Palm lines - Episode 21

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Mrs Reiner's POV

While we had dinner, Tuni informed me that Erika had been fired from work because of her pregnancy. I felt bad, it felt like a form of discrimination and right violation.
When has a teacher's marital status or s*x life ever dictated a persons employment in a school settings. Every man has his or her respective life to live.
 "As if the stupid man is even good" Tinu commented and I scoffed. 
I knew I had to discuss intensively with the principal the following day. 
I walked into his office with a smirk glued to my face . "This one that you're here this early morning like this, I hope no problem" he began,  "Problem ke? Olorun maje (God forbid)" I shrugged, "God will never let us see problems" I prayed, "Amen oh. Have your seat Ma" he proposed and I waved my hands. 
"Don't bother Sir" I moved over to his book shelf,  "So I heard you fired Miss Erika" I brought out 'Things fall apart' from his collection of novels. 
"Ah han, what business do you too have there that Sharon girl just asked me the same thing?" "Well alot" i moved behind him, "Well, call me her fairy godmother" i answered laughing then I held his hands sitting on the desk. 
The subverting visions I had were suppressing. This man was clearly a serial cheat!
"Mama Tinu"

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Daddy Micheal" I called out. "What's going on?"
"I'm here because I want you to give Miss Erika back her job" 
"Ko se se (It's not possible)"
"Is that so?" I dropped the book on the desk, "What she did was wrong, how can she be pregnant outside wedlock"
"Elder Gbade, calm down let God use you" I sat on the desk.  
"That wasn't a request, it was an order"
"Order for what? Mama Tinu, you better find your way out"
"Hmm... I wonder what the church or your wife and kids will say when they find out about your promiscious activities" I threatened and he immediately looked upon me with so much interest.
"What kind of promiscuous activity are you talking about?" 
"Shade in Brooks estate"
"Shhhh" he covered his own mouth. 
"How about Chioma your Corper, or Rebecca or Sister Bisi in church. Principal Gbade you're a chronic womanizer"
The shock on his face was satisfying, probably wondering how I knew them by their names. "You're just this close to HIV" I warned. 
"What do you suggest? Let's reach a compromise" 
"You're not fit to call someone immoral so you're going to call Miss Erika and you're going to apologize and give her job back. Are we on the same page?" I asked and he nodded. 
"Did I force you to do anything?" I asked and he shook his head. 

I got Erika's address and I decided to pay her a visit. I haven't seen her in  a while.  I knocked on the door and a pretty lady answered. "Hello dear" I waved and she gazed confusedly at me. 
I came here for Erika, "She's in her room, still sleeping" "Can I at least see her?" I held her palms up smiling at her and i glanced at it.
"I hope you're planning on staying with him? He's a wonderful man and you're a sweetheart" I commented and she snapped her fingers. 
"You're that student's mom, come in Ma" she invited me in. "So it's true?" She asked and I smiled, "So it's true what?"
"That you're a palmist" she added, "Yes and I would really like to see Erika if you don't mind"
"I'm sorry Mam but for safety sake, I'll go in and call her out" she suggested, "Do" I agreed and she went in. 
I looked around the sitting room, then my gaze fell on the T.V, there was an advert playing on Zee world.
Erika came out in a nightie, I saw her belly bump and I laughed. "Pregnancy looks good on you anyways" I commented and she chuckled. 
"Good morning Mam" 
"Good morning dear" I hugged her then I held her hands. 
"Let me just change your name to Iya ibeji (Mother of twins) then" I teased and she waved her hands in disagreement, "No way oh, let me just pull one out and know how it feels first" she sat on the chair. 
I laughed at her, she had no idea! I didn't want to ruin the surprise though.
"You're not feeling too well my dear, don't you think you should check out the hospital?" I asked, "I'm fine, I'm just sad, i wish there are doctors who treat sadness" she sat on the chair and I joined her.
"I'm sorry about all you've had to go through"
"Yes, Feso left me, the principal fired me, the church suspended me, my mom is the worst.." she cried, "Oh sweetheart, don't cry"
"I just" she cleaned her tears, "Don't cry it's not healthy for the baby. You feed them with joy, with love cause I see you smiling at the end of this"
"Not one your prophesies again" she snapped. 
"You said I was going to be happy the first time we met, now everything has crumbled down." "You're like a diamond in the rough" "Argh!" She rolled my eyes. 
"If I hear anymore prophesies, I'll just die of heartache and it will be on you"
"You've lost faith"
"There's no point holding on to something you can't see or touch. I have a new faith" she touched her belly. 
"Whether or not you want to hear me talk about this, whether you like it or not, what will be, will be" i smiled. "Feso left, he hasn't return my calls, neither has he been picking them" Erika cried and i hugged her.
"Wasn't i suppose to meet Feso? Wasn't he suppose to be mine?" she asked and pull back looking at her face.
She was begging for answers, but i wasn't planning on saying anything.
Too much information ruins suspense. "That's the essence of this exercise Erika. You're going to discover true love, then you're going to live happily ever"
"Does that mean Feso would come back?" she asked and i sealed my lips. "It's your place to discover that, too much information ruins suspense" i smiled.
"Has Gbade called you?" i asked, "I meant the principal"
"No" she answered then a phone rang. "Excuse me Ma," she went in then remained in for a while.
"Do you care for anything?" the friend asked, "Thank you dear, what's your name?"
"That's my sister's name" i commented and Miss Erika walked in, "I Just got my job back" she looked surprised. Then she turned towards me. "What did you do?" she asked i shrugged, "He had secret and i was willing to keep it for him. When Tuni told me about it, i knew i had to do something"
"Thank you" she clasped her hands in appreciation. 
"I did let him know that i'll resume next week" she added. 


Erika's POV
"Use till the end of this week to put your life in order" She advised and i sighed.
"Nice phone" she commented, "Thanks, Feso..he gave it to me." i stalled.
I've had thoughts of returning the phone back to Feso but i've been relunctant to do so because i had hope that Feso would come back. 
I realized it was time to return the phone back.

I package the phone back into it's phone pack and i had it delivered to him. 
I went back to using Kechi's nokia phone. Kechi mourned the phone i gave away even more than i did. The next day, Instead of wasting money on repair, I decided to go to a nearest phone store to get myself a new phone. 
I felt cold on my way back, I managed to get back home. There was no one home so I went into my room to rest, i anticipated that I'll feel better before I wake.
I perceived a concentrated hospital smell . I opened my eyes to confirm my suspicion.
I was in a hospital. I turned to see a female doctor above me. "I was even about to wake you up" she said and I became even more confused. 
I wondered what I was doing in a hospital and what a doctor was doing over me.
"Am I dreaming?" I asked, "No you're not" she answered. 
"You gave everyone quite a scare there" she added.
"Everyone? Who? I'm sorry but how did I get here?" I asked, "David rushed you as quickly as possible" 
"Now I'm lost"
"David Savage?" She asked and I scoffed. "That's strange. I don't understand, one minute I was in my room sleeping and now I'm here and now your saying Mr Savage brought me here" I attempted sitting up but I felt weak. 
"Urgh!" I groaned. 
"Sorry, you're weak right? You woke up severally but you slept back, are you aware?" She asked writing on her note pad. "I....Can you please give me a proper explanation of what happened?" 
"Your friends brought you here because you were burning up. They tried waking you up but you were out, more like you fainted"
Mr Savage, Sharon and Dorcas walked in. "Talk about the devil" she added.
Sharon hugged me and Dorcas walked towards me. "Hey!" She held my hands, "I was worried out there" 
"I'm sorry"
"Thank God for Sharon who decided to visit, I wouldn't have been at home, and only God knows what would have happened to you"
"Or what would have happened if the door was locked" Mr Savage  added. I wasn't if that was angry I denoted in his voice or concern.
"It wasn't my fault, I realized I wasn't feeling too well so I just passed out on the bed, i don't remember fainting"
"Probably a reaction from Malaria and a high blood pressure" the doctor answered. 
"I don't have it"
"Well depends on your emotional state or some pregnancies actually makes your blood pressure high so we might have to put you on a diet. When last have you treated Malaria?" She asked and I paused in thought.  
"Sometime in August"
"How long have you been having the symptoms?"
"I thought it was the pregnancy symptoms" "I hope you know the statistics of people that die daily as a result of malaria, especially pregnant women"
"Every sick person should visit the hospital" Mr Savage opined, "But some people would not" he added and I scoffed. 
"How long have you even known me?" I asked, "The day you broke your wrist, did you check yourself when I suggested it?"
"Because I had a job" 
"And the other day you got sick and Sharon and I had to visit you" he pointed out and I scoffed. He had no idea what I was going through that moment.
That was the day I found out I was pregnant!
"Should I remind you I've been visiting the hospital" I answered pointing at my belly and he gazed it. "Stop making it look as if I gave my myself the malaria" 
"I got worried when you didn't wake up even when I pinched you"  he answered and I rolled my eyes.  "Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded. 
"Is the baby alright?" He added and the doctor smiled. 
"We'll have to conduct some scan and maybe an ultrasonography" "Who's paying the bill?" I asked and Doctor Hope pointed at Mr. Savage.  "Feel free to conduct whatever scan you want" I answered and he laughed. 
I looked up at the doctor, "So I can see know the sex of my baby?"
"Yes, you can, how long gone ?" "It's almost four months"
"Can I do it today?" I asked and she nodded. "Yes" she smiled then she left afterwards.
"What if I decide not to pay the bill again?" He asked, "Was I the one that begged me to bring me to a big hospital, look at the environment" I looked round. 
"I'm already registered to another hospital" 
"This is my family hospital, Sharon was given birth to here," he smiled at Sharon. "I'm not part of your family" I snapped, "i know, I don't mind if.." he cleared his throat. "If you have your child here"
"I won't be able to afford it, I'll still give birth to the baby, there's life after that, there's Pampers, there's baby food. I can't waste it all on antenatal care"
"Take it as a scholarship for the baby, it'll be on me" he proposed and paused in thought.  It was a tempting offer
"Why are you doing this?" I asked suspiciously and he shrugged. "Cause I can" he answered and I scoffed. 
"Now you're bragging"
"Cause I want to"
"Awwn" I smiled touching my belly, "You just received a first scholarship. The first among many, my son's going to be smart like his mother. I was on scholarship too in my year two" I announced. 
"I won nobel prizes too" she added. "But you still have just your Bsc. so...." He paused and I laughed heartily. Suddenly I noticed Dorcas and Sharon stare blankly at me. 
"What?" I asked, "Sharon let's go talk about that thing we wanted to talk on but we didn't.
"Yes...that thing" she answered leaving. 
"I was on scholarship too, I won award's too in the university, remember I have multiple degrees."
"So now it's a competition of degrees and smartness" 
"Not smartness, you're smarter than I am. I only have my degrees and of course, my good looks" he added and I scoffed then I laughed. 
"Please don't make me laugh I'm weak" 
"I'm sorry" he apologized then stared at my belly for a while. "You can take a picture , it will last longer" I snapped and he shut his eyes. 
"Yes I caught you staring"
"I'm sorry"
"You must be wondering who the father is...." I paused, "It's not Feso" she paused, "I got this from a one night stand stand"
"And you didn't think of ...." 
"I didn't want to die" i answered, I didn't know how better to explain it to him. "I saw myself die... It's spiritual anyways. I couldn't do it.."
"And Feso?" He asked and I looked away. 
"He left, I guess he needed to think about his decisions" I answered and he scoffed. "Thanks" I placed my palm over his hands and I squeezed it softly. 
"For saving me"
"I'm a badass hero without a cape." He winked at me and I laughed. "Do you have to brag everytime" 
"So bragging is always bad when I do it but good when you do it" he complained and I saw mom walked in with Ada and Tammie. She had a nylon in her hands.
 I was shocked, "Mom?" 
"Your friend called me, I had to get here as quick as possible" she moved closer to me then she looked at Mr. Savage. 
"Good afternoon Ma" he greeted. "Good afternoon" Mom answered, "I know this face nah, Ugo's wedding"
"Yes Mam... I'm Richard's Boss"
"Now I remember, how are you?"
"I'm fine Ma and you"
"I'm fine my dear" she answered. 
"Uh.... I better go" he added.
"Please go with her" I pointed at Tammie. "I don't want her in the room right now, she's a talkative" "He's more like a stranger" Ada said in Igbo, "I trust him" I answered back in Igbo. 
"Can you please take her out of a while?" I requested and he held Tammie out. "What's your name?" I heard her ask and I looked out the door, I was worried for him. 
Slowly I turned towards mom, "How are you?" She asked and I paused, "What are you doing here?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. 
"What kind of silly question is that? Your friend told me you were sick and i rushed here to see my daughter, is that a crime"
"I thought you were angry at me"
That's one thing you don't know Erika" Ada moved closer to me, "Mom cannot get angry at you for too long" she added and I scoffed in unbelief. 
"She has been angry with me since I turned 28,"
"I've been disappointed, it's different from being angry." Mom sat on the bed. "Erika you're my favorite daughter, you've always been" she paused in tears. 
"You've always been so blind to realize it" Ada added and I scoffed. "Well you've always had an awful way of showing your love"
"Because you're full of disappointments, always making disappointing decisions" she answered. "I'm sorry" I apologized in tears. 
"For all the times I've disappointed you, for everything"  I added and she hugged me, I heard her sniffle, then she pulled back wiping her tears off with her fingers.
"Do you even know the father at least?" She asked and I shook my head.
"I told you already Mom, I don't. I was drunk and I woke up n*ked in bed, he wasn't even there when i woke"
"God will punish him!" Mom cursed and I chuckled. "I really don't want anyone laying curses, he's still my child's father and I don't want him suffering because of one curse from his grandma" I placed my hands on my belly.
"You just said him"
"I feel like it's a boy, I have a strong feeling. We're about to find out the baby's s*x, do you guys want to watch?" I requested and they decided to wait. 
A hour time, I went into the scan room, everyone gathered around me. Mr Savage walked in with Tammie, she had ice cream in her hands. 
For some seconds there I craved for it, "Jesus!" Tammie yelled on seeing my belly "Aunty is pregnant for real" she added and I rolled my eyes.
"Can you take her out?"
"No way" he answered moving to close to me while the doctor probed a plug-like tool called the transducer on my belly and it glided over the gel.
Everyone's eyes immediately fixed on the monitor. "Awwn, my baby" i commented getting all emotional. "Babies actually" the doctor corrected and glanced at her, not really sure whether to believe her or not. 
"Congratulations,..You're having twins" she announced and everyone rejoice, especially Dorcas. I wasn't sure if I was too thrilled about the news. 
Suddenly I remembered when Mrs. Reiner called me Iya Beji (Mother of twins)" and it finally made sense.
I suddenly felt scared. 
 I turned over to Mr. Savage and I saw tears trickle down his cheeks then I saw him wipe them off. At least someone shared the same feeling with me. 
I was so close to crying. 

"Twins?" I asked the doctor, "Are you sure it's not a mistake from a blurry vision of the monitor" I asked and Ada laughed at me. "See that image there" she pointed at the image still roaming the transducer on my belly.
"You're having two boys"
"Awwn, that's cute" Dorcas commented.
 "She's scared oh" Ada pointed out,  "Why won't I be scared? Even Mr. Savage is crying for me?" I turned towards him and all eyes did too.
His hands were still wiping some tears off. "Why is he crying?" Mom asked, "I'm sorry" he apologized, "My wife did this too then we found out we were having a boy" he paused and I felt bad. 
"Excuse me" he added leaving the room and Dorcas followed him.

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. "What's wrong with him?" Mom asked and I sighed. 
"He lost his wife during delivery" I answered feeling bad. 
"Ehya..  Na wa oh. What is he doing here? How did you even get to know him."
"This is his daughter" I pointed at Sharon, "She's a SS1 student in school, she came looking for me and if they didn't come, I don't what could have happened to me "
"I'm sorry about your mom"
"It's fine, it's been years already" she answered. "I can't wait to see your twins" Sharon added with a wide smile. 
" I didn't want twins, let me just rehearse with one child first, Mommy it's two oh, it's two" I complained again after the doctor left. 
 "It's inside already, there's nothing you can do"
"Two child at the same time"
"Technically it's not at the same time" Mr Savage said walking in after crying. "Technically it's not at the same time" I mimicked and he laughed. 
"I'm hungry" I complained, "i brought your favorite soup" Mom opened up a nylon removing a food flask. "I don't want Ofe nsala. I want something really chewy," 
"There's meat inside, two for you, one for the baby" 
"I'm having cravings for Sharwarma" "Sharwarma that your father invented?" Mom asked and I saw Mr. Savage almost laugh. "But you hated Sharwama nah" Ada added, "I love it now"
"What's the thing compared to a good soup prepared by your own mother" Mom raised the Eba up, "I wasn't sure if you would like to eat two or one wraps Eba" she weighed the Eba. 
"Your mom's right, you should listen to her, eat healthy food like Ofe nsala" Mr. Savage teased and i glared at him. 
"Get me shawarma" I mouthed, I saw him mouth something like, "No eat your off nsala"
"Please" I begged out loud, and mom looked at me. "Please what?"
"Please give me the ofe nsala, I'm hungry" she answered. Mr Savage laughed.
"Please" I mouthed again. 
 Mr Savage and he gave me a thumbs up leaving the room.
 Sharon laughed and Ada laughed also at the scene displayed.
"What's going on?" Mom asked and I shrugged pretentiously, "Nothing oh" I answered and then I glanced at the door. 

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  • Views (9077)
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  • Comments (25)
  • Rating (4.7)
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Oh boy, when can Mr. Savage man up to tell her the truth. Nice write up dear
  • Debby Treasure picture
    Debby Treasure
    Love it stories girl
  • Omo Ola picture
    Omo Ola
    Wow... interesting episode.... well done, Eno!
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    I hope Erika won't hate David when she learns the truth!
  • oladunni oyelami picture
    oladunni oyelami
    Waoh,think it’s time for confession,Good story.Thumb up
  • Oyebode Funke Bolanle picture
    Oyebode Funke Bolanle
    Wow I hope mr savage man up Nd say the truth nd hope she won’t get really mad about it
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    This episode is hilarious! Love Erika and David combination. David is carrying because he is having twins after Sharon but he couldn't express his happiness. Next please
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    This episode is hilarious! Love Erika and David combination. David is crying because he is having twins after Sharon but he couldn't express his happiness. Next please
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Confy-Dencie too, i want sharwarma ooo. I just hope Erika will be able to forgive Savage wen d truth is out
  • Njoku Chinenye picture
    Njoku Chinenye
    Heeeeeeh!!! This love sweet ooo Na correct love from Tokyo
  • Abigail Edos picture
    Abigail Edos
    This is beautiful, can you please post another episode tonight? Pleaseeeeeeee
  • Godiya Wisdom Jerry picture
    Godiya Wisdom Jerry
    that was really a beautiful scene.. i love this story .. thumps up Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks@Debby treasure
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks@Omo Ola
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks for the comment@ Pamela
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thank you Oladunni
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks@ Ronke
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Hahaha @Confydencie. Me too.. Thanks for the comments
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    So interesting, mama ibeji has met her Joy and everyone seems to be happy with her including Mr Savage,
  • Elizabeth picture
    So interesting
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