Rejected But Not Disqualified - Episode 10

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I am happy that you are now a man with children…May the gods be praised. As my family stands now,  I am not scared if the gods calls me back to eternity; 
And in the event of such, you (Nwa ka nna ya) will be the heir to my throne, inheritance and dynasty; Ama-akolam commented.
If your brother Ngene had been alive, before now, my compound and wealth would have been bigger than where we are now; but that does not mean we are not healthy but two heads are better and wiser than one: May his soul rest in peace.. Ama-akolam lamented raising up his head trying to hold back tears. 
Amen!! Nwude responded anxiously
But Ogbuefi,  I  am alive by gods will not by my power; I am also alive too to serve and look after you at old age; I am also alive to achieve what me and my late brother Ngene could not achieve for the benefit of the family; Though ogbuefi,  it is not to remind us of the past . Nwude retorted.
Nwude began hailing eulogies to his late brother; Ngene my brother  was very industrious like  you Ogbuefi  and he had children added to his name and in memory of him. 
Ogbuefi, it is left for us to brood like men and proffer  the best approach to harness his prowess in the family to achieve a common goal. As Nwude was through with his speech…
Ogbuefi  pause a moment, looking outside the Obi…It was as if he was brooding on something else

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. His countenance depicts of a man in brief deep thought. 
At the brief moment, Nwude was desperately waiting patiently for his father to come back to their discussion to avoid distraction. Out of his impatience he broke the brief silence.
Ogbuefi!! Nwude called his father;  As a family man. I am trying my best and putting frantic and promising efforts to see that the family prosperity and mine are not tarnished. 
Ogbuefi, I have also made some spiritual research about my destiny and that of my business too. 
Ok, I am following responded ogbuefi
Other issues bothering me and one of the main purpose forvmy coming is,… I want to align the effort you made for me and my brother Ngene spiritually with my efforts for us to have a common goal.
This last statement from Nwude pinched Ama-akolam; thus he nodded with eyebrows raised without a surprise in his looks.
You did well for coming to see me; I have only two sons as the gods gave me; You Nwude is the first not the least and not the famous. Ama- alkolam retorted
I am very pleased that you allowed one of your son to take care of your late brother’s son (Nwora); It should be so between two brothers and they should carry each other  along.
Ogbuefi heaved a sigh and asked Nwude… Do you know that my assets are for you and your late brother? Nwude replied; very sure indeed, ogbuefi.
Ngene has his own calling likewise you; I am aware Nwude confirmed
The Destiny of the father is for the father and the Destiny of the son is for the son, Thus there is “ NO COMPETITION IN DESTINY”
Nwude my son, you have a very good heart and very strong willed but a man can never on earth be addressed as the son of the mother , but addressed as son of the father in good and bad deeds.
Hmmm… Nwude thought in his head, but replied it is true nna anyi.
How many of my landed assets do you know he queried?. Almost all of them Nwude answered
In the next eight days, we will go together with Uchendu(late Ngene’s wife)to see all my landed assets.
Inform Uchendu and your wife to get each other  prepared with their farmland basket; all of us will be going along to view all our landed asset. Ama-akolam concluded. Without giving Nwude room for questions…
I am tired Ama-akolam said, (coughed) stood up and asked Nwude; Hope you are not making any business trip soon?... Not so soon Ogbuefi…
I am sorry I will like us to continue our discussion another day but do not forget to remind me of the DREAM I had.
I am sure I have intimated you of my dream?... I cannot remember but never mind we will share it together . Nwude replied.
‘’Please aid me back to bed, the night is coming down on us.’’
(Normally it is the duty of the house boy to do so but because Nwude was the one around... In Nwude’s confused state he reluctantly played the role and pondered within himself)
Nwude, sipped off his remaining palmwine, put his palmwine cup(OKUKU) back in the rack, covered the wine keg
Nna anyi … come and close the door. He told him and headed back home caring the remaining wine in the keg along with him.
What prompted the issue of land in my discussion with Ogbuefi, Nwude said to himself in solo on his way home.
I am not having issues with any of our lands; why now?
Nwude was  absorbing himself with the negative seed her mother Ugoye is inculcating in him and since he did not achieve anything on his first visit; he was morally downcast and queried himself …“ Why all the stress?”  I am thinking of my mother, my father, wife, children and now another of my brother’s  is beclouding me
Nwude gave in sub-consciously, but there should be a way to get off Ugoye’s interest too???


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