Saved by Love - Episode 2

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     A week later, Alhaji Danjuma Zamani arrived with his wife as he had said and when they saw Adara, as she came to greet them, they were surprised, her hijab or scarf was gone not even a piece of clothing covered her head and Alhaji was cheesed off but he was reticent about it. At dinner that night, Alhaji said, 

“Halimah, what's all these difference about you?”

“I don't understand you, Dad.”

“Where's your dignity? Where's your hijab? I heard you have not been going to the mosque.”

“Dad, let me put all my cards on the table, I converted, i am now a Christian so I can't be going to the mosque.”

“Will you shut up? No child of mine will practice any other religion apart from Islam, so it's better you sleep and think it over.” Alhaji said and he pushed back his chair and stormed off to his room. Adara followed suit leaving Alhaja Wuraola at the table befuddled.

  Around past nine the next morning, Alhaji Danjuma called Adara out and she answered him . Then he questioned, 

“Hope you are now with your senses?”

“Dad, I never lost my senses.”

“Are you talking back at me? “

“As I told you yesterday Dad, I am a fully grown adult, I can make my own decisions, I am now a born again.”

“Not under my roof. No child of mine will practice anything other than Islam, if you are not ready then leave my house.”


“That is my decision, please get out of my sight.”

“If that is it dad, then you can bear it at the back of your mind that you have only two children.” She replied him heatedly went to her room and she started packing her things.

Within thirty minutes, three suitcases of different sizes contained her belongings and she called for a taxi

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Five minutes after, the taxi arrived she wheeled the suitcases out and saw her mother trying to pacify her dad and she dropped the suitcase and motioned for the gateman to take it to the taxi.

  She went in again, took her laptop and all other things and left, her mother calling her but within minutes she was in the taxi. She told the taxi driver to drop her in the next street. As she stood at the back gate of her father's house, she called Akinlolu to come and open the gate, which he did and before he could question her, she wheeled her suitcase in so he helped her. After they had settled down, Adara explained all what happened then Akinlolu said, 

“Adara, you know you can't stay here, in fact I might have to leave too if Alhaji gets to know that I am responsible for your conversion.”

  He had always dreaded this day; he knew something like this will happen sooner or later. 

“So? If you leave is that the end of the world? I have a plan, i will stay here for the meantime till I can get us an apartment far away from here because Alhaji is unpredictable. But first, I need to transfer all my money in both accounts to a new one, probably yours and then I have to get all the clothes in my store because Alhaji might want to close down whatever I have that is bringing money in for me.

Read " Meant To Be " by the same author ( Olufunlola Adeola )

. Will you help me?”

Akinlolu said, “Yes, I will do all I can.” 

Immediately they went to her store and they packed all the clothes she had designed, her office laptop and they headed back to Akinlolu's place. When they got there, she contacted an agent for a house and called her two bank managers to transfer the money in her accounts to Akinlolu's account leaving 3,000 and 5,000 in each account. Within minutes, more than half a million was transferred into Akinlolu's account and he got a SMS alert. They prayed for a while then Adara went to rest.


     The next day, Adara got a call from the house agent she contacted the previous day before that there was a two-bedroom flat, a room and living room with kitchen and bath facility at different places at Dugbe and Oluyole, Ibadan. They had decided to move to Ibadan because Ogun State is quite close to Lagos where the Zamanis reside and Ibadan is the largest city in West Africa so they should be able to survive.

  She told the agent she will get back to him and they prayed about the places the agent mentioned. On the third day, around 08:00 am, Akinlolu heard a pounding on his door and Adara was in the bathroom so he went to open the door only to see Alhaja Wuraola and he said,

“Good morning, Alhaja.”

“What is good about the morning ko? Tell me what is good about this morning, you this good-for-nothing idiot. You think you can come here, scatter my family and go scot-free ko? That's a lie, you this poverty-stricken fool.

“Dongo has told me everything that happened in our absence, you were playing the role of Mister Influencer shey? If you don't leave this compound before I come back, you will spend the rest of your miserable life in jail. I am going out now, let me come back and meet you here then you will enjoy yourself, pathetic fool.” Alhaja Wuraola said and stomped off, all the while Akinlolu was just starting at her, dumbfounded but as soon as she left, he closed the door and rested his back against it, Adara emerged from his room and asked,

“That was my mum, right?” 

Akinlolu nodded and stared into space as he said,

“She wants me out before she comes back, where do I go from here?”

“Akinlolu, this is not the time to start ruminating or asking questions, why don't you start packing your stuffs, while I call the agent at Ibadan and put my things together. 

  Within two hours, Adara had called the agent and she has agreed to rent the two bedroom apartment and she informed they were moving in today, their bags and boxes were packed already and then Adara called her special taxi driver that carries her to far distances when she didn't feel like going in her car and asked if he could take them to Ibadan, he said he would be there before they knew it and that was how they left.

  Thank God it was a week day so the traffic was light. Adara called the agent when they got to Ibadan and he gave them directions to the house, it was quite decent, very low and not elite looking for a Zamani though it had a gate but at this time, Adara would take anything because the stress and all the persecutions was starting to get to her.

  The man dropped them off and she paid him and told him to wait then the agent helped them move in and after concluding on a price, Akinlolu transferred the rent fee and other fees which was a totality of 100,000 naira to the man's account and he wrote a receipt for them then Adara and Akinlolu entered the taxi again and headed for the market where they bought food items and household items. Things were a lot cheaper here than Lagos. 

  By noon on the next day they were settled as if they had been living in the house for a while. They had one neighbour, a bachelor who had his fiancée staying with him and they were always either in or out so they had no worries of someone poke nosing into their lives.

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