Redemption - Episode 37

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"I love you more than life itself." I just say it out to her because that's all my heart is screaming. It has been screaming for years even when I wanted revenge. I caress her cheekbones softly as I stare into her pretty eyes. We just stare into each other's eyes without saying a word.
"No, you don't." She finally says and stand up. She turns away from me and wrap her hands around her tummy . I stand up with her and grab her hand.
"Bee, you can't fathom how long I have wanted you. You won't understand how I have tried to get you out of my head and heart for years." I say to her back. This gets to her because she turns a little towards me.
"What are you talking about? Years? We just met last week."
"Redeemer bible church, Nnewi street." I say quietly and I see her eyes go wide in shock.
"I have been in love with you ever since I saw you five years ago Bee." I pull her hand to get her closer to me.
"I have dreamt about holding you. Loving you openly. Cherishing you. Giving you all you deserve, my love. I have for years." I tell her as I push the wet hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear.
"I don't understand. How bout talina

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. You kissed her in front of the press. She told me you are just using me. I don't get all this."
"This is what I have been wanting to explain to you. Talina is a snake. She is using you to get to me. I don't want to have anything to do with her but I have to do this for you."
"That doesn't make any sense." She points out and I sigh.
"It's just a media stunt. The press are unto her about her involvement with the governor I think so she's using me to divert their attention. You have to believe me."
"Why would you let her use you then? If you don't want to have anything to do with her."
"Because of you. The incident at the ice cream depot. She called the press and fed them lies about you. I don't want to block your path to stardom. I have heard you sing and you deserve to be at the head of the chart. You are that good, bee." I say sincerely.
"I am confused Lucas."
"Don't you worry about that b*tch. James and I have a plan. You have to trust me."
"Okay but five years? My God. I don't even remember seeing you. Where did you live? How__" I place my finger against her lips to keep her quiet.
"The first time you saw me, you looked at me like I was scum." I tell her and she shakes her head.
"What? When? Why?"
"You were with one of your friends. In a bar. You got knocked down. I was going to help you up but you recoiled back when you saw my tattoos." I recap and I see her eyes light up in recognition.
"You were the guy who got stabbed because of me." She gasps and I nod.
"Oh my God. That was you!. I judged you by your looks and I was so sorry. I still am.I have always wanted to meet you again but I never got the chance."
"You did meet me again Bee. I was with Jake. Wore a face cap and shades. You were pretty drunk. I don't think you might remember that."
"Oh my goodness. Of course I remember. That night is memorable to me for so many reasons. Why didn't you tell me from the start? Why didn't you show me your face at the party?"
"There is something you should know, bee but I don't know how to say it right now. I promise to explain everything. All you need to know now is I love you, Bee. I love you so much it hurts."



To say I am shocked isn't enough description of how I feel right now. Lucas just keeps dropping the bomb on me. He loves me. He has for five years. He knows dad's church. He was the guy who got stabbed for me. He was the guy at the party that night Luis lost his mind.
"I don't know what to say." I tell him truthfully.
"Tell me you love me." He says softly. I want to say those words but I don't think I can.
"I don't know if I can, Lucas. I have been through so much just because of those three words." I say
"Babes. Say you will give me a chance to love you then. I just want a chance to show you how good falling in love can feel." He says with all sincerity and I feel myself nodding.
"Okay, Lucas. You have your chance." I say and his eyes dance with delight.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Should I take it back?" I tease.
"You won't dare." He says as he envelopes me in his arms.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." He chants in my ears and I go warm all over. Butterflies are currently having a stampede in my stomach. I wrap my arms around his waist and relax against his chest. I want to tell him I love him too but I seem to break out in sweats at those words.
"I care about you Lucas." I say instead. He pulls away from me and sigh.
"I am going yo get those words out of you, Bee." He says and tweak my nose. I chuckle and he grins.
"So beautiful and all mine. It's going to be happy memories from here on out, Bee. I give you my word."
"Thank you Lucas." My stomach finds this a perfect moment to embarrass me as it lets out a loud growl.
"My God. Are you storing a monster in there, Bee?" That was loud" Lucas teases and I punch his shoulder lightly.
"You need to feed me." I say like a spoilt princess and Lucas salutes me.
"Your wish is my concern your majesty. There's one tiny problem. Those bees won't let me get to the coconut trees I saw earlier." Lucas says and I grin.
"Come on, scared baby. I'll come with you." I say and grab one wood from the wet pile he brought earlier.


I feel like I am in a dream. Did I just confess my feelings to Benedicta and didn't get rejected? I am ecstatic to say the least. I just crossed the first step. I know I have to face Luis and my family but I want to bask in the joy she brings me right now.
"Stop day dreaming and hold me more securely! If I fall off your shoulder, I am going to kill you and bury you in all these sands." Benedicta warns and I grin.
"You wouldn't do that to your future hubby." I look up to see her blushing.
"Presumptuous much?" She asks And I wink.
"A man can dream." I tell her.
"Dream later. Right now, we have to get all these fruits down." She says.
"Oh and look down. I don't want you spying up my skirt." She says and use the stick in her hand to hit my head lightly.
What a dictator.
Haven't we gotten enough? It is getting dark. We should head back to the beach. It is safer there." I say after some time.
"You are right. You can let me down carefully now." She says. I carefully drop her legs from my shoulders and she slides down to my back.
"Bend down a little so I can come down." She says but I shake my head.
"Get comfortable because I like you on my back." I tell her
"What bout the fruits we picked?"
"I'll carry them with the plantain leaves we cut down earlier." I assure her.
"Okay then." She says without arguing. I just smile and crouch down to gather the fruits with Benedicta still on my back. I gather them in records time and carry them in the plantain leave.
"Would you like a song with your carriage ma'am." I ask after a minute silence.
"Yay. Sure."
"Okay, here goes." I say as I start singing the tunes of Jake's 'mystery girl'. Benedicta join me midway and we sing together as I carry her to the beach.


"I feel full now. Do you want my mango?" Lucas asks me and I nod enthusiastically.
"What glutton for mangoes." He teases.
"They are my favorite." I tell him.
"Noted. This is perfect Benedicta.

Read " To Live For Once (Set Me Free II) " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. I wish we could just stay here together forever." Lucas says and I have to check his temperature to make sure he is alright in the head.
"I can't live here forever! Tomorrow, we find a way out of here." I tell him.
"You sound like you have someone out there you want to get back to." He says
"Of course there is."
"Who is it? Larry?" He asks and I freeze. He knows about Larry?
"Don't be shocked. You were mumbling something about Larry that night I took you home from the club. Who is Larry? You just promised to give me a chance. I won't take it lightly with any competition." He says and I laugh nervously. It is too early to tell him about my baby boy right? It's not that I am ashamed of being a single mother. Far from it. I just don't want to spoil the moment by talking about Luis and the circumstances surrounding Larry's birth.
"Possessive already? Come here. I am cold. This cave is wet as well as my clothes. I need you to keep me warm." I say to distract him from the topic and it works.
"I was waiting for you to say that." Lucas grins as he comes to lie beside me and engulf me in his warmth.

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