Saved by Love - Episode 11

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       February arrived and on the fifth day, Akinola stepped his feet in Nigeria. This was his third time in this nation, the first two had been on work level, behind him his elder brother, Akinloye, adjusted his muffler and they retrieved their luggage and walked towards the people with placard after passing several people they saw their names, Akinola and Akinloye Coker.

Their eyes moved up to behold the face of the person carrying the placards and it collided with Akinlolu's eyes. He dropped the placard that instant and they all raced to embrace each other . 'How many years now? God just kept letting things fall in place for me, I just cannot comprehend why he loves me this much, even when my faith seems to sink, He upholds me.' Akinlolu thought, and ad they all stepped back to assess each other, Akinlolu said, 

“You guys have not changed a bit.”

Akinloye said, “Well, you've grown taller and more handsome 'Lolu.”

“Yo, I am still the most handsome man in this family, take it or leave it.” Akinola said and they all laughed as they headed for Akinlolu's car. As they got in, he started discussing, Akinola and Akinlolu at first, Akinloye didn't join in as the most reserved type

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. He was looking out the window, it's his first time in Nigeria. He planned to enjoy his stay and get to know his youngest brother, it seemed he was doing fine though. 

  As they got to House 24, Primerose Drive, they all got out of the car and Akinlolu said,

“Welcome to my humble home.”

“You built this?”

“No o. It came with the car and work but I am working on my own land already.” Akinlolu explained. 

“Mehn, how do y'all cope with all these heat shit?” Akinloye asked dapping his face with his handkerchief. 

“We are doing very good as you can see. Just chill, in a coupla' days you will adapt but there is air conditioner at your service.”

“Really? Chill in the heat. Remind me to post that with a picture on my Instagram.” Akinola replied with a sneer. 

“Can we just go in, Babies?” Akinloye asked causing both guys to wash him down with a bad eye. Nothing had changed, these two are still bickers, Akinloye thought. 


     The next day they all went out, Mr. Cole had told Akinlolu to take two weeks off to attend to his brothers and so the sight-seeing began, a lot of pictures at different spots were taken and memories made. On the Saturday of the second week they spent together, Akinlolu invited Adara for dinner and she agreed.

  The dinner was by 07:00p.m. Adara made sure she got there ten minutes before the dinner time and she had picked out a red and black flowered Ankara material sown into jumpsuit with a black sandal. She arrived at the door with a Veleta wine and her black purse, her braided hair pulled back in ponytail.

Read " Meant To Be " by the same author ( Olufunlola Adeola )

. Akinloye was the one who opened the door for her and he said, 

“Good evening ma'am. How do you do?”

“How do you do? Can I come in?”

“Of course.” Akinloye said, collecting the wine from the beautiful lady and he closed the door after her and led her into the sitting room. Akinlolu was busy in the kitchen while Akinola was just coming out of his bedroom after a late nap and shower and he exclaimed as he saw Adara, 

“Oh my God!”

“What?” Akinloye asked as Adara's eyes met Akinola's.

“I am seeing an Angel. 'Lolu did you invite an Angel to join us for dinner?” Akinola asked just as Akinlolu came into the sitting room, 

“You better don't see any Angel. Anyway, this is Adaramola Zamani Halimah. The Couturier of Incognito label and CEO of Ombré Fashion House. She made that attire I wore yesterday and Adara meet my blood, Akinloye, an associate partner of Wheaton-Coker Hospital and Akinola, the Managing Director of Starling Bank USA.”

“I am so pleased to meet you ma'am. Heard a lot about you.”Akinola said as he quickly moved forward to kiss the back of her hand and Adara said, 

“I hope they are good stories.”

“They are, they are.” Akinola still holding on to her hand, Adara was amused by his behavior, Akinlolu stepped in between them and pulled her hand away from Akinola's. Akinola liked girls even though he had to believe it now that he has accepted Christ as his Saviour, it was still evident but then, who wouldn't be attracted to the beautiful damsel only if she could be his, he thought again and Akinola asked tapping his tummy, 

“Can we move to the dining room?”

“Food freak.” Akinlolu said, 

“Silly Ass.” Akinola replied, 

“Can't you guys just be gentlemen for once and usher the beauty in first before picking on each other's throat?” Akinloye asked, 

“Whatever!” Akinola and Akinlolu said simultaneously and they all went into the dining room. 


     The Cokers left for the States the next day and Akinlolu went back to work the following day. Things continued to go smoothly, Adara and Akinlolu were not so close as they were when they were living in the same house because of work and distance but they see and talk after service in Church and they also chat each other up. 

The last time they had really talked, Adara had told Akinlolu about a guy who wanted to date her and he was left with no choice but to tell her to meditate on it well before going into it but deep down, he wanted her to say no to the guy. She also told him about the reporters on her heel and he told her to only attend to them when she wanted to, she shouldn't give in to pressure.

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