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Jessie roll on her bed as she a was unable to  get any sleep,

she groan sitting up and glanced at the clock which was next to her bed 

It's still early, she muttered with a sigh, she then lay back down trying to get some sleep but she eventually gave up when sleep refuse to come 

She stood up from her bed and made her way downstairs,

she was heading to the kitchen when she got a glimpse of someone in  the living 

Who could that be at this time? She asked herself 

She tried to figure who the person was since the living room area was dark 

Jessie, the person finally called out to her 

I know that voice, she said to herself 

Michael, she responded few seconds later after the voice registered in her head 

What are you doing here? Jessie asked moving closer to him 

I should ask you that, Michael said 

"Sit down" Michael added 

Jessie nodded her head and sat down next to him,

she could feel the heat radiating from his body, all she wanted to do right now was just to rest her head on his shoulder and have his hands wrapped around her 

When had it been that I had those hands of his wrapped around me, Jessie said to herself 

I really want to feel those hands on me again and maybe......

Jessie you are quiet, Michael said snapping her out of her thought 

What, Jessie said finally regain herself 

I said you are quiet, Michael said again 

Yeah, Jessie replied 

Why are you up? Michael asked 


Did you have any more nightmares, he added 

Gosh, he does not know what he is doing to me, Jessie said to herself 

"No" Jessie finally answered his questions

I couldn't sleep, this thing with the demon is really messing with my head and I'm just glad that  demon actually confirm to us that my sister is still alive and I can't wait to see her again, Jessie said pouring out her emotions 


I can't really imagine what you are going through, but I promise we will get your sister back, Michael said 

"Thank you" Jessie said softly 

You really don't have to thank me, Michael said 
You deserve to be happy Jessie and you deserve to have your sister with you, Michael added 

Jessie nodded her head

Why are you up? Jessie asked 

I thought you would have noticed by now, Michael said 

Notice what? Jessie asked clearly confused 

That I don't sleep, Michael responded 

"At all" Jessie questioned 

"Yes" Michael replied 

Angels don't sleep, Michael added 

So nobody sleep in this house, I never knew Jessie said 

So all those times I would sneak into the kitchen at night, the Angels in the house really hear me but they decide to ignore me she said 

Gosh I thought I was smart she said with a chuckle Which made Michael laugh 

You are really clueless, Michael said with a chuckle

It's not my fault that I'm clueless, Jessie said 

Actually it's your fault, Michael reply

You are always locked up in your room and you never involve yourself in any conservation we have, Michael pointed out 

That's true, Jessie said 

But I'm not usually like that, Jessie said 

Losing my parents and my only sister has really make me quiet,

I no longer see the the need to be chatty but if we had met earlier you would have know that I'm really fun to be with 

Really? Michael asked with a smile 

Yes really, Jessie said with a smile 

So everybody upstairs is wide awake by now, Jessie said 

"No" Michael replied 

I thought you said Angels don't sleep, Jessie said giving Michael a confuse frown 

Yes I did, Michael said 

But what you should know is that not all of us are pure Angels, he said

Jessie rose her eyebrow in confusion 

Elena is half Angel and half human because Elena's mother was human 

"Was", Jessie said 

"Yes was", Elena's biologically mother is dead, Maria is her Aunt, Michael explained 

I'm really clueless, Jessie said 

You would never know unless you were told, Michael replied 

Elena never knew at first that Maria was not her mother, Michael said 

Really? Jessie asked 

Yes, it's really a long story I will tell you another time or you can ask Elena, I'm sure she will tell you, Michael said 

Okay, Jessie replied 

And Ariel is also like her mother, Michael said 

Half Angel and half human, Jessie asked 

"Yes" Michael replied 

This is a lot of information, Jessie said 

Yeah it is, Michael replied 


Do you want something to drink? Jessie asked standing up 

"No", Michael replied 

Okay, Jessie said as she made her way to the kitchen, she pour herself a drink and came back to the living room 

I'm heading back to my room, Jessie said 

Okay, Michael replied, see you later, he added 

Jessie gave him a smile before She left for her room 

After having her drink she lay down on her bed and drifted off to sleep 



Michael was still seated in the living room, it is now 7am and he knows the others are likely to come downstairs any minute from now

It's really tiring to be alone all through the night with nobody to talk to, but he has gotten use to it and he was really glad he had a little conversation with Jessie before she went back to bed 

Raguel and Elena were the first people to make an appearance 

Good morning, Elena said in a cheerful tone 

Good morning, Michael replied 

Elena then ventured into the kitchen while Raguel sat next to Michael 

How was your night? Raguel asked 

"Good" Michael replied with a smile 

I have being thinking about the best way we can invade the demon's zone, and I think it's time for us to rescue Jessie's sister, Michael said 

So what did you come up with, Raguel asked 

Michael explained all the plans he has thought about to Raguel who was listening attentively 

I think that would work, Raguel said after Michael done explaining

But we need to tell the others your plan, Raguel added 

Yes, Michael replied 

Michael glanced upstairs when he heard footsteps coming, his eye's connected with Jessie who gave him a smile before she averted her eyes and went straight to kitchen 

Breakfast was served and everybody sat down to eat their fast, when they were done, Michael went back to the living room 

Everybody was seated in the living room apart from Jessie who went straight to her bedroom after breakfast 

So I have a plan on how to save Jessie's sister, Michael said getting everybody's attention 

Let's hear it, Raphael said 

Michael nodded his head and starts to explain the plan he has



Jessie was in her room reading a book she collected from Ariel when she heard a sound,

she closed the book and stood up from the bed but before she could take a step a demon appeared in front of her 

What the hell, she muttered moving backward 

We meet again, the demon said with a smug smile

How did you get in here, Jessie asked 

Where is the demon those stupid Angels capture, the demon asked instead of answering Jessie's question 

I'm not going to tell you, Jessie said 

Then I will have to take you with me, the demon said 

You, Jessie said eyeing the demon 

I can easily overpower you, Jessie said 

But not all of us, the demon said as other demon appeared by his sides 

Jessie cursed softly as she moved back until her back touch the wall 

I will take my chances she said taking her stance to fight 

Attack her! The demon ordered  



So that's the plan Michael said 

It's a good one, Raphael said 


He stopped midway of his sentence 

Do you hear that, he said 

What? Michael replied 

Michael's eyes widen in realization 

"Demon's" they all said in unison 

The Angels flashed their wings and did not waste any time in using the stairs 

Michael push Jessie's door open and saw her struggling with demon's 

The Angels did not waste anytime has they join in the  fight 

Michael quickly rushed to Jessie's side to help her out 

He pushed the demon who was holding her down and knock him off

Are you okay? Michael quickly asked

Yes I'm fine, 

Look out! She shouted 

Michael quickly rushed out of the way before the demon could hit, he focus all his attention on the demon as he throw a punch at at him 


The sound of  Jessie's scream distracted him making a punch to land on his face, he quickly pushed the demon out of his way 

Michael was about to approach the demon holding Jessie but he was too late as he demon got the upper hand and vanished with Jessie 

Michael stood there frozen as  time stop and he could no longer think as the realization hit him that Jessie has been captured.


So guys, this will be the last episode I will upload to this story since I don't get feedback from you guys, so my guess is,  you guys  are not enjoying the story so I will have to stop writing it.


. .

Read " DEMON'S FATE ( BOOK 2) " by the same author ( Igwe Aruoriwo loveth )


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