Salvation (An Arranged Marriage ll) - Episode 11

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As soon as I drop my clutch on the bed and I take off my blazer I remember that things were not as smooth and dandy as it had been 10 minutes ago. 


I'm out of Aroofa's room, making the trek to Kane's and it's open, as if he was waiting for me.

"We have to check the security footage" I say and he nods, I bite my lip, refusing to think about what happened and the text he sent afterwards. 

"I've had Maurice check it and bring up the footage in a tab, I do not want our family to know about what happened at the precinct, having them know about the stalker is enough, I don't want them scared about anything" He says, I agree, I see the wisdom in that. 


"You can come in and wait if you want to" He says stepping away from the door. 

I know deep in my bones that that was a bad idea. 

"I'm going to go soak in a tub" I say, stupidly. 

His eyes darken with heat and I know he's thinking about me in a hot tub. 

God Anadia. 

"I can keep you company" He says and I gulp, finding myself nodding before catching the gesture.

"Not so fast" I breath and he smirks. 

"We really can't do anything Kane" I say. 

"I gave you time to think Ani, I think three years has been enough time for me to be celibate" He says,taking a step forward, his mouth coming to my ear. 

"You know how good we are together, You know, it must have been so hard to be alone all this while" He says.. 

"Yes" I whisper. 

"Why don't you let me take care of you, i will make you feel good, like old times" He says.. 

"Yes" I whisper again, all thoughts of why this is wrong flying out the window. 

"Good girl, My good girl" He says and my body flushes. 

He pulls my close, his lips an inch from mine. 

"Boss" A voice says and Kane growls, throwing Maurice a murderous look. 

I regain my senses, stepping away from him. 

Maurice looks stoic as always, no sign that he's aware of what we were about to do in the hallway. 

"Maurice, my man, you have an impeccable timing" Kane says sarcastically. 

"Thank you sir" Maurice says, no expression on his face or any hint that he detected the sarcasm in Kane's voice. 

I laugh a little, stepping away from Kane, a little grateful to Maurice. 

I glance at Kane and he gives me a look of pure promise. 


I know that look and I wish I could savor it. 

I turn to Maurice, "Did you get anything?" I ask, dread suddenly coiling in my stomach. 

"Yes, Mrs King" "He says before handing a tab to me and Kane. 

Standing in the hallway I watch as a guy posing as an agent from the fumigation company gets into the garage. 

"Did the other cams get his face?" Kane asks and Maurice nods negative my heart drops. 

"No, boss, he knew to stay out of camera range" Maurice says and the idea that it was Yoel is obviously not true. 

And then again, it's could also mean that who ever did this is someone close.. 

But then, why did he need to hide his face? Oh God, my brain feels like melting. 


"Get me James" Kane says, controlled anger in his voice.

Maurice doesn't waste a moment, just turns to leave. 

"It's not James's fault" I say.,knowing where his train of thought is going. 

"He's charged to taking car of this house, he should know when to open the door and when not to, it's obvious the fumigation company only come once a year, and not this time of the year, if he's getting too old to do his job i can find a replacement" Kane says, obviously very angry. 


It seems he's getting more angry by the moment. 

"I caused this" I say carefully. 

He turns eyes to me. 


"I'm the reason you are going through this problem" I say. 

"You are my wife, it is my duty to protect you" He says.. 

"No, it isn't, not since I left you" I say and he fully gives me his attention. 

"Is there something you want to say?" He asks testily. 

"We... I could leave, no need for me to ruin your life..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. We could.." I begin.. The words sounding like lead in my mouth. 

"... We could get divorced" I say and he freezes. 

"What did you just say?" He growls. 

"Divorce... So I don't upset your life more than I already am, it's the least k could do... I.." 

"Are you sleeping with him?" 

I'm not following 


"Yoel, are you and him in a relationship? Is that why you want me to cut you loose? You suddenly or previously don't like me anymore? I don't stand a chance?" 

"No, I'm doing this because I don't want you to get hurt... I..

Read " Protected " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

. I will die if someone hurts you.. Or something happens to you" I say. 

"Really? Or is that something you tell yourself to make you feel better at night? You don't really like me any more but you are using this incident as an excuse, go on you can tell me" He says and my heart breaks at the cold on his eyes. 

"No, no, that's not it.." 

"I'm not convinced Anadia" He says. 

"Kane.. I promise..."

"There is nothing you have to say that I will believe, you made a lot of promise that you didn't keep" He says and I flinch because that hurts. 

I'm suddenly very pissed. 

"Yeah? How about you? You broke your promise too did you not? You promised not to hurt me, you promised never to lie to me, you promised to cherish me, where are the promises now Kane? Our wedding goes you promised to always find me no matter what? Have you thought maybe the reason I didn't come back was because I wanted to be found? I wanted to be worth your time? Your thoughts? Your patience? Your will? You tried to find me Kane, but you are Kane King, you should have found me, even I shouldn't have been able to hide from you!"I say, breathing hard. 

" Anadia... "

" No! Don't do that, I love you too much to see you hurt and if I want a divorce you will give it to me, we were separated Kane, sleeping with Yoel Trey shouldn't be a big deal "I say and his eyes shutters. 

Shit, I made a mistake. 

My anger dies and I try to salvage this conversation, the fragile truce we had going. 

." I didn't mean that... I.. Didn't do anything with anyone, I'm only yours, I didn't give what was yours to.... "He didn't let me finish. 

" We are not getting divorced, if you want to be with another male then I won't hold you back but don't try to use me in appeasing your conscience. "He says, stepping back into his room and shutting the door, I see my sisters in the hallway, looking disappointed. 


" I... "I begin.

" Could you hear yourself? "Anaya whispers. 

" You are a married woman Anadia, you don't get to do all the things you are doing and certainly not when you are with Kane freaking King "She says. 

" I really didn't.... I... I give my word I didn't"I say. 

"Your word don't mean shit right now, not after you left" And coming from Aroofa that's hurt a lot. 


I look at the expression on all their faces. 

"You don't know anything, all of you don't know anything" I say before walking past them. 



I'm sorry for the late update. 

I was busy this weekend. 

Emash, my darling, I understand what you meant and I love you. 

LHR tomorrow. 

Wish me luck. 

Have a good night. 

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  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Good luck dear
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Nady u better chill oo,which stupid divorce,don't let me shoot u oo
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Nice one Bebe love, u just reminded me of my favourite wrestler Seth freaking Rollins(Kane freaking King)
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    I still don't know what is wrong with Anadia
  • Okorie Glory picture
    Okorie Glory
    Anadia I Really Understand You,Finding Out That Your Relationship Is Based On Lies And Mostly Revenge Is Not Easy To Deal With,But Babes 3 Years Is Enough Time And It's obvious He Is Sorry.Just Let Go And Allow Yourself To Be Happy
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    I still don't know what is wrong with Anadia
  • Angela David picture
    Angela David
    Chill Ani
  • Ajoke Oluwakemi picture
    Ajoke Oluwakemi
    Anadia cut Kane some claq nao...3 gud years of celibate abeg forgive and forget and move on...Kane is still madly in love with you
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Anadia should please let go of the past
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    Why is Ani behaving like this, i think Kane should make her Jealous a little maybe than she will come back to her senses
  • Emash picture
    Bebe my Bebe, I have just said you should bring in another woman, hot and atarodoish, let her pepper Anadia. Pls who is this culprit o, even if his face did not show, what about his physic? What am I saying sef. Bebe continue, I cano coman be disturbing my brain.
  • Emash picture
    Bebe has made me a celebrity on Ebonystory. Much luv dear, thanks for the mention.
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Anadia is getting on ma last nerve,she's married yet she's speaking of screwing another man,does she even know what she wants shey? Bebe plz send me to play the part of being the other woman,I can assure you she'll never think of leaving Kane's sight after my departure(that's if imma let him go)*winks *
  • Amma picture
    I enjoyed this was long overdue...if Kane married you based on lies u also accepted based on the inheritance u thought you could only get when u get in essence u both lied to each other...I'm beginning to hate Anadia...good luck Bebe
  • Bebe Ernest picture
    Bebe Ernest
    So here's what's happening, I'm having extreme writer's block and it's getting worse by the day, don't know what's happening, seriously stressing me out. I will try to make an update soon, sorry about the delay
  • Johnny Tall picture
    Johnny Tall
    you got this bebe u r good at what u do dont worry too much it all come together and work out
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    just take it easy babe we understand you are a good writer n we know you will deliever
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Bebe honey sorry for the stress darl
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    No worries know we got ur back!
  • Tummy picture
    No worries dear. I can imagine the frustration. But you'll come out of it. You always do
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