Obiageli - Episode 8

Eight years later

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The stream was filled with children who gathered about, two girls were fighting tearing their clothes and rolling on the ground, the children clapped in encouragement, having not had a free show in some time, it was Obiageli and Ego, Mazi Ikenga's daughter. They finally pushed each other away looking all dirty and wet, the boys thought it was funny but the girls were not done as Ego turned Obi's water away and kicked at her pot which rolled but didn't break, but at Obiageli's revenge kick Ego's pot shattered in pieces, Ego exclaimed and dragged Obi again into another fight till one adult came to break it up, she rained curses fuming in tears wondering what she was going to tell her mother when she got home. The two girls had never been in good terms and always looked for an opportunity to be at each others throat, this was the first time they were fighting and the children were disappointed at the turn of events, they soon dispersed when the show became over.

It was eight years now and Obiageli was twelve years old, Okafor had waited in vain for another child but when none was forthcoming, he resigned his fate to having just one son and five children in his lifetime . He loved Obiageli most of all his children, apart from the fact that she was the last born and had suffered her mother before coming, she was very beautiful, kind and was the apple of his eye

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. She always filled his snuff and he was already calculating her list and the brideprice he would collect on her head.

Oluchi on the other hand was getting more scared as the years passed and her daughter grew into a young girl, her eyes had a sliver rim around the pupil and Oluchi one night waved her palm in front of her

"Obiageli.. do you see anything?"

"Mama what?" She asked surprised

"Do you know you are a princess of the sea?"

"Princess what..?"

And so Oluchi relaxed telling her not to mention it to anyone lest they remembered the mysteries of her birth.

When Obiageli got home from the stream, she turned her water into the drum, as she kept the pot she heard her name..she was about going in the hut when she saw a snake at the front of the house

"Mama..Snake, snake close the door" she screamed out, Oluchi came out in a hurry but saw nothing

"Where is the snake.." then she relaxed "Its just a lizard Obi, can't you differentiate?"

Obi looked again and really it was a lizard, she still stared at it continuously

"Come.." Oluchi shooed the lizard way" I heard you were fighting ".

"I wasn't mama, Ego needed a beating"

"You know your father would not like this" Oluchi said, knowing she couldn't flog her, she waved her in

"come inside, food is ready"

Obiageli looked around the compound before she went in with her mother.

*what do you you think Obiageli is aware she is a princess? Leave your comments below thanks


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Read " The Bet " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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