Pierced Rose - Episode 75

Vacation In Italy

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After landing, Diana was all over the place but who could blame the country girl who never had a chance to fly before....

Reginah was so tired and all she did was sleep.
Patricia and her mother were so close that it seemed like they would one day turn against her dad...

"Dear, your room is ready...Babluu will show it to you..." Patricia said to Reginah who looked like she could collapse due to exhaustion.
"Babluu take Reginah to her room..." She ordered and Babluu ordered leading the way  for Reginah...

"Hey baby, how is you and our little one doing???" Anthony asked lifting his wife from the floor...
"You are pregnant???" Those words seemed to come out Diana's mouth unintentionally....
"Yeah, it's twins..." They both replied in unison...

"I am happy for you guys..." Diana tried acting all 
cool, "Let me check if my baby is okay..."

Diana left, leaving the couple playing like little kids in the living room...She was a little jealous, no she was jealous but as a woman she had to understand the other woman....

She wouldn't want any woman to be stranded like she was while carrying her baby...

Reginah was peaceful sleeping like a baby till evening when Jayson woke her up...

"Wake up lazy ass!!!" He shook her....

"Jayson..." She called lazily thinking she is dreaming....
"Jayson!!!" She yelled shooting up from the bed...

"Good morning lazy face..."

"Like what are you doing here??? Or am I not in Italy???" She confirmed rubbing her eyes...

"Yes I followed you or did you think I would have let you come to Italy alone????"

"Thank you..." Reginah whispered hugging him...

"Its okay," He pulled her back. 
"I have some good news for you..."

"Which is???" Reginah asked curiously...
"Your man is also in Italy so have some rest. You gonna see him tomorrow..."

Reginah was puzzled as Jayson placed Brad's address on her hand...

"I hope you two solve whatever misunderstanding you have..."

Jayson stood up to walk away but she held his hand, "Please stay..."

"No dear, I need to go home..

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/pierced-rose

. I just landed and came here...But I will see you tomorrow..."

He kissed her forehead and went away... Reginah felt scared. It had been two months since she had seen Brad or even talk to him that she wasn't sure she needed him anymore.

Yes she missed him but her hate was more...

All night she kept turning in bed in a dilemma of what to do....

She needed answers from the horse's mouth and the only way was to talk to him...

At noon, she took a cab to Brad's home... Yes they also lived in Prati but a little bit far...

There she stood uncertain of the steps to take when someone tapped her back, "Excuse me,are you lost???''

"I am looking for Brad Muigai.."

"And you are???'

"Girl.....I am his long time friend..."

"Okay, I will walk you in.."

After she was frisked, she was walked to the garden by one of the security guards when she saw Brad and Linda on swings laughing and holding hands...

All over sudden her heart was heavy, and tears begun dripping from her stormy eyes....

"I think I got the wrong address..." She whispered trying her best to turn around and run  but her eyes were glued on the now kissing couple....

That's what she needed to turn around and run like a girl on rocket shoes...

Brad managed to see her running and for a moment he felt her presence...

"Guard who is that running???'' Brad shouted.

"Is your old friend.."

"I don't remember any old friends. Her name???"

"She didn't say sir..."

"Okay," Brad shrugged and continued talking to the girl who was so shy after kissing him...

"Linda, you shouldn't have done that..." Brad reprimanded...

"I know but you have to forget Reginah..She loves Jayson..." 


"Ssshhh!!!....Forget about her...She has never looked for you...So she doesn't need you.."

"I bet..." Brad nodded feeling uneasy...It was like he felt his Reginah was so close...

Reginah was crying like a fool in the car and the first person she saw after reaching home was Jayson...

"Whooo!!!! Don't tell me he rejected you.."

"I found him kissing some girl..." Reginah cried throwing herself in Jayson's arms...

"Just hug me Jay, just hug me tight was all she said crying on his shoulders....

"I got you Renah, let it all out..." Jayson assured clenching his jaws...

He couldn't believe something he wanted back so bad was something Brad didn't care for..

Reginah's love....

. .

Read " My only addiction " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    This guy is an imbecile,he needs a punch right in his stupid face,maybe it'll bring him back to his senses!
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    @Pamela over imbecile dey worry d guy. I don't like him anymore. Its so glaring dt Renah belongs to Jayson.
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