Phoenix Reborn - Episode 16

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He walked around the room in total confusion. This was getting weird. Why would someone like her be interested in a place like that. It was a house, in a slum. She was a multibillionaire. And why did she have a similar name to his Jewel, could she possibly know her or was it couldn't be. They were beyond poor when he left them. He would however know for sure once the detective he hired to find out about Olivia Michaels' past got back to him.
He'd reached out to his old friend who was the current minister of defence in Kenya to do some digging on the activities surrounding the house.
At first, he couldn't get any information even when he sent officers to the house, they were turned away, when they tried using force, they were met with equal if not more force and since the guys had been smart enough to film everything, their defence that it was self-defense would stand in court . So he'd tried to use his influence to arm wrestle the courts into convicting the thugs but that was when he realized someone with more influence in the country was determined to ensure the guys walked free. On further investigation, he'd realized it was Olivia, that was when he decided to back down and steer clear of the house. He could not understand why two , influential and powerful people wanted from a shanty in the slum so bad to go on full out war like that but he didn't want to get caught in the middle, especially because Miss Michaels had the juice to destroy him and his career.
That is what minister Njogu had told him the last time they spoke.
At the African Royalé casino down town Nairobi,
'This must be a dream, I lost the entire three hundred million plus the the extra ten million dollars in my account? My family will freak out! But I'd only wanted to gamble and multiply the money so I would be left with more after giving each family it's cut....' Micheal thinks to himself downing a vodka and gin cocktail

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. This had been the worst idea of his life, not only didn't he have the company anymore but he was also dead broke.
'D*n it! This is that woman's fault,' he thinks, slapping himself. He'd sold her Delta thinking she'd marry him in future so money wouldn't be a problem. But when she'd said she was married already, his plans had come undone, he'd realized he had nothing.
"Maybe I could take advantage of the fact that the sale has not been made public yet and talk my family into giving me all their money to try and save Delta, which I can claim is falling on hard times. They trust me when it comes to business so it should be easy convincing them. Then I could try gambling at another casino to get more cash and tell them I sold it at a fortune. Yes that's what I'll do," he says aloud to himself.
People had been staring at him wondering if losing all that money had made him run mad. When he realized this, he stood up and left. He had to put his plans in motion because he didn't have much time.
Contrary to expectations, Olivia was loving Madrid. Max senior was as charming as they say. Not only was he a great father in law and grandpa, he'd also given her major pointers on how to handle misogynistic guys in different lines of work. This would come in handy in the new demographics she was planning on going into. They'd hit it off and become inseparable during and after the funeral. To him, she was the daughter he'd always wanted, to her, he was the dad she'd wished she had. Even Alejandro was jealous. Her only pain was her mother in law who'd developed a huge grudge against her for changing her daughter's name but she couldn't give a rats a*s. The late Diana Kweyu is still the only person who could ever control her, even in death. There was a time she wanted to change her name to Olivia Kweyu but then it didn't sit down well with her because it meant shedding her identity, an entire part of who she was. So she swallowed the spite and stuck with the name. Much to her distaste. She always wondered why her parents didn't give her an African name. She would definitely have preferred it. If it her kids didn't have that obvious foreign gene, she would have given them African names.

Read " Phoenix Reborn: My True Brother " by the same author ( Sylvia Maleko )

. Unfortunately the teal eyes, silky hair and light skin made it difficult. She sometimes called her daughter Kweyu in the presence of other people and they looked at her like she was mental. She'd however vowed she would give a child of hers all African names if he or she took after her. She wasn't planning on having more kids but with the amount of s*x she and Alex were having, it was always a possibility.
"Sorry sir, your daughter vanished twenty three years ago and there is nothing on Oliver Michaels beyond fifteen years ago. Your daughter vanished and eight years later Olivia surfaces. It's possible they are the same person but it is also possible they've never even crossed each others paths before."
"But is there a way to know for sure. I mean, if they know each other or even if they are the same person. People don't just disappear without a trace and appear out of thin air. This Olivia must have come from somewhere."
"Could you call in favours, get prints, maybe DNA. That could help in figuring out who she is and why she's interested in the shanty."
"Don't you ever call it that you hear," he screams at the detective.
"Yes sir, sorry sir."
"Good, I'll get back to you. Meanwhile, I suggest you keep digging  or no one's getting paid."
"Sir yes sir."

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