Set me free - Episode 49

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"Final call for passengers of the flight going to Nigeria. Please proceed to the boarding gate." I hold on tighter to William and deepen the kiss. I can feel him pulling away slowly. I'm getting frantic. I pull him harder into me and kiss him harder. I can taste copper on my lips. I must have drawn blood but I can't stop. 
"Michelle." He pulls away from my lips. 
"No . No. No. No." I sob and try to reach for him. He moves back a little. 
"Please." I mutter.
"I can't Michelle. This is over." He looks back to the boarding gate just behind him and I take the chance to latch unto him. I hug him tight from behind like my life depends on it. His shoulders slump and his hands cover mine which are hooked together around his waist.
"You said you love me." I sob out as I rub my runny nose into his back. People are beginning to stare. I spot Rory in the corner. 
"Michelle I --"
"No. I want to here you say otherwise. Say you don't love me and I'll go back to my life without you. I won't bother you again." He finally frees my hold around him and turn around to stare down into my eyes. I can see his inner battle in his eyes.
"Say it, Liam

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. That's all I need. I don't love you, Michelle."
"You what Liam?  I need to hear you say it!" I snap when he turns his eyes away from my face I pull his face back to look at me. 
"I need you to say it. Looking into my eyes." I whisper as my hand linger on his face.
"I can't." He finally gets out and my heart leaps higher than any plane could have taken him.
"That's all I need to hear." I say as I kiss him again and again. 
"Sir, the plane is about to leave." The guard just beside us interrupt our little moment. I pull away to stare daggers at him. 
"He's not leaving." I snap at the man. The man looks to William for confirmation. 
"Tell him Liam."
"I can't." He says instead. My mouth drop. 
"What do you mean you can't!" I snap. 
"Is that all you can say today. I can't? You just affirmed that you love me. Was that just a lie?  To make me feel better?" My anger is beginning to flare up.
"No. Listen to me Michelle. I love you. I don't know how or why but I do." William says. I look at him confused. His expression doesn't match someone making a confession. He looks like he's saying goodbye. 
"No. Liam."
"I'm sorry Michelle. But I can't ask you to come with me. This dream was beautiful while it lasted but --"
"I'm not a dream. I'm real. Liam I'm here I --"
"Sir you have to go now." The security interrupts again. I lunge at him only to be held back by Rory. I don't even wonder how he caught me so fast. My head is swimming too deep for this. 
"I have to go." William exchange a look with Rory. 
"No! Wait! Liam!" I scream and fight Rory's hold. William turns around and walk on towards the gate. 
"Let go of me. He can't leave." I scream. 
"Michelle don't do this. Stop it. Let him go. " Rory whispers into my ear.
"William!" I scream. He doesn't even turn around. He walks right through the gate. I use all the strength in me and pull out of Rory's hold. The security gets to me before I can get past the gate.
"William! Liam!" I scream out my lungs. 
"Madam you have to calm down."
"Let go of me. That plane can't leave!" I grab his collars and shake him. He looks harassed as he tries to get me to calm down.
"Ma'am, I'm afraid the plane already left."
"What?! You can't be serious. I still have so much to say to that man! Stop the f*cking plane! " i'm losing my marbles.  Rory comes beside me and touch my shoulder.
"He's gone." He says quietly. A violent rack goes through me as I sob hard. 
"He can't leave. I love him." I cry. Rory puts his arm around me and hug me tight to his chest. 
"He left me." I cry out like it's not already obvious to everyone in the airport. This isn't how it happens in the movies. The lead couple always make up at airports.
"Shhh. You don't mean that. He had to leave." Rory defends as he pulls a piece of paper out of his suit pocket. I pull away from his chest. 
"What's this? "
"He wanted you to have this." I open the paper. Scrawled words greet my eyes.


 These past few weeks has been nothing short of a blissful dream. I was so happy and content for a while because I know there was a time frame to all this and like all good dreams, It ends. I now have to return back to my country. To face my past and conquer it. I'd love so much to live this dream with you but duty calls and as a single father who has failed his child too many times to count, I have to answer this call.
 You know the good thing about this dream? It's the fact that I get to take the taste of your lips and the feel of you even to my reality. I'll never let go of that. Please be happy.


 I slump on the airport's floor, the pain relief from the hospital wearing off gradually and pain shoot up my thigh.
"Are you okay?" Rory crouch beside me.  I just clutch the paper to my chest and stare at the buzz of people in the airport. 
"He's a father." I say.
"He didn't want to burden you with his problems after you've finally gotten free of your dad. He wants you to live the life  you've always wanted."
"Stupid man." I mutter. 
"He is the life I've always wanted." I say under my breath. 


"Daddy!" Before I alight the cab that brought me home I see Aurora fly out of mom's lap and out of our balcony.
"Thank you." I say to the cab driver as he hands me my bag. I turn around​ to face my baby with a broad smile. 
"Princess!" I catch her and throw her up into the air. Her laughter drowns the pang of loss that rouse inside me at the endearment.
"I missed you daddy. Grandma said you were coming home today so I wore my princess dress." She rattles off. I cringe at the word again. Princess.
"Good to see you again boy." Mom hug my shoulder and I breathe in the familiar scent of home. 
"You look astonishing." I compliment my baby who preens. 
"Grandma said so too."
"Grandma is right." I concur. 
"Oh and the bird. It said princess!  Just this morning!  You should hear it! " Aurora squeals. She wiggles out of my arm and bolt into the house. 
"Be careful honey,  don't hurt yourself! " I call after her. She's so full of energy .

Read " Beautiful Mask " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. It's contagious.
"I missed her." I say to mom. She gives me a short smile 
"But is that why you are back so soon?" She asks. 
"You aren't happy I'm back? You didn't want me to leave remember?" I defend. 
"Of course I'm ecstatic. So is your daughter. But I feel like you are running away from something." She says thoughtfully  
"Or someone." I smile. When did she become so perceptive 
"You said I should fight. I'm here to fight so I can move on and be happy." I help mom climb the short steps to our balcony. She pat my hand affectionately. 
"Did you find what you went looking for in the States?"
"I did find something but it's not what I went there for though." Michelle's smiling face flashes in my mind's eye. 
"Oh but there's never a right time to find love, my son."
"Yea, i-- wait! Who said anything about finding love?!" Mom grins. 
"The look on your face said it all." She poke my nose, playfully.
"Mom!" I protest. 
" Welcome back home son. I'll get Aurora and our food. " She says before disappearing into the house. I take in more breaths of home. 
 I did find something alright and that something definitely propelled me to fight my own demons. I don't know if we'll ever meet again but I'll always cherish our dream.

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  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Beautiful episode, I hope they meet again. Thumbs up Julie
  • Eunice Ache picture
  • Tony Presh picture
    Tony Presh
    William u should start expecting Michelle in Nigeria. I over heard her say u are the life she wants to live
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Nice episode dear
  • Henrique picture
    Okay, I actually just noticed the absence of Mrs fake Williams and her son. It's been what? Four years? Is the Williams company still functioning?
  • Henrique picture
    Oh and Dawn's family too... They shouldn't be left out too ya know
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