Salvation (An Arranged Marriage ll) - Episode 43

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"Kane we need to talk" I say as he buttons the sleeves of his shirt.

"I'm listening Ani" He says, his eyes finding mine through the mirror.

It's been one week, one week which I left him alone to let hum stew and get over whatever was making him mad but from the looks of it, one week could as well be a day.

"You know you can't stay angry at Linda forever, please let's talk about things with her, you still haven't given a reason you are so mad that she is in a relationship with Maurice, it can't be because he's not wealthy is it?"


He turns back to his buttons and I know this is gonna be hard, I stand from the bad, wrapping y nightgown around me and walking towards him to stand behind him.


" Will you talk to me Kane please? "I whisper, my head coming to rest on his back, my body heaving a sigh.

" I've got to be somewhere Ani, when I back in an hour we can go for your checkup, yeah? "

" Kane please "I whisper.

He turns to me, gathering my face in his hand.

" Never never ever mention that name in our bedroom again Ani "He says, his expression severe and my body trembles

I try to read his eyes but I get nothing.

" I will be back soon, and I will get you those croissants you love so much "He says before laying a kiss on my head and leaving the room.

This is bad.

This is very bad.

My phone rings and I wait for it to got to voicemail.

" Ani.. Are you there? "it's Aroos and I wait for the message to finish playing.

" If you are there please call me back, this is very urgent "He voice breaks at the end and frown, walking to the nightstand for the phone.

I dial her number and she picks instantly.

" What's up? "

" I think I might not want to do this.

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. ".

" Do what? Aren't you supposed to be in a weekend getaway with your boyfriend.. Fiancé rather"

"Yes, well, yes, but I'm thinking if this if too soon... Should I be getting married this fast? What if he only proposed because we've been together for a while, what if he actually secretly hates the way I chew.. What if.."

I sigh before rolling my eyes.

"Hold on" Her tirade stills.

"When is your period?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the damn question Aroos"

"I'm currently on my period" She says, confusion coloring her voice.

"You see.. Aroos.. Kevin loves you more than life itself, his parents adore you and baby, you already bought a gown, you have dates set already, you know that he treasures you, whatever you are feeling right now will be gone in a day or two"


Read " The God And His Bride " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

. Ohhh" She whispers, her mind finally catching up.

"Are you saying it could be PMS messing with me?".

"Yeah baby"

"But it feels so real"

"Does Kevin's feeling for you feel real too?"

"Yes, more than anything"

"Good, hold on to that feeling"

"Thank you Ani"

"Anytime baby, just remember to get cute onesies for my baby".

"Will do"

"Good." I say, smiling at the wall.

"oh and also, have you been able to get ahold of Linda? She's kind of not returning my calls these days" She says she my body twitches in discomfort.

"There's a situation at home Aroos".

She is silent for a moment.

"Is even one okay? Is Linda okay?".

"Never mind it baby, when you come we will talk"

"You sure?".

"Yes baby" I say and she disconnects.

I find Linda's number on my phone and she picks on the first ring.

"Yo" it's not Linda speaking to me but Maurice.

"Hi. Maurice.

" Good morning Mrs King "

" You can just call anadia Maurice "I say and no response comes from him.

" I wanted to speak with Linda "

"I know, but she is unavailable now, you wil have to speak with me"


"my girl cried herself to sleep three days straight, forgive me if I don't want you speaking to her."

My heart breaks at that.

"Is she alright?"

"No, but I plan to help her get over this so yeah, she will be alright"

"Maurice, we have to fix this"

"No, Mrs King, there is no fixing this, not yet anyway, not until your husband stops being a jerk ass and see this for what is, I'm in love with his sister, he can either bless this union or go fuck himself but you needn't worry yourself Mrs King, I plan to take very good care of Linda "

" I know that Maurice but don't you think it would be better for Linda to be around her family ".

" I never wanted her to be far from them in first place ma'am ".

" Can we.. Can we.. "I stops when the sound of a groan ensues in the background.

" Maurice, where are my drugs " Linda's voice asks and I wince, she must be sick.

" Go lay down baby, I will bring it to you soon "

" Okay "

" Gotta go Mrs King "Maurice says, his attention coming back to me.

" Can we meet up? "I ask, grasping at straws, he pauses before asking incredulously.

" Why? "

" I.. I don't.. I.. I. Just wanna talk Maurice ".

He pauses for a long moment before sighing.

" I will come to you.. You shouldn't be moving around in your condition "He says.

" No.. Kane.. "

" We can meet down the street, I will be there in an hour "He says before disconnecting.

I sigh, flopping back on the bed and sighing at the ceiling.



Thank you for reading.

Please leave comments and don't forget to tell me what you think.

Much love 

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  • Blessing evidence picture
    Blessing evidence
    Wow!!! It's being like forever dear. Kane should top being an asshole.
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    Next pls It’s been forever
  • Hannie aNadie picture
    Hannie aNadie
    What could possible b Kane’s reason for not wanting Linda n Maurice 2geda I simply do not get it Or has something similar happened b4
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    I think Kane knows something that he isn't telling
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    Welcome back Dear... Been missing you
  • Emash picture
    Kane would be mad, in d same one hour he would come back?
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Thanks dear....anticipating more updates.
  • Angela David picture
    Angela David
    Thanks dear
  • Ajoke Oluwakemi picture
    Ajoke Oluwakemi
    There must be a reason why kane is behaving like dis he love and trust Maurice nao so der is more to dis...pls Bebe make it long is too short
  • Njoku Chinenye picture
    Njoku Chinenye
    Longest time compliment and welcome back
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Am sure Kane knows something scary about Maurice
  • Abena Asima picture
    Abena Asima
    Am sure Kane knows something scary about Maurice
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    I'd like to know why Kane doesn't approve their relationship!
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