheek, jaw, licking and nipping at my neck and then lower upto my chest.

"Do you want me baby???" He whispered and I nodded biting my bottom lip. Although I was sore after six orgasms all through the night I didn't care. If that was what he wanted then it was fine by me...I would never say No to me. I loved how weak he made me feel. I loved having s*x with him.

"I love you Arya..." He whispered to me.
"I love you too..." My tears began to fall unbidden down my cheeks.

"What's wrong baby????"
"I don't want you to ever leave me..Be by my side forever Ethan..." I bursted into full-blown sobs burying my face against his neck.
"I promise, I will never leave you baby..."

After I calmed down, he gently pulled out of me, holding me steady while I placed my feet on the floor..

"It's my turn to wash you..." I beamed and squirted a little body wash on my hands..

"The toast is delicious..." Ethan smiled and hopped on the counter his abs displayed for me.
"Thanks love..."

"Love, I wanted to talk to you about something.." I said in a low voice.
"What???" He stammered, his face turning pale.
"I hope you aren't leaving me, I promised you that I will change.."

"Its not that love..." I placed the mug of coffee I was holding on the counter
"Then what is it????" He asked, pushing the plate with the toast aside.
"I am quitting my job Love. Malcolm makes you uncomfortable and I don't want you been uncomfortable.."

I expected him to jump up and down excitedly but I couldn't read the emotion on his face.
"Baby," He took hold of both my hands,"I said all those mean words out of anger. I trust you, it's him that I don't trust. You don't have to quit the job to make me happy.."
"You can't talk me out of this one love. I have made up my mind. I will focus more on the bakery..."
"Are you sure????"
"Yes love..."
"I am happy you did that for me," He brought my hands to his lips and kissed them,"I think you should join me up here on the counter..."

"No, I think we should go have a swim. The weather is too perfect for a swim.."

"Are we wearing swimsuits or doing this n*ked???" There was this naughty glint in his eyes..
"Why don't you go and wait for me at the swimming pool area as I put on my bikini???" I asked sed*ctively, trailing my fingers down his navel..
"What do you need a bikini for???" He jumped off of the counter and pulled me against him.
"I don't want you to drown after seeing all those perfect goodies..."

He slid his hand up into my inner thighs. The moment he began rubbing my cl*t, I winced in pain..
"Lucky you, you are so sore or else I would take you now on this counter."
"Too bad, you will miss the fun..." I grabbed his d*ck that was threatening to burst out of his boxers and bit his lower lip.

"See you in a while love..." I winked and stepped back. I turned around and began walking towards the stairs.

After I changed into my red bikini, I walked to the swimming pool area where I found Ethan busy on the phone. I hope he is not talking to Ivy again or else I will drown him in that pool.

"I said swim not chat!!!!."
"I wasn't chatting...I am just going through the email your brother sent me about the upcoming game..."

"Okay...." I shrugged and dived into the water..

I cleared the water with powerful rhythmic strokes until I reached the other end. On my way back, Ethan held my leg that I couldn't move.

"Love, what are you doing???I am trying to enjoy a swim..."
"Are you mad at me???" He held me close, his arms wrapped around me..
"No, I am just glad you weren't talking to Ivy..Can I swim now???"
"Not until you give me a kiss..."
"That kiss will come with a prize, Mr Marcias...."
"Bring it on s*xy goddess..."

He pressed his lips on mine and began kissing me slowly, deeply and druggingly..
We kissed for almost what seemed like an eternity before I pulled back, feeling like my insides had been jagged.. It was like my body was on No function mode

"Love, I think we should swim for now.."
"As you wish pretty doll. I love you..." He pressed a soft kiss on my cheek and began gliding dolphin-like to the tiles below.

By the time we were done swimming, I was light-headed and hungry....
"I will get us some fresh juice..."
" Okay..."
When I walked back with two glasses of cold fresh mango juice, Ethan was comfortably lying on the Adirondack chair with his sunglasses on..

"Love, I need you to apply sunscreen all over my body..."
"Seriously baby, can't this man rest???I have been pumping inside you all night. At least have some mercy on this poor guy..."
"Its not my fault, you are horny all the time..."

I placed the glasses of juice on the table between the Adirondacks chairs and lied on my back...Ethan mumbling beneath his nose, stood from his chair and knelt beside me.

"I can't even have some alone time..." He thought he whispered to himself but I heard.

As he applied sunscreen all over my body, I could feel electric volts surging through my skin..Just the right blend of relaxation and tension.

His fingers were like fire to my skin as he smoothly massaged my body making me weak on my knees.
"Do you like it baby????" He asked, massaging my inner thighs.
"Yes love..." I moaned, praying he wouldn't stop soon..

Too bad, my prayer was short-lived..
"Do you want me to apply sunscreen to you too love????" I asked, the moment he slumped back on his chair.
"I am good baby...."

There was a comfortable silence between us as we enjoyed the windless warm morning sipping our fresh blended juices...

Everything just felt perfect..Ethan had finally confessed what he feels for me and Ivy seems not to be a problem anymore. Finally after a long time mother nature is on my side.

Ethan broke the silence,"Baby, do you have plans of relocating from Sokomoko????That place is so dangerous and creepy...."
"I would if I had a place to go...."

"Just say the word and I am going to buy you an apartment baby.. At least I can do that for you..."

"Ethan, I am not interested in your money..."
"But you are my girlfriend and it's my duty to make sure you living comfortably..."

"I don't remember ever complaining...."

"Baby,"He was now kneeling beside me," When we tell the whole world about us, they will start looking digging deep..."

"So you are embarassed of me????" I took off my sunglasses and sat upright.
"No, I am not. But what will people say???? I live comfortably and my girlfriend looks like she is struggling to survive...."

"Wow!!!! Struggling to survive..." I laughed in a sarcastic tone.
"Baby???" He tried taking my hand but I drew back..
"I think I should go back to the house, before I drown you in this pool..."

"Don't," I warned and stood from the chair," let's not ruin what we built from yesterday Ethan.."
"I am sorry baby, I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Struggling to survive???? Seriously...." I asked in almost a loud voice, pushing him back but he just staggered back.
"I didn't mean for it to sound like that Arya...I love you and the last thing I want is us arguing..."

"But your words were hurtful Ethan..."
"And I am said I am sorry..."

He pulled me against him and rested his forehead on mine," Don't be mad with me Arya..Let's not argue today baby..I am sorry for my hurtful words, I didn't mean to be insensitive..Why don't we bake together and have some fun????"

His closeness had already compelled me. I would never say No when he is so close to me..
"Okay..." I stammered.
"Good, tell me what we need and I will have them delivered..."
"Okay love..." I pressed a soft kiss on his lips and pulled back.

Ethan placed his hands on my hips and lifted me up to the counter.
"So pretty doll, what do you need???" He asked, hopping on the counter next to me.

"Do you guys have a mixer???"
" Yeah, my mom always loved baking for us when we came for a vacation here..."

"We need unsweetened cocoa powder, all purpose flour, granulated sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, buttermilk, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, softened butter, softened cheese, powdered sugar and two packets of milk..."

When I was done listing them, shock and surprise was written all over Ethan's face.
"Are we still talking about cake???"
"Yes love...That's all needed for the chocolate cake I wanna make you..."
"It seems like a recipe for disaster..." He chuckled earning a deadly glare from me.

"I mean..." He stammered carefully choosing his words," it's like we are creating a homemade bomb..So much ingredients..."
"So will you bake since mine will be a disaster???" I pretended to be sad.

"No baby. Do your thing and I will do mine..Let people stick to their profession..."
"Got you..." I laughed.
"You really gave me a scare. You are always like a ticking bomb ready to explode..."

Soon after the ingredients were delivered , we started working on the cake. I was happy how Ethan was ready to listen and give me a helping hand whenever I needed one...

After putting the batter in the oven, I began working on the chocolate frosting...
In a large bowl, Ethan beat butter and the cream cheese until it was fluffy...
"Good job love..." I complimented.
"Baking is more fun than I anticipated. We should be doing this everyday..."

"Yeah, maybe we can be baking on saturdays..." I suggested, adding the cocoa and vanilla extract.
"I hope we will always be in our boxers and bikinis...."
"Your wish is my command love..."

He continued beating in powdered sugar as I added one cup at a time and milk.
"This seems so tasty...." He couldn't stop licking the frost..
" And very thick like it should be...Good job Mr Marcias..."

"Why don't we get dirty????"
"What......." Before I could even ask what he meant, there was chocolate frosting all over my shoulders...
"It tastes so divine..." He moaned against my skin as he licked it, my back against his chest.

I knew what would happen next and I wasn't sure I could survive it..I was so sore that at times I feel like my pussy was trembling..
"Arya, why don't you move in with me???"
"What????" I yelled more than I asked.

"I want us to move in together Arya...If the apartment is so small then we can always look for another place.."

I tried to speak but no words left my lips. I was stuck between surprised and happy. I couldn't believe Ethan asked me to move in with him.

Things were moving on so fast and I would be lying if I said it didn't excite me...Even if he wants to marry me today, I think at this point am ready.

I feel like he is my soulmate and we belong together in this life and the after..

"Arya, did I offended you????" Ethan asked dragging me from my thoughts.

Say something Arya....
"Arya????" He turned me around to face him,"You are scaring me...."

My eyes were filled with tears and uninvited they began rolling down my cheeks.
"I really been thinking about it. I don't think I can stay even a minute away from you. I want to be coming home to you Arya, I am ready to settle down with you...Please say something.."

"Yes love, I will move in with you..." I stammered and then repeated those words excitedly jumping up and down.
"Are you for real Arya????"
"Yes my love, I will move in with you. If it makes you happy then I will..."
"Thanks baby," He pulled me into his embrace and hugged me so tight,"You won't regret it.

"Do you want any changes with the decor????"
"I think everything is perfect Ethan.."

"You don't know how happy I am???" He plastered kisses all over my face..
"Me too...." I am not sure Nick will accept this arrangement but screw it. It's my life, my rules.

"Another thing, I will travelling with you during this season. I want you to be my cheerleader Arya. I know you hate football, thats why I am pleading..."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my lips with his,"You don't have to ask. Wherever you go,I will follow you. Be it in the abyss of heaven or hell my love..."

"And I will always be by your side my baby..You will always be my number one.. I will love you so right that you will forget all those days I have hurt you..."

The restless pressure of his mouth was intoxicating. The air in the kitchen seemed stilled as a hot flash of air covered my body as his passionate kisses increased..

I could feel his hard on his stomach.. There were fiery charges straight through me when I remembered the cake.
"Love, the cake???" I broke the kiss and ran to the oven..
It was a close one, the cake almost got burned.
"Is the cake alright????" Ethan chuckled...
"Yes love...."

After we were done with the cake business in the kitchen, we sat on the sofa half of me on his lap as we enjoyed the fruit of our hardwork.
"This is the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted.."
"I will bake for you millions of them until you can have them anymore..."

"I don't think I will get tired of eating anything made from your hands Arya, they are magical..."

"Thanks love for the sweet words."
"Why don't we put the internet on their toes????" From the tone of his voice, I know it was something mischievous.

He intertwined our fingers and took a picture focusing on my middle finger which had a ring on it..
"What will you do with that????" I asked curiously.
"Post it on Instagram baby...."

The caption read she finally said Yes. Soon I will reveal my soulmate and prayer partner.
My heart swelled at his words.

"Let's now take a selfie...." He seemed so determined to make our relationship public.
"Don't worry I will cover your face with an emoji..Let's make the reveal interesting..."

"I love you Arya so much...." He added.
"I love you too Ethan..."

"And I will never leave you, I promise. Nothing will ever come between us.."
"I know Love, we will always have each other..."

"What do we do???The day is still young..."
"Let's have a movie marathon Ethan, it's gonna be fun..."

"Your wish is my command, your highness...."

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies as wrapped in the love of my life's arms...

All in one word. PERFECT....

Hey, smile squad sorry I have been Mia...I love you all so much. And thanks for your support...Kindly make me happy and click on that star below.. Full episode on Wattpad.

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  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Fideh , thumbs up for you . Ethan please don't fall my hands again. Love is beautiful
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Dolapo thanks dear
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    correct me if am wrong but their love is more of a sexual one... I mean without sex can Ethan last long with Area!??
  • Sheila Smallz picture
    Sheila Smallz
    Love in D air..............................................
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Racheal their relationship started like that but slowly things are changing...Sex is vital is every relationship
  • picture
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    wow Ethan finally thanks fideh
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Afola @Oke anytime my queens
  • sachisco picture
    @Fideh sex is vital only in marriage. In any other relationship it is fornication or adultery which is abomination in God's eyes.
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    Yes, you got it right and I hope it remains so perfect as it ought to be.
  • Uthman Danfodio picture
    Uthman Danfodio
    Kudos to you FIDEH, You're the best
  • Uthman Danfodio picture
    Uthman Danfodio
    This their ON and OFF love is fustrating. Arya should try and receive sense and let my guy ethane live his life oh
  • Mugabi Edgar Purity picture
    Mugabi Edgar Purity
    @Sachisco you're ? right on this one, but in case of these, firstly their relationship was never built on God, not even for a single day, so their ultimate satifiscation and desire is from each other and that's the end goal
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