Obiageli - Episode 23


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Thanks to all reading, especially the predictors of the story, let's see if you are right...!

Chioma served the men Akpu with vegetable soup, she dropped the water to wash hands as Uche thanked her, her daughter Ebere followed after her back into the kitchen.

Uche had filled his stomach half way before he decided to speak

"Brother, you wanted to speak to me about something"

"Yes" Ekene said"I came to the house but you were not around, so I told papa to tell you to come see me"

"I hope there is no problem"

"No..not at all" he paused, and sighed "it is about Obiageli, I heard you are seeing her and according to papa plan to marry her"

"Yes..that is correct, I should have told you first sorry, I've just been busy"

"With her" his brother wasn't smiling , Uche stopped eating and looked up

"What is it brother?, don't you like Obiageli?"

Ekene sighed again"no its not that, I've been praying for you to marry sef so you can stop coming here to eat"

Both laughed, what then was the problem?

"But why not Ego?"Ekene asked as they continued eating

"She's the one I want to marry brother, I love her" Uche said 

Ekene was silent "There's just something I think you should know before you make that decision....Obiageli is no ordinary girl.." he began "...what happened to Ifeanyi..."he was saying

"He brought upon himself" Uche said

"I think you should let me finish...I know Obiageli is very beautiful, might have even bewitched you, but you need you hear this.." Uche stopped eating, as his brother continued "..before Ifeanyi died, I followed him everywhere, there was no where we did not go..."


"We had heard about a native doctor who could cure all injuries and had gone to the next village to find him, the native doctor received us well and asked us to come in, then the sore had not spread so Ifeanyi could still walk around, we sat down for sometime as Ifeanyi wondered if we should tell the native doctor what we came for but he didn't allow us to speak as he played with his cowries then without looking up he told Ifeanyi that he had offended a girl

Ifeanyi looked at me surprised, 

" yes you have, what did you do to her?"he asked looking straight at Ifeanyi, amidst hesitation and embarassment, Ifeanyi said he had tried to rape her, the native doctor laughed for a long time, then told him..."

"You know you are going to die"

"What do you mean, you mean there's no cure for this sore?"Ifeanyi asked in shock

"You cursed yourself immediately you tried to touch that girl, She is no ordinary girl, she has cursed you and because of her pain you are going to die"he said

"You mean t..there's no cure.." Ifeanyi was scared "it can't be reversed?"he looked at me

"No, whoever touches her must die"

Flashback over

Uche sighted his neck as his brother finished his tale

"We went around after that, thinking something could be done but just like the Dibia said....he died" Ekene said

"Brother, I do not understand what you are saying, nothing has happened to me since I've been touching her...nothing would happen to me, Ifeanyi brought the curse upon himself, he tried to rape a maiden, special girl or not even the gods would be angry at that"

Ekene just stared at him then sighed

"Our people say it is only the stubborn fly that follows the corpse to the grave" he said, "don't say I didn't tell you" Uche frowned

"Brother, I  have heard what you have said  but be rest assured that nothing would happen to me" he said with conviction and continued to eat

" Okay" Ekene shrugged "when are we going to see her father?"

Oby was aware and around when Uche came with his people, it consisted of him, his father and three other men reputed to be uncles. She hid at the back of the obi when the proceedings went on, Ozor and Okafor acted like they didn't know each other because of marriage rites, Okafor kept fixing his gaze on Uche who he felt had used his daughter

" My daughter is not ready for marriage yet" Okafor began "She has to go to college as you must have heard"he said, he was tired of the rehearsed line

Oby stamped her foot in anger as the men talked

" We can wait then, we just want you to accept this wine"one of the uncles said

"I can't accept anything from you, lest it be said I have accepted to give my daughter to daughter would not be available for the next six years, I'm not sure he can wait"

He said looking at Uche with a passive expression.

When they finally left, Okafor remained in his obi, if he told Uche that he would die if he married Obiageli wouldn't he have ran? how would he want to loose his life over one village girl like Ifeanyi had foolishly done when he can marry ten wives if he pleased

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. He couldn't have asked for a better In-law in fact, had been hoping it would happen but he couldn't risk it, Uche was like his son, and Ozor his bosom friend, Obiageli was the cursed one, no one had to suffer or die because of her.

He decided he had done the right thing as Oluchi came inside to sit with him, they looked at each other then turned to stare into space. The peace was broken by Obiageli walking in angrily

"Papa, what was that..?"

They looked shocked, Oluchi gaped at her, why would she talk to her father like that, but Okafor was calm

"Why did you refuse my suitor?" She asked

"Obiageli, I have been rejecting suitors, what is this?"he asked calmly

" You rejected Chief Ozor's son why, they are your friends "

"I have no enemy in this village" he said

"Why did you reject him, he's the one I want to marry" she nagged

"You now question my decision and authority?"

"Yes papa, I'm still  under you but I have to belong to one man, Uche is the man I have chosen, why would you deny me of that right?"

"I have settled it, you marry after college"

"No papa, all my mates are married with children" she cried

"Well you are not your mates, you are going to college this year"

"And if I say I won't?'

" Oby.."Oluchi began

"Mama stay out of this, all my sisters have gone, you both are caging me here, why?"

"What's so special about him, others you didn't even care to know who?"Okafor asked

" cos I want to marry Uche, I love him, I've loved him since I was a child"

Father and mother looked at each other

"Please papa.." She was crying now

"Just wait, in six years you would" he said resting his chin on his stick, by then they hoped she would have forgotten him

" I rather die papa"she suddenly said and Okafor looked up

"Are you pregnant, is that why you are talking like this?" her mother asked in shame

"Tell us, maybe I'll hand you over free of charge" her father said

Obiageli cleaned her eyes and swallowed

" There's more to this, tell me what I don't know"

"You can't get married till you are 25"her mother said

"But why, do I have a sickness, I'm hale and hearty, I want to marry Uche, I want to start a family with him "She said

They looked at each other again, she had so many dreams

"You think its easy..." Okafor began then stopped not wanting to cry

"Okay, Oby, since you want to know..." her mother began and Obiageli waited

"You can NEVER get married" Oluchi said and cleaned a tear that dropped

Obiageli's mouth dropped open in a gape...

"Sit down Oby, it's a long story".


" What do you think, would Obiageli go ahead and marry Uche?


. .

Read " The Bet " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    Hmmmnn, this is serious issue hope obiageli don't kill herself. I can't wait next episode
  • Cynthia spiffy picture
    Cynthia spiffy
    They are meant for each other & they will end up together. Next episode please! More ink to your pen dear!
  • Medina Lawal picture
    Medina Lawal
    I hope they end up together
  • veth picture
    she will strike a deal with the water world besides uche is also a wizard,so nothing will happen to him if he eventually marries her
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