Pierced Rose - Episode 28

Slashed Heart

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Reginah had train of thoughts as she walked down 3rd Avenue Street. She felt like her heart been heavy. She didn't feel the soothing sun on her face. She was heartbroken and confused.

It had been a week away from the world but it felt indifferent. Her pain's intensity was still the same..
Ironically she spent the week at Aunt Bilu's who wasn't ashamed of what she did... Even thou Reginah was mad at her that was the only place she could think peacefully..

She wanted to be away from her problems for a while... She needed the smell of fresh air on her face before she faced her demons once again...

She walk towards the door and inserted the unlocking code swiping it open..
"Maggie, Maggie darling!" She called, dropping her clutch at the floor running towards the kitchen.

"Maggie!!" Reginah sobbed as they run towards each other and met at the middle.
"Dear where have you been??? Do you know how worried we were especially Brad.."

"I really need a friend now." Reginah whispered unable to control her tears.
"What happened darling??? talk to me..." Maggie lamented, her hands on Reginah's shoulders..

"I have lost once again. I have lost the love of my life once again.." The whole kitchen was filled with sobs.
"I don't understand.."

"Could you just please hug me tight???" Reginah requested and Maggie nodded hugging her. She didn't ask her anything else but  just allowed her to wash her pain away... 

After being calm and putting herself together she narrated the whole situation with Brad's mother.
"Maggie, I don't wanna go to jail."
"I don't know what to do, I can't have Brad hating me. I don't want him to hate me for a mistake I did four years ago.. I am scared..." Reginah sobbed, her insides churning with fear...

"Ssshhh!!! You won't go to jail Riri, we won't allow that.. Nothing will happen to you.." Maggie consoled trying to fight her tears..
"How am I gonna tell Brad it's over??? How am I gonna live without him???" Reginah yelled clenching her fists...

She tried so hard to swallow the sorrow that was stuck in her heart but the pain burdening her chest was unbearable. But with Maggie beside her gave her strength.

"I think is best for now that you leave Brad alone ." Maggie said taking her hand into hers.
"I know I don't want my dirty skeletons out of the closet.."
"And I don't want my bestfriend going to jail.."

A tear trickled down her cheeks, memories flooding her mind.
"The nightmares," she paused walking towards the couch still crying," are you still there." She stammered.
"For how long???"
"For a while now, I can see him everywhere.." Reginah shivered biting her lip hard that it bled..
"I am here for you, okay??? We gonna fight this together.." Maggie assured embossing her into a hug...

There were tears rolling down Maggie's face as she rubbed her back. She understood her pain, her agony, her grief... She loved Greg so much and  if she was to be given an ultimatum like Reginah was she would die. He was her whole world..

"I love you so much Riri and will never get tired of fighting and been there for you." Her words made her feel better, she needed that hug, even if it were just words . She needed Maggie to soothe her like a baby.

Reginah pulled back and took Maggie's hand, "You have seen my weakness, held my hand, let me Call you a friend, looked through my emotions but now I need you more than ever because am falling." Reginah pleaded placing their now joint hands on each other.

She was lonely, she felt so abandoned and she need her company. Each drop from her eyes stood for the pain inside.

"Wipe those tears and be strong for me. We will conquer this storm." Maggie assured wiping Reginah's tears with her thumbs as she did hers.

"I think you should spend some nights here so we can plan what to do.."
"Okay, so what with the boxes??? Are you moving out??"
"No silly, Mary is moving in with me..."
"That's amazing.We will talk later. Can I go and get some rest??? I have a terrible headache..."
"Okay dear, love you..."

It was lunch time  after Reginah's last lecture. She still looked pale and sick since she had not been getting enough rest or even eating..Maggie had to force to come to school since their exams were soon approaching...

She neither applied makeup or combed her hair. She just held it in a shaggy bun.

After taking their order, milkshake and chocolate doughnuts from the cafeteria, they sat at the table away from people. 

Maggie wanted her to have some space.
"So when is the wedding??" Mary teased hitting her arm with hers.
"We haven't plan it yet," Reginah forced a giggled shaking off the thoughts in her mind.
"How many babies will you have???"
"Mary, enough with the teases..." Maggie bossed sending her a deadly glare.

"Chill out girlfriend, I was just joking.."
"Riri, off late you rarely talk or eat. Are you okay?? You even look sick and pale.." Mary stated, concern written all over her face.

"I am okay," Reginah replied looking down on her tray, drawing shapes on the table.
"You can't fool us, you don't look okay." Mary insisted lifting her chin up.
"I said am okay!!!" Reginah snapped slamming the table that Mary flinched.

"I am sorry Mary I didn't mean to yell at you.." She whispered, her hands on the sidelines of her face
"I understand, I am sorry for being too insisting." 

"Riri,the guardian angel is walking towards us," Mary cried looking behind Reginah's  shoulder," don't move." biting her thumb nail.

Before she could ask who it was she  felt a hand on her shoulder. It was her Brad from the smell of his cologne.

"Baby, why are you avoiding me??? Did I do anything wrong???"
Reginah felt shivers all over her body that she flinched.

"She has not been feeling well," Maggie lied trying to help her now dumb friend. 
"Are you okay now??" He asked sitting beside her, "you even look pale."
"I am fine.." She murmured.

"Okay, stand up and give your baby a hug. He has missed you so much. He hasn't seen you for a week," Brad whined as  Reginah stood up and wrapped her hands around his neck.

He  held her tightly and carried her off the ground,"I have missed you, where have you been???"
"I went to visit my aunt then when I came back I got sick.."
"I am sorry about that baby but why were you not picking my calls??"
"Network problems you know. But I missed you, how have you been???"
"Bad, I didn't see you for a week. Only God knows how lonely I have been.."

Reginah leaned forward resting her forehead on his, "Baby, always know I love you no matter what. You are my world..."
"Why are you talking like that as if you are leaving me???"
"No, I am just lucky to have you. That's all..."

"I missed your lips," He whispered smiling radiantly.
"I missed your kisses and caresses too naughty boy," Reginah confessed making his heart thunder in his chest.

"When can I expect to see you???" He asked making her skin prickle, "I wanna hold you in my arms.."
Reginah murmured not sure if to tell him the truth or just keep it to herself. 

She wanted to kiss those lips so bad but her mind couldn't let her. She could see his mom's threatening face in her mind.

  Maggie cleared her throat to bring them back to the  harsh reality whereas Mary stared at them mouth open.

"I will be expecting  you at three o'clock love.  Don't keep me  waiting." Brad said placing a soft light kiss on her cheeks giving  her a warm feeling all together. 

For a second Reginah felt she was ready to take the risk and fight for Brad. 

"Screw his mother, I gonna continue seeing him. Don't be a fool Reginah, he wont marry  uneducated lady." A conversation from her to her.
She was already thinking about marriage, crazy her. Who ever said about him  marrying her?? She thought.

"Hey ladies, I am sorry I was distracted after seeing my love.." Brad apologised shaking Mary's and Maggie's hands.
"It's okay.."Maggie replied.
"Can I get a boyfriend like you???" Mary teased and Brad just shook his head smiling.

"Baby see you later," Brad  passionately kisses Reginah like it was the last day on earth, "I love you.."
"I love you too..."
Maggie saw something like a smile on her face, something she hadn't seen for a while.. Indeed Brad was her life...

"Riri, he is gone," Maggie said shaking her by the shoulders. She was so lost in thoughts that she hadn't realised he had walked away.

"This is so sad, the guardian angel just left his princess," Mary sobbed wiping fake tears with her handkerchief making Maggie slap her arm.
  Reginah pushed the tray of food away that she had barely touched whereas Mary yelled  that Maggie had broken her arm. 

"Mary, can you go buy some water for Riri??? She looks like she is gonna faint the next second.."

As soon as Mary walked to the cafeteria, Maggie took Reginah's hand," You should tell him today Riri the sooner the better.."
"Okay," She replied quickly wiping the tear that was threatening to fall..

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  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Oh! What a love dilemma!
  • DeQrald Writ picture
    DeQrald Writ
    What kind of torture is this.. I wish riri will just tell him the truth. So that can fight together ???
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