Palm lines - Episode 5

Palm lines

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Feso's POV
I knew I would definitely have a disturbing Sunday judging from what happened the previous night. I did something, something I regret so much.
 I made my way into the bathroom where I left the sink tap running. For a moment I began to think, when did I grow to he heartless or was i  given birth without conscience.
I washed my face, then I stared at my reflection, i couldn't even recognize myself.
I had to miss church service because I had breakfast meeting with the entire nuclear family. My dad, mom, my brother, my sister and myself.
I drove over to the house, walked in to see Mom in a white and gold Bubu gown . Her low cut has been dyed gold. She never like grey hairs.
"Is that grey hair I see?" I teased her and she laughed.
"Your sister helped me with the dye" she kissed me on my cheek.
"It's as if you don't want to grow old at all" "I'm still thirty three"
"And I'm fourteen" I answered and she laughed. 
"How have you been doing?" She asked, "I've been fine, business has been"
"Not business... You know what I mean" she gave me that serious look and I scoffed.
She wanted to know about my mental health, and no I wasn't crazy

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. I had a little anger problem that hindered my social life. I was a social wreck!
I've always been one since my childhood days; effects from growing up under the mechanic regime of a strict father whose company I now manage. 
They said I took the anger from him.
"I've never been better" I answered. "Where's Osi?" I asked of my little brother but mom's response gave it away. He definitely wasn't coming.
"He said he had a seminar to prepare for"
"His seminar was last week" I whispered, "Well your father doesn't know that does he?" Mom winked at me and i scoffed. 
"I'm hungry, I haven't had home made meal in forever!" I sighed then we heard the bell ring.
"That must be your sister" mom smiled and the maid opened the door. Ashley walked in with her lesbian girlfriend, Chelsea"
What effrontery!
"Oh" mom turned to me. 
"Did you invite the both of them?" I asked before I could proceed with my next action. "She didn't tell me she would be coming with her" mom answered through gritted teeth then she faked a smile at them. 
"Hello family!" She exclaimed with joy but I returned it with a frown.
"Why did you bring her here?" I asked and Ashley scoffed.
"She flew in from the state for this meeting" "Who told her she was invited? Ashley, why are you so reckless and inconsiderate?"
"Inconsiderate that my girlfriend came to spend family time with us" "She's not family"
"As far I'm concerned, she is"
"Ashley, if this is about me, I'll just leave" she answered with her American accent.
"No one is leaving!" She yelled.
"Are you trying to ruin breakfast for everyone? Whatever relationship you have with her there in America is fine, it's their custom, but here in Nigeria, we have customs that binds us, traditions"
"You guys have to lower your voice before you dad hears this" Mom intervened but it was too late we heard dad's voice from behind.
"Too late" he said walking in with his leg support staff.  He has been using since the accident he was involved in five years ago.
"You dare walk into my house with this Ekwe nsu! (devil)" Dad pointed at her.
 "You disrespect me even more Ashley"
"It's not intentional. All I want is acceptance, dad I'm happy with Chelsea. I'm happy mom, that's one thing you'll never get Feso, happiness" she shook her head pathetically staring at me.
"You two better leave, cause if I get my gun, you'll both be sorry for yourself" Dad limped back inside and i demanded that she leaves. 
Dad doesn't bluff.
"I'll leave" Ashley cried, "I'm happy and free from him Feso, are you?" She left and for a split second, I gave it a thought.
All I've ever wanted was to make my own damn decision but I've never been privileged to.
Suddenly I heard a loud thud, I turned to see Mom on the floor touching her chest. "Mom!" I screamed in fear.

Mom woke up hours later. I was sleeping on a chair in the same ward with her when she woke up. She called my name thrice before I finally jerked up.
Didn't you have enough sleep last night?" She sat up and I wiped my face with my palm then I sniffled.
"How are you?" I avoided the topic moving close to her. 
"It's one stupid heart, I won't die yet, not without seeing you give me grandkids." She patted my cheek and I laughed hysterically.
"I'm dead serious! When would you bring a lady home or are you hiding her"
"There's no one"
"I want to hear that cry of a baby in this house. We need a little liveliness" "And a baby would do that?" I asked and she nodded. 
"It's the miracle of a baby and a good wife"
"I haven't seen that woman yet"
"How about all the ladies you've been sleeping with?" She asked and I laughed. I couldn't believe I was having that discussion with her.
"I've always thought you would get married to that your father's Secretary until she got married"
"Well, you were too slow. Don't be slow in this life. Only sharp guys make it. When you see someone you feel can be the right one, someone precious, you should damn all consequences and ask her out"
"Are you seriously tutoring me?" I asked and she nodded. 
"You can learn a few tricks from me" she answered and we both laughed.

I had a board meeting where I had to present my latest innovation with one of my father's big time investor. Actually his heir would be coming in the stead of his late father. His son, Dozie Lawson, once my best friend turned enemy.
I had prepared my pitch but he rejected before I started. There was this silence in the board room. "I haven't even began yet" I said and Dozie grinned. 
I recognized that damn grin!
"I feel like I won't like it" he answered and I scoffed squeezing the remote in my hands and i in turn turned off the screen I wanted to use to project my idea. 
I was putting up so much restraint so I don't punch him in the face. I wanted to throw the remote in his face. 
He still had that damn grin glued to his face. 
"You can continue" he demanded and I cleared my throat. I gave of my best pitch but he laughed afterwards as though I just told a joke.
"What's funny?" I asked him, "That's the lamest sh*t I've ever heard and I've heard you say a lot of bullsh*t" he snapped and I held on to a chair. 
I could have flung it at him but I had my secretary's eyes on me. Ify would be disappointed if I react. 
"If it were to be your father"
"Don't compare me to my father!" I yelled. 
He smirked.
 He had finally hit where it hurts. "Unless you have something better, I'll take my investment elsewhere" he threatened leaving the room.
Ifeoma, my secretary walked into my office smiling, she looked tired, her pregnancy was really taking a toll out of her. I have severally advised her to take a leave but severally has also she refused.
"Do you want me to kick his ass?" She asked and I laughed. "He's not worth the anger" she added.
"The guy is an a*shole" I replied and she gave me that proud smile.
"I know, your pitch was amazing. I think you should save it for Chief Benson. Dozie is just clouded by hate"
"I know"
"You two used to be best of friends, what happened? I know I've asked a million times. What happened to that brotherly bond" She asked and Ajayi walked in. 
Thank God! I sighed within. I wanted to avoid the topic. Ajayi was definitely God-sent.
In between my non-social life, Ajayi was the only friend I had. I saw him look at Ify's buttocks. "Mehn Ify, this your yansh don big pass before oh, your husband is helping your ministry."
Ify laughed.
"I better leave you guys"  she announced then she left. 
"How was your pitch?" He asked, "Dozie didn't like it, he even compared me with my father" 
"Ehya, but sha your father was good, if not for that stupid accident that..." He stared at me finally realizing that I was glaring at him.
He had to keep shut.

Weeks later, I stared at a miniature building plan thinking of how an employee had just insulted me by comparing me to Dad.
I pushed the plan off the table and it crashed on the floor.
"Feso!" Ify exclaimed.
"The insults" 
"I'm sorry" she apologized. 
"It's nothing, I'll just ... Overlook it"
"So you're not hurt?" She asked, "Can you believe she said I'm not good enough?" I asked and ify laughed.
"I thought you said it's nothing and you'll overlook it"
"I'm so pissed off right now" i tightened my fist.
"When would you go for your leave? I mean you're how many weeks due again?" He asked and she laughed.
"I'm I complaining?"
"No you're not but people would begin to look at me like I'm a horrible boss who keeps his pregnant employees without giving them leaves"
"I'm here to keep you smiling. You can't do shit without me. I'll leave when I find out that you're better" 
"Seriously?" I asked and she nodded. "What if I give you a compulsory leave?" I asked and her face contorted into grimace.
"Ouch" she groaned in pain and i grew worried. 
"Are you okay?"
"This is my third contraction since I woke up. I thought it was nothing since I was due in two weeks. Feso it's coming" she noted me then she stood akimbo. She took a deep breathe in and then out.
"Let's go to the clinic now"
"This is my third child, I'll be fine" she answered.
While we were about entering into the car, her water broke. 
"Sh*t" i moved back.
Ify groaned in pain then laughed. "What's funny?" "My labour never takes long" she answered entering into the car. 
She wasn't joking, while i drove the car Ify groaned severally at the back of the car. 
"How are you feeling?" I turned back at her to see the baby's head out already. 
"Jesus!" I yelled almost losing control on the steering. 
"Should I pull over to help you out?" I asked and Ify groaned in pain.
"Just keep on driving" she yelled.

I bow, palm against my face while waiting for a go ahead to go see Ify. A nurse finally came in. 
"You can go and see her now"
 Ify was with her sister Amaka or Amara, I wasn't sure of her name. Ify smiled on seeing me, "See who's here?" 
"How are you?" I asked and she gave a gentle nod.
"I'm a bit sore but I'll survive" she answered and i shook my head. I still couldn't get the sight of the baby's head out of my head. 
It was my first time witnessing such.
I wondered how women still manage to have more children after experiencing such.
"I heard that you saw it" Ify's sister teased and i laughed. Of course I understood what she meant. "I wish I can un-see it" I rolled my eyes and Ify laughed.
"I called your husband"
"I called him too, he just left port Harcourt. Thank you Boss" 
"You're welcome, I did it for you and the little man"
"Feso junior, that's the name I want for him,"
I was taken back by her decision, I stared at her suspiciously.
"I'm honored" I answered sincerely, but apart from fact that i felt honored that she named her son after me, I also knew she wanted something in return.
I've been with her long enough to know.
 "Okay, what do you want?"
"It's Kasi's PTA meeting, help me out" "No way"
"There's no way I'm sitting with a bunch of parents arguing over stupid topics, I'm not even a dad yet"
"Please Feso"
"Send Amaka or Amara"
"Its Amaka... She'll will help me pick my daughter up from school, please. The PTA starts two hours from now"
"Urgh! Ify"
"Biko nu, I'm even naming my child after you. Just use that one to cover it up." 
I sat down in thought. 

I walked through the school halls in search of a multipurpose hall. The whole school was empty except for two boys that were wondering around. One was taller than the other.
I called their attention for directions and they pointed to a place. "Just go straight from that angle then go left and then right"
"Okay" I tried processing the information. 
"Go left then right" I muttered and the short boy nodded. 
I walked the direction given to me but I met a close end. There was only one door so I decided to walk into it and then I bumped into a lady.
Hey" i smiled unconsciously, "Hey" she smiled back at me.

For some weird reasons, I I felt relieved.
 "Thank God, you're a teacher right?"
"Wait is it that obvious?" She asked and i shook my head, I didn't actually mean for it to sound that way. 
"That wasn't what I meant" I replied and she chuckled.
"Yeah I know, I was just kidding" she answered and I laughed.
  "What are you doing here?" She asked, "Isn't this the PTA room?"
"It should be a hall not a room" 
"Two boys directed me here" i answered and she laughed, I knew I had definitely been fooled. 
"Two boys, one is taller than the other?"
"George and Joy, don't worry, they'll feel my wrath tomorrow" "Tomorrow is Saturday" i answered and she shut her eyes.
"It's true," she slapped her forehead. "Till Monday then." She replied with a smile and I felt my legs go weak over it. I haven't seen a woman like her in a very long time.
"I'm sorry for being pranked. Some of the students are that way. You just want to kill them, in a good way sha" she added and i chuckled.
"I think i understand." I answered staring at her. 
"I'm going for the meeting, you can come along with me" she suggested but I was lost in get beauty. 
"Hello!" she called out and i jerked out of my unconscious stare at her.
"Uh?" I asked and she laughed.
"I said..." She paused, "I'm actually going to the meeting right now....if you don't mind following me.."
"Sure" i answered.
"Definitely" i added and we began began walking. 
"Isn't the meeting supposed to start by three?"
"Yes..but Nigerians and African time are inseparable conjoined twins" she answered and I laugh. That's was a first time hearing that expression.
I've never participated lateness or  African time until that day. It was because I had second thoughts about coming.
Thank God I didn't stay back!
"What your name?" I asked and she laughed. I didn't understand why she did, I felt embarrassed, as though she was mocking me for asking.
"Don't laugh"
"Why? I do i look that ugly when I laugh" she asked rather seductively and I shook my head immediately.
"That wasn't what I meant" 
I felt guilty.
"Okay. I had a reason for laughing. It's a long name. My name is Ifechimererika but I prefer you keep it simple and call me Erika" she answered and i smiled. 
 "God's work are endless" i interpreted and she raised her brow in surprise. 
"You're ibo?"
"Yes, my name is Fesochukwu"
"You don't look igbo at all"
"I get that all the time" i answered and she smiled. I exhaled after this. I needed rest. 
"You seem exhausted"
"Maybe" I answered. "Can you believe that I just saw a real life birth action for the first time in my life" 
"On phone?"
"No, a woman gave birth in my car" i answered, "Your wife?" 
"No" i laughed nervously.
"My secretary..

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. it's a boy. Her first male child and she named him after me" I explained and she smiled. "How was the sight?" She asked, "Horrible" i answered and we both laughed.
"It's like nothing you've ever seen"
"I've seen many more than I can count. Mom is a mid-wife so we've had pregnant women trooping in and out. So you had to experience that" Erika dwell on the topic and then a man called her attention.
"Miss Erika!" He called out, "Excuse me, I have to meet my boss" she pointed at a door at the extreme, "There it is" she answered.
"Thank you" i added and she smiled. I didn't know why her boss had to interrupt our discussion.
The meeting commence with Erika leading in some worship song. Damn her voice sounded good!
I remembered what Mom said about taking chances with a girl at the right time. Before ify got married, I had a crush on her, I was so close to asking her out when she told me she said yes to a guy who asked her out. 
I almost died of jealousy and heart ache. The next thing I knew, they were preparing to get married.
I still regret my actions till now.
There was no way I was going to let this slide. I liked her at first instance; call it love at first sight. I'm not going to waste my chances ; all I prayed for was for the meeting to end quickly so I can get her phone number.

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