Regret - Episode 7

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"I came to ask for a favour and I really hope it would be granted" Amy responded.  

"You know times are bad but ask anyway".

"George, my son is sick and it is terminal if not treated. He only has three weeks to live if he is not operated upon. Please I beg you in the name of my dead husband. Please help me" she stuttered.

She was scared, afraid of what his reply might be.

"Amy I have heard you, so how much are we talking about here?

"4.5 million naira, it's for everything including transport fare. Please help me, I would live the rest of my life paying you back".

"Okay Amy, I'll think about it, you'll have to come back here tomorrow.

"Yes sir.. Yes sir... God bless you sir. Amy was very happy as she walked out of her brother in-laws' house. She had renewed hope. She prayed to God for the man to have a positive answer for her when she returns the next day. He was her last hope. There would be nothing left for her to do if he doesn't help her. She decided not to be too happy, not to count her chicks before they're hatched or she may be disappointed.

Her phone rang, she hoped it would be the kidnappers she hired. She needed something positive from them.

"Madam, it was successful " the kidnapper said immediately she picked up the call. "We have the girl in our custody, what should be our next move? ".

"Don't do anything till I get there, I'll be there in an hour, send me your exact location".

"Yes madam, remember to bring the balance as you're coming". "Okay, and don't call me again with this number.

Rose had gone to the market to get a few things, she had used her husband's car. Since it was time Sara's school dismissed, she decided to go pick her up from there, instead of going back home to drop off the things and then return. She greeted the security guard as she passed the school gate. She  asked a student to go and call Sara from her class. She rested her head on the car steering wheel as she waited for Sara to come.

"Ma, Sara isn't in her class",the student said on her return.

"What do you mean Sara isn't in her class?"Are you sure you checked very well? ", she is in nursery three B oh.

 "Yes ma, I checked well but I didn't see her.

"Okay, you can go" Rose said getting out of her car.

Rose went to check for her daughter herself, she went to her class and the other nursery three classes but she couldn't find her daughter. She started panicking. She went to the gate and held the security guard by his collar. "You better provide my daughter oo...if you don't know, let me tell you now, she is my only daughter and nothing can happen to her. So wherever you kept,you had better provide her. If anything happens to her I'll sue everyone in this school.

"Madam, calm down, your daughter must be somewhere around" the security guard said.

Rose didn't even want to hear a word, she continued ranting on. "Why would you tell me to calm down, you're talking because it's not your daughter " Rose was already creating a scene when she heard a voice behind her. "Mummy, why are you shouting? ".

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