Pierced Rose - Episode 64

Party Gone Wrong

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Finally they were done with school... They were all happy apart from Reginah who felt left out...

She was in her second year of her studies because of lack of school fees and delay in getting her scholarship...

If only her father showed up a little much earlier she wouldn't have missed so much and now she would have been celebrating with Malcolm, Mike, Ben, Maggie, Mary and her love...

But she also made a very delicate decision on this glorious day, her journey with studies was to come to an end and focus more on being a biker...

Yes studies was important but she didn't see it's impact in her dreams...She studied business administration and yet she wanted to be a renown biker...

At first her father was against it but after much convincing, they both together with Diana agreed to support her dreams...

Mr Muigai was throwing a party for Brad and his friends at his house...He had invited his business partners, his competitors, his friends and those he believed were his enemies...

The girls were getting ready at Reginah's place whereas the guys were at Brad's place....
With the syke they all had, it was evident the party was gonna be a blast...

"I can't believe that finally we are done with school.."Ben danced around....
"Me too, but too bad we got to graduate after seven months...."Mike retorted...
"Who cares???? As long as i have Reginah by my side, I am good..." Brad beamed...

"You are lucky brother that the universe was lenient...Even after playing around with girls, it still gave you a gem....."Mike commented, his hand on Brad's shoulder...
"I know bro and I don't ever wanna lose her...That's why everytime I see her with Jayson my blood boils..." Brad clenched his fists...

"Truth be told, I also liked Reginah from the beginning...But I backed off after realising you are serious with her....Now all I need is Patience baby by my side...."

Brad was shocked by Mike's confession...
"So how many of you were interested with my baby???" He asked out loud and they all raised their hands...

"You can't blame us..." Malcom lifted his hands up in defence...
"You lucky bro, so lucky..." Mike added up...

Brad could feel his heart jump up and down... He couldn't hide his smile from his face....
Reginah was a true gem and he was gonna make sure he spends his days with her..

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/pierced-rose

. He was never gonna let her go especially after the guys confessions...

"Brad, stop thinking about her so hard..Come on we will be ready for the party...."
Mike snapped him from his thoughts...

In the party girls were dressed in gowns and guys in tuxes... People were everywhere in the ball room, buffets on the tables and waiters in smart outfits walking over the place with tray of champagne in glass handled on their hands...
Calvin was busy talking to the business partners whereas Mrs Kara and Natalia were making sure everyone was catered for...

The ladies looked stunning especially Reginah with a black lace trimmed V-neck open-back long dress....Their driver Carlos didn't disappoint either...

Brad couldn't get his eyes off her and he could notice even the guys at the ballroom couldn't get eyes off her...

She hadn't outdone her make up but a little touch of make up with lipgloss...

Brad walked towards her and wrapped her in his arms, "You look breathtaking, my love..."
"You too my love..."
Brad just stared in her eyes for a moment, allowing himself to be lost in them...

He still never understood what he ever did to get such an amazing woman...

"I need you..." Brad whispered in her ear, tugging some strands of hair behind it...
"Take the lead master, I am all yours..." 

Brad took her hand and they went to his room....

After they were done having their quickie, the ballroom was now full and people were dancing... So Brad walked her to the dancefloor and they begun dancing....

Suddenly Reginah got a bad feeling, she begun feeling restless after seeing Mr Muigai and Isabelle...

"Brad, what is Isabelle doing here?????" She asked.
Before he could reply, Mr Muigai interrupted them...

"Reginah, dear I want Brad to meet some associates...I hope you don't mind???"

Brad followed his dad while Reginah just stood there gulping a glass of champagne after the other....No matter what she tried, the feeling became worse.... Seeing Mr Muigai made her guilty of not telling Brad the truth...

Read " My only addiction " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. Deep inside she felt like today was the best day to tell him the truth...

"Calm down honey, do you wanna get drunk???" Maggie reprimanded her taking the glass from her....
"Patience, I need to tell you something...Can we go talk outside????"
"Sure, come let's go out at the balcony...." Patience suggested....
"We will be back ladies..." Reginah assured following Patience out...

At the balcony, Reginah felt like  telling her the truth about Mr Muigai she could feel it burn her chest...
"I am sorry Patience but I am so guilty...I don't know what to do...I can't keep on lying to Brad...o can't pretend all is okay anymore...." Reginah begun sobbing...

"Girlfriend, what's wrong??? Talk to me...."

"Patience dear, I found out about something that was gonna crush Brad forever...."

"What??? You are scaring me...." Patience begun shaking her....
Reginah closed her eyes and bit her lips, "Your uncle has another family in Belgium..."

Reginah expected Patience to be raged but she just smiled, "Is that the thing that is killing you???"
"Yes, why are you not mad????"
"Because I found out like an year ago...Everyone knows apart from Brad... Calvin, me, aunty Kara so stop beating yourself up.."

"Don't you think it's wrong to keep Brad in the dark???"
"I know it's wrong but it's not in our power to tell him. So let's just act like we don't know..."
"But I can't Patience..."
"You have to," Patience cupped her face, "You have to dear until the time is right...Brad respects his father so much and it's gonna break him if he found out the truth..Do you understand??? So let's go back there smiling like he is the best dad ever."
Reginah nodded but still not feeling contented..

Reginah and Patience walked into the ballroom, smiling like they were on a runway.... For a moment it didn't feel like a business meeting inside a party, everyone was having fun...People were chatting, drinking, eating and flirting around... Reginah walked towards Brad who was talking with Maggie, Greg, Carlos, Mary...
"Where is your sister Carlos, did she run away with a guy from the party???"
"I am behind you dummy..." Reginah laughed, intertwining their hands....
"I have missed you...."
"No kissing," Carlos butted in before Brad could kiss Reginah but they just laughed and kissed eventually..

All over a sudden a video begun playing on the screen attracting attention...
It was Mr Muigai playing with a little girl who was calling him daddy....

What Reginah feared was now happening in 3D infront of Brad...Reginah couldn't understand if she had let his hand go or he did...
She was rapidly breathing, her chest heaving up and down...
She wanted to turn around and run from there but Brad needed her there....

Whispers had begun being heard among the people in the room as they shared shocking stares....
Brad just stared in the screen like a statue..

Mr Muigai then kissed the lady on the screen which made Brad lose his grip...
"Everybody get out, the party is over..." Brad yelled pushing people out that Reginah flinched...

Everybody left  even his friends but when Reginah was about leave Brad held her hand, "Stay..."
Reginah nodded and stood beside him trying to calm her wobbly legs...

"Dad, how could you do this to me??? I always looked up to you...." Brad raged, "Why do you hurt mom like that??? Why did you break our family????" He held him by the collar...
"I tried telling you but I couldn't...I didn't wanna see you getting hurt..."
"Dad, I am hurting. I am broken, you were like a god to me..You never made any mistake in my eyes..."
"I am sorry but am human. Your mother and I don't love each other anymore...."

Those words made Brad wanna beat him up but Calvin held him back, "Brad, calm down..."
"Why are you not mad???? Calvin this man heartbroke mom, took away her respect. What are people gonna say after tonight???"
But Calvin remained silent....

Brad looked around and realised that he was the only one heartbroken, sobbing and mad..They all seemed cool...

His mother wasn't hurt at all.. Patience and Calvin seemed like they didn't care....

"Did you all know about it????"
"Yeah..."They replied in low tones..
"We tried telling you..."
"Not another word mother...You all betrayed me and am never gonna forgive you...I looked like a fool out there..." Brad cussed out throwing things on the floor... His mother pulled back crying, Patience by her side...

"Brad calm down, trust me we wanted to tell you but didn't know..." Reginah blurted out...
"So you also knew???? Interesting."
"I am sorry Br........."

"I stood by you, understood what you were going through and embraced you with your past..How dare you betray me??? I expected you to be open with me..." Brad shook her hard by the shoulders..

"Brad you are hurting me..." Reginah cried out...
"I don't care.....I thought you were different but you are a scam... the one I expected to be by my side during all this also knew the betrayal behind this smiles..." He lashed out...A frown marring his forehead...Reginah had never seen him so mad that she got scared...
His words crushed her a million times more than a guilt...

"Brad, you hurting her..." Mr Muigai tried pulling his hands from Reginah's shoulders....

"Reginah, it's over between us....I don't wanna ever see any of you guys...." Brad pushed Reginah that she fell on Mr Muigai's arms...

Brad dashed out of there and Reginah ran after him...
"Please Brad, baby hear me out..." Reginah held his hand but Brad pushed her to the ground...
"It's over Reginah, I don't ever wanna see your face..."

He got into his car and drove off...

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  • Esther Yeboah picture
    Esther Yeboah
    Hmmm it's getting serious
  • patience Nifemi picture
    patience Nifemi
    haa Brad should leave reginah out of it he just need to forgive his father
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Brad has every right to be mad but he's overreacting. Nothing is her fault, he should blame his family alone. One moment he's all over Reginah then the next thing, he's breaking up?? That's too immature, I'm positive he's gonna regret this very very soon
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Brad has every right to be mad but he's overreacting. Nothing is her fault, he should blame his family alone. One moment he's all over Reginah then the next thing, he's breaking up?? That's too immature, I'm positive he's gonna regret this very very soon
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Brad has every right to be mad but he's overreacting. Nothing is her fault, he should blame his family alone. One moment he's all over Reginah then the next thing, he's breaking up?? That's too immature, I'm positive he's gonna regret this very very soon
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Brad just overdeed everything how can he involve regional in ypthis.
  • Philip Ametsi picture
    Philip Ametsi
    Lactogen babies easily get hurt. Who wants to date mommy's boy?
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    I thought brad is a gentle man. Why is he even mad? His elder brother and mother are the ones in the most suitable position to be very mad
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