Palm lines 2 - Episode 18

Palm lines 2

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Erika's POV

"Erika, tell me it's not true that Kasi's not pregnant" Ify begged and I shook my head. I wish I could tell her what she heard wasn't true but I couldn't.
"Who's responsible for it?" 
"Timi" i answered and she charged towards Tuni and I held her back. Ify tightened her fist.
"I just have a question to ask you Tuni, did you or did you not know that they were dating?" She asked and I watched Tuni hide behind Ayo. 
"Did you or did you not know?" She yelled and I begged her to keep her voice down. 
Thelma walked in along with some women and David asked them to leave using their dialect. 
"Tuni, don't get me angry" 
"I did . I just didn't know how to stop it, i didn't even think it was necessary to stop it"
"You're stupid Tuni! You're very stupid! Ha!" She bit her fingers. 
"If I lay my hands on you!" She tried to struggle from my grip and Feso held her. 
"Ify" he wrapped his arms around her and she shook her head.
"My baby girl is pregnant thanks to her and she's barely 16." 
"Yes, thanks to me because I control her sexual hormones" Tuni answered.
"Shut up!" Everyone chorused, "You're not helping matters at all" Ade pointed out.
 Ify placed her hands on her head in tears, "I let your family into my house and I opened my arms wide to you guys but what do I get? Betrayal!" 
"Calm down Ify" David begged, "Don't tell me to calm down David! Don't! If Sharon had gotten pregnant all those years, what would you have done? How would you have felt?" She asked and he kept quiet. 
"I've failed as a mother, I've failed my late husband. I've failed myself"  she screamed, "I'll kill you Tuniola Reiners!" She fell on the ground in tears and I asked Tuni to leave the kitchen and she did. 

After the incident, I decided to put a call through Mrs Reiner.
"Are you aware your son got Ify's daughter pregnant?" I asked and there was a brief silence

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. "Depends on the kind of way" 
"Why didn't you tell me"
"My children don't let me read their palms anymore, it was something I saw right from time. Just like I saw Tuni as a Pastor's wife" she answered and I rolled my eyes.
What kind of Pastor would marry her? I thought within. 
"You could have stopped it" 
"If I had met you long ago and I told you to stay back from that wedding that you'll meet a stranger and you'll get pregnant. You wouldn't have met the love of your life, fine you could have met Feso no doubt but honestly, you would have been single as hell cause Feso ended up going to jail. Ify already had kids but you would have being old without one" she painted a 'would have been' horrible picture but I didn't understand her point.
"I don't understand"
"Some things are meant to be, you don't fight it and no, I didn't know they were currently dating. I didn't even know it will happen this time."
"Ify is angry" 
"I can imagine and I'm sorry about this" she apologized and I sat on the bed with a loud sigh. 
"You saw me ruining my marriage, what if that was also meant to be" "Erika, be more positive"
"So...What's the way forward?" I asked and she chuckled. "You do know that we can't discuss this on phone" 
Tuni left with following morning along with Ade. We had to wait for Thanksgiving at my mother-in-law's church before taking a flight back to Lagos State in the day. 
I didn't want Ify to leave because I knew Kasi will have it real good from her but she left with Feso and I suddenly felt worried for Kasi and the numerous beating she'll receive from her mom.
After Ify got home, she called to inform me that Kasi had left home.
"Tuniola must have warned her, I swear to God if I catch her... Erika if I catch her ehn!"
"Calm down. I'll call Mrs Reiner" I answered hanging up, then I put a call through to the Mrs Reiner.
"Good evening Ma" 
"Good evening dear"
"Is Kasi over there? She left home"
"No. That's serious"
"Can you send me the address of where Timi lives off campus so I can give it to Ify. She's worried.
"Okay" she answered.
I sent the address to Ify that evening. 

After we arrived, I saw Mrs Reiner and Kasi outside her gate. "I got out of the car then I  walked towards them. I unconsciously stared at Kasi's belly but her flat belly were enough to deceive anyone!
"Aunty good evening"
"Don't even evening me dear, I'm so disappointed at you" I snapped and she cried. "Why is this one crying?" I asked, "Timi was arrested!" She answered and I opened my eyes in shock.
" I gave you my son's address and you had Ify arrest him" Mrs Reiner accused and I shook my head.
"I didn't do that, Temi you know me, I wouldn't have done that... Ify really had Timi arrested?" I asked and Kasi gave a gentle nod. 
"I swear to you Temi, I wasn't aware. Why would she do that? That's uncalled for" I complained bringing out my phone from the bag to dial her number. 
"It's so uncalled for"
I tried reaching her but her number was unreachable. "How did it happen?"
"We were off camp this afternoon and I had gone to get ingredients for rice and when I got back, the neighbors said he had been arrested.
"I was about going to the police station."
"Please I'll come with you" I volunteered and we all left in her car
When we got there, we found Timi outside with Tuni, there was a man with them. He had a shirt and suit on, I wasn't sure if her was with them or if he was walking differently on his own.
 Tim looked down on seeing me. He was definitely ashame.
"Before you start ranting and throwing slaps at me cause Kasi's mom already slapped me in the day. I want you to know that I didn't intend for this to happen" he raised his hands up.
"You could have used a condom or if Tuni was so smart, she would have given her contraceptives" i snapped.
"It's not Tuni's fault, she did warn us about this in her own way but... It's out mistake, if anyone wants to throw blame, blame me not Timi, not Tuni either." Kasi answered
 "I don't understand" i shook her head, I didn't understand why it wasn't Tuni's fault.
"No one forced me or coerced me into having s*x, I went on my own will. I was in love and acting upon how i felt" 
"It's our fault" Timi held her hands looking into her eyes. 
"Are you guys seriously aware that you're both still very young?" U asked, "Oh Tuni!" I blamed again.
"I think this is where I have to come in." The young man finally spoke up, "We can blame Tuni all we want, the deed has already been done Ma, there's nothing we can about it." "And who are you?" I asked,  "My name is Pastor Ayo, a friend of Tuni." 
"Do you have kids?" I asked and he shook his head.
"What will you do in future if your daughter comes home pregnant"
"I will be hurt, i won't have the boy arrested that's for sure. I wish I can talk to the woman who did this. She has every right to be mad but putting a boy in prison? That's..."
"I already told Mrs Reiner that it was uncalled for but we still have to understand she's hurt"
"Hurt or not, I know I'm not part of the family and I have no right to intrude but throwing blames at this moment will not help these kids, it'll only push them away. What will you all do when you wake up to find out they're gone? Cause if you all don't embrace them, they're young and young people do irrational things"
"The pastor's right, we did made plans to run" Timi answered and Kasi tapped him for saying the truth. 
"Seriously?" I asked, "Were you two planning on eloping?" I asked in igbo and she nodded, "That's if mom doesn't want me. I'm ready to raise the child alone" she answered back in igbo.
I exhaled tiredly then I looked at Timi,  "What's the way forward now? I mean you're still in school?"
"I'll drop out if I have to" he answered and I rolled my eyes at how stupid he sounded that moment.
"No one is dropping out" Mrs Reiner finally declared.
 "It's my grandchild and I'll take care of you and the baby, whether it's a boy or girl; even if your mom doesn't want it" she added holding her hands and I smiled.
I realized that Pastor Ayo was right, all they wanted that moment was a form of acceptance. They don't need to be pushed away. The mistake had already been made, there was no point crying over spilled milk.


Tuni's POV
I booked a flight back to Lagos on Saturday with Ade. I couldn't stop crying on the plane. I remembered when Timi and Kasi relationship started and the first time they had s*x. How scared Kasi was when her period delayed the following month. 
Mrs Erika was right, I could have prevented the drama that happened at Mr Savage's family  house. I felt responsible for everything!
I had a horrible day. I couldn't think straight, I felt sick to my stomach. Joel paid me a visit at the house, I couldn't even tell him what was going on with me.
I felt the need to call Ayo but I couldn't. The following morning in church, I tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact with him while he preached.
The center focus of the day was the holyspirit. I learnt he could make everything okay, it could comfort you. At the end of the sermon, Ayo asked that we place out hands on our chest and mutter, "Lord Jesus" he began, I was reluctant to do it but it came strong on me to participate.
 "Lord Jesus" I whispered. 
"I invite you into my life" he added and I repeated after him
"I cannot do this on my own, take the old me out, create in me a new me and take over me and help me to do your will" he finally said.
After I repeated it, everything went blank. The next thing I remembered was waking up on the altar with a pink satin material covered over me. 
I recognized the material so well. It was the one I used in wrapping my waist the day I came in with trousers.  Ayo was sitting on the altar and I turned my head to see a few persons roaming the church.
"Good morning to you Ma" I heard him say and I quickly turned to him. "How long was I gone?" I asked sitting up, I had to be on set that Monday. 
"Where's my phone? Or my bag"
"I was just kidding, it's just a minute past twelve. Service ended thirty minutes ago." He answered and I chuckled.
"I was scared." I let out a sigh of relief and he smiled.
"What happened to me? One moment I was repeating what you said and the next minute I was here." 
"You seriously don't remember?" He asked and I shook my head. 
"I honestly don't. What happened?"
"Well you had an encounter with the holy Spirit.  You fell under the anointing and you rolled all over. The ushers had to get that cloth to cover you. They had to move you to the altar because they had to sweep the floor"
"And no one woke me up"
"I told them to let you be. You seemed really tired. Did you even sleep last night?" He asked and I shook my head. 
"Not very well." 
"My brother decided to keep the baby" 
"Thank God" he smiled, "Don't worry, after Kasi gives birth I'll bring the baby for you to take care of" I joked and he laughed.
"Are you okay?" He asked and I shrugged. 
"Mrs Erika, Sharon's mom is angry at me, Kasi's mom is angry too. Kadi left home and  I'm a big disappointment" "Don't say that"
"I've never done anything right in my life" "You can start to make the right decision, just like you made a decision to invite Christ into your life. I couldn't believe my ears when you spoke in tongues"
"That's a lie"
"You did. I'm sitting on the altar, I can't lie"
"How can I believe a guy who just greeted me good morning while sitting on the altar" I snapped and he laughed. 
"Are you hungry, we could have lunch" he answered and I shook my head. 
"Your girlfriend will kill me" 
"She's not"
"Okay fine, your courting partner" I rephrased and he chuckled. "We're no longer courting, we .... How do you guys put it, we broke up" he answered and I finally agreed to go out for lunch.
"I know of this awesome place, it's a bit far but I can trust his food and you won't regret it" I promised then he drove off to Ade's restaurant while I left my car at the church.

One of Ade's servers served us both Jollof rice and chicken and I signalled Ade to come towards us and he did.
"Ade meet Ayo, or you can call him Pastor Ayo" I introduced and he gave me a familiar look.
"The seduction gone wrong Pastor" he laughed and I covered my face with my palm in shame.
Did he have to put it that way? 
"Um... Ayo meet my best friend, Ade, he's the owner of the restaurant" 
"It nice to meet you my brother" he stretched out his hand and Ade bent his head. 
"I'm not sure that I'm worthy to touch this anointed hands" he joked and Ayo laughed and he finally held his hands.
"It's a pleasure meeting you too Ade" 
"Your food tastes great" he commented and Tuni laughed. 
"Don't make his head grow bigger than it is, he's not that good" i commented and I rolled my eyes.
"She's jealous because she doesn't know how to cook" Ade confessed, "Embarrass me the more Ade"
"Seriously?" Ayo asked, he seemed surprise and I laughed nervously. 
"Feel free to leave when you're done embarrassing me" i snapped and Ade laughed.
"There was this time she cooked, her first trial ever, to cook an actual rice.  It was horrible" he explained and Ayo listened in awe.
"And I swore never to cook again. Ade come and be going" I said to him and he walked away laughing. 
"That's embarrassing" I covered my face again. 
"Is it true?"
"Yes... I can't cook. I'm a horrible cook, but I can boil yam, I can fry plantains, yam and I can cook egg and noodles." I answered and he laughed. 
"Well it's not my fault. Mom was a horrible cook too, Dad is the chef, he does the cooking. I've never been interested in cooking, Ayo got me a cook book as a birthday gift" I answered then I remembered what happened between us on my birthday so I cleared my throat.
"I can teach you" he answered and I smiled. 
"You'll do that?" I asked and he smiled. "I'll find a venue to help you out to the best of my ability."
"Why did you two break up? You and ife" i cleared my throat again.
"We broke up cause I realized I wanted to try something new, I didn't see her as that person I want to spend my lifetime with"
"And what made you realize that?" I asked and he paused looking at me.
"You" he answered and I shut my eyes in regrets.
"Seriously?" I opened them and he smiled. 
"After the near-kiss experience I made a lot of realization and I seriously don't want to live in pretense and you were right, I did wanted to kiss you as much as you did that but I couldn't because of Ife. That day I realized that maybe I liked you. Maybe I could take a chance with you, maybe and just maybe we could see how this would work" he proposed and I almost went numb. 
Was he being serious? Bringing up dating proposal just when I was dating Joel. 
I almost rolled my eyes. 
"Um... Ayo"
"I know you might be worried that mom would freak out and truth be told, right now I don't care what she thinks. I just want to know what this might lead to"
"I'm not worried about your career, as long as you're not showing nudity and over exaggerating kiss scenes with men"
"I already told you I'll teach you how to cook" 
"Would you just keep quiet and let me speak?" I snapped, "Please" I added and he smiled. 
"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous" he confessed, "And it's cute" I smiled.
"But I'm with Joel, after you left, we kissed and...." I stalled and he gave a nod. 
"Didn't he mention it?"
"No he didn't"
"I'm sorry"
"It's fine Tuni, it's one of those things. I wish you two the best and I hope you find joy in the relationship" 
"I.." before I could complete my sentence, I received a call. I picked it up only to hear Timi's voice.
"Hey sis"
"Hey dear, what's up? Is this a new number"
"No. I'm calling from a police station, Kasi's mom had me arrested" he announced and I rolled my eyes. 
"Which police station?" 

Ayo drove me over to the police station and he had him bailed out, even when I rejected his offer. Timi came out letting out a loud hiss and I walked up to him. 
"How's prison life?" I asked and he laughed.
"I don't ever want to go back again, those guys inside are bullies" he complained then he looked over at Ayo.
"Who's he?" He asked, "Someone who paid your bail. Not like I couldn't do it but he insisted"
"He is the boyfriend?"
"No.... It's Ayo" 

Read " Dysfunctional " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. I should probably thank him" he motioned towards him.
"Good afternoon" he greeted and he responded back with a smile. 
"Hello Timi"
"Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it, even if you don't know me" "It okay Timi"
We walked out of the police station only to find Mom outside the police station, she was with Kasi and Mrs Erika. 
"Before you start ranting and throwing slaps at me cause Kasi's mom already slapped me in the day. I want you to know that I didn't intend for this to happen" Timi raised his hands. 
"You could have used a condom or if Tuni was so smart, she would have given her contraceptives" she snapped and I folded my hands then I gave Ayo a look.
"It's not Tuni's fault, she did warn us about this in her own way but... It's our mistake, if anyone wants to throw blame, blame me not Timi, not Tuni either." Kasi answered, "I don't understand" Mrs Erika shook her head.
"No one forced me or coerced me into having s*x, I went on my own will. I was in love and acting upon how i felt" 
"It's our fault" Timi held her hands looking into her eyes. 
"Are you guys seriously aware that you're both still very young?" She asked, "Oh Tuni!"
"I think this is where I have to come in. We can blame Tuni all we want, the deed has already been done Ma, there's nothing we can about it." Ayo opined and Mrs Erika gazed at him. 
"And who are you?"
"My name is Pastor Ayo, a friend of Tuni." 
"Do you have kids?" She asked and he shook his head.
"What will you do in future if your daughter comes home pregnant"
"I will be hurt, i won't have the boy arrested that's for sure. I wish I can talk to the woman who did this. She has every right to be mad but putting a boy in prison? That's..."
"I already told Mrs Reiner that it was uncalled for but we still have to understand she's hurt"
"Hurt or not, I know I'm not part of the family and I have no right to intrude but throwing blames at this moment will not help these kids, it'll only push them away. What will you all do when you wake up to find out they're gone? Cause if you all don't embrace them, they're young and young people do irrational things"
"The pastor's right, we did make plans to run" Timi answered and Kasi tapped him. 
"Seriously?" Mrs Erika asked, she asked a question in Igbo and Kasi answered back. 
She sighed then she looked at Timi,  "What's the way forward now? I mean you're still in school?"
"I'll drop out if I have to"
"No one is dropping out" Mom finally declared. 
 "It's my grandchild and I'll take care of you and the baby, whether it's a boy or girl; even if your mom doesn't want it" she added holding her hands and I smiled. 
"Sorry to ruin the suspense but it's a boy" she announced and I rolled my eyes; like she didn't have it in mind! 
Kasi gasped, "That's sweet" "Until you're in the labor room for four hours trying to push something the size of a watermelon out of your vagina" Mrs Erika snapped then she stretched out her hands for a hug and Kasi embraced her. 
 "We have to meet your mom, I'll have to talk some sense into her head." She placed her palm on Kasi's cheeks.
Then I moved close to her, "I'm sorry Ma" I apologized and she gave me a strict look. "I'm guilty and I deserve to be sentenced. Please forgive me" I hugged her and she scoffed then a chuckle escaped from her mouth. 
"It's because of this young man here oh" she answered playfully and I smiled pulling back. 
"Let's leave this place before I get more emotional than this" Mrs Erika announced and I chuckled looking at Ayo.
"Thank you" I mouthed and he smiled.
"You're welcome" he mouthed back.
"I better take my leave now."
 "Oh Pastor" Mrs Erika called out, "Thanks for coming" she added and he gave a gentle nod. 
"God's mercy be with you all" he waved his hands then stretched it at me.  "Would you come with? I'll stop by at the church so you can get your car" 

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