Pierced Rose - Episode 53

He Is Back

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It had been a while for Reginah ever waking up feeling so happy. The events of yesterday playing in her mind in a fast forward mode. She felt a slight pain but it was worth it..

She had woken up early to prepare Brad some breakfast since she was sure he would be hungry... She wanted to surprise him with breakfast in bed..

"Morning baby," Reginah begun tickling the still sleepy Brad.
"Baby let me sleep.." Brad groaned turning the other side..

Reginah got inside the sheets and begun teasing little Brad.. She trailed her hands across his body and begun kissing him.

Brad begun letting out soft mo-ns as he begun getting hard.
Reginah by now was on top of him, lap dancing...

"So, you wanna play it dirty?? Come here.."
His hands flip her over and it was time for her to pay..
"It seems you didn't get enough yesterday.." Brad said kissing her as he got ready to punish her for her torture.

It was after they had had breakfast and Reginah had rested her head on Brad's lap as they watched Riverdale season 2.. Brad was stroking her hair lazily, his eyes on her more than they were in the television.. He could never get tired of staring at her..

"Baby, I am bored.. I wanna have a little fun.."Brad stated, tickling her.
"Me too, I am bored. I just wanna have your kind of fun.."
"Naughty girl, the sofa can do.."
"I prefer the bed or the bathroom..."
"As you say your highness.."

Brad quickly stood up from the sofa taking Reginah's hand when her phone rung..
She had  forgotten it at the kitchen counter when preparing breakfast.

It was her mother on the phone as she sounded worried.  The tone in her voice made Reginah shiver. It seemed like it was some real shit.

"Brad, my mom sounded worried. I need to go.."
"Can I drive you???"
"No, I will take a cab but you can sit here and wait for me.. We have unfinished business.."Reginah looked at him seductively. She bit her lip getting hold of little Brad,"Keep him safe for me.."
"Okay.."Brad whispered and spanked her on her way out...

Before Reginah could do anything he ran away.

Reginah walked to the living room trembling.
"Hey mum,"She stuttered giving her a 50/50 hug.
She sat next to her still worried of what was wrong..

"Nowadays, I don't get to see you."
"Studies getting tougher and Maggie helps me out." Reginah stammered trying to change the topic as soon as possible. If she even had the slightest idea, where she goes she would  killed her.

"So how have you been?" Reginah outstretched her arms to hug her once more but she took her hands and placed them on hers.

"We need to talk,"she stated in a pinched voice. Did her mother find out about her and Brad??oooh God let the earth swallow her.She thought.

"Am listening,"Reginah stuttered, she was sure by now bile and gastric juice had mixed in her stomach.
"Your dad wanna see you," she said in a hoarse whisper.
Reginah stiffened herself  while the eyes popped out.

She pinched herself to see if that was real. The thoughts of him leaving swam through her mind blurring her vision. She felt the raw pain, the pain she tried to sink deep within was now on the surface.

"This can't be, its not true." Reginah stood up,  Letting out a harsh half-stifled yell. She slapped herself several times, she couldn't believe it.. Her mother must have been joking.

"Baby, my girl.Stop it!!!" Her mother hugged her  as she broke down on her shoulders.
"Why is he back now mother???why now???why not when we needed him???"
"He is still your father." She held at shoulder length with worried eyes.
"No, he is not or else  he wouldn't have left.." Reginah  shook  her head side to side in fury.

Diana walked her to the sofa and lied her head on her lap when they sat," my girl we are broke, your dad wants to help us because he wants you to have a better future."  The insides of Reginah died slowly as she lifted her head from Diana's lap lazily.

She turned to her speechless, tears flowing without a pause and she didn't care to wipe them off. A better life, where was he all her life?? When they slept hungry???

"My Girl, imagine the life we gonna have. We are gonna live the life we deserve." Diana placed her hand on Reginah's cheek but she shoved it away. It would have been easier to kill her instead of filling her head with such serious shit. This was officially her worst day.

"You saw it right to seek help from him?" Reginah's voice was clipped and filled with a dark rage.
"I got a lot of loans, I couldn't keep up. He is your father baby." Diana's voice was soft trying to convince her, "Plus, it's our right."

"Who left us without a second thought mama, you get that?" Reginah  yelped anger steaming like a coal smoke from a power plant.
She flinched her eyes reflecting sadness. "I am not meeting that man," Reginah retorted walking out on her.
"We gonna have to move out and live on the streets. Or did you think I afforded your first year school fees, it was a loan..Choose your pride or a shelter above our head??" Reginah's feet stuck at the floor, it felt like a magnetic pull.

"What?" Reginah looked at her mother  over her shoulders.
"Yes, we losing everything." Reginah crashed on the floor, the tears didn't fall down. She was in shock, flight mode, surprise. If that was to  go on, she would  be forced to check in a mental institution. When she thought everything was finally fine in her life.. She knew it, happiness was never her portion.

"I am sorry baby, so sorry." Her mum apologized kneeling behind her. Her arms wrapped around her shoulder area, rubbing it in a soothing manner.
"Do you still love him?" Reginah asked absently. She could feel her mother  nod without resistance trying hard to fight her tears.

"Cry mum, its okay. I know how it feels." Reginah rubbed her arms as she cried smiling. When it came to her mother she had to inject love instead of anger.

"I don't wanna lose this house baby. We need his help and the only was is after he has seen you..Please do this for me.."Her mother pleaded.

"I will meet up with him mama, for you." Reginah assured.
She had a lot to tell that man and this was the best opportunity. She had many questions and insults preserved for him and she finally got the opportunity.

They were to meet at Carnivore Alps restaurant. That example of a man had some nerves, they were meeting at the same place he used to bring Diana when they dated. When was that, let her pretend she can't recall.

Reginah walked in and immediately she spotted him, he hadn't change. He seemed same to her like in the photos.

"Hello daughter," He stood up and outstretched his arms  for him  hug her when she approached  him, his smile almost tearing his mouth apart.

"Its not a family reunion Antony," Reginah sneered sitting down. 
"How have you been?" He asked making a stiff and righteous anger bubble up.
"What do you want??? Anthony."
A smile limped across his face and back into his pocket.
"How is your mother?"
Reginah let out a sarcastic laugh, "What did you expect??? She would be fine when you left knowing she was due.You really have a sense of humour. To bad I got no award for you Anthony." Reginah continued to laugh. His clenched teeth was evident she hit the right place.

"I am really sor...." He paused, smiling over her head. For a second Reginah thought it was her mama.

A lady accompanied by Isabelle stood at our table, they had similar features, sister kind. Reginah was sure her heart stopped when she saw the witch.

The lady took a seat beside her dad, giving him a kiss where as  Isabelle and Reginah exchanged rival glances.
"What is this witch doing here?" She snapped wanting to hit Reginah but her sister held her.

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