Set me free - Episode 57

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"He'll be right with you, soon." The butler looking guy informs me before pointing to a chair. I nod my thanks and sit on the couch in the huge sitting room. The ceiling is so high with adorned chandeliers. It was obvious how bastardly rich this man was. He wouldn't take money that was for sure.
"You aren't William." The resounding voice brings me out of my musing. I stand in respect to the older man . He comes up to shake my hand.
"You said you were William. Is that boy playing games now when he knows his life is currently in my hands." He goes to the chair by my side and sit down before I follow suit.
"You're going to make another deal with me for your shares to the company." I say matter of fact without mincing words.
"Excuse me?!" He looks both shocked and offended. I smile.
"I'll say the William family has done a pretty bad job running the company anyways. Wouldn't you?" I ask. 
"I don't give a damn about that company." He shrugs.
"Oh but I do. I'll like to buy your shares. Would let's say 20million dollars do?" I pull my cheque book out with a pen. The old man study me closely

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. His face calculating.
"More? 30million?" I see his brows shoot up. Of course that's a lot of money in this country.
"Why do you want the shares? You and I know it's not worth half of the sum you are calling even in Naira."
"Let me worry about that. So do we have a deal?" I hang my pen above the cheque book. We both stare each other off. The old man rise from his seat and walks past me. I follow him with my eyes. He goes to a wet bar and grab a drink.
"Want some?" He asks. I shake my head. I want to get this over with. I have to be there when Michelle gets back. This is my last gift to her before I leave for the states.  The old man takes his time pouring himself scotch before he comes back to sit beside me.
"I'm still curious why you seem desperate for my shares." He says calmly. I release a long breath. I know his type. Once he sees how desperate I am for said shares, he'll demand an arm and a leg. I drop my pen and relax on the chair.
"That's where you get it wrong Mr Gabriel. I'm so not desperate for your shares. I know two parties are already fighting for it. It gives me a thrill to get what people desperately want." I say casually. 
"30 million dollars for a thrill huh? You must have a lot of that money to spend." I smirk. 
"I'm a man of many means." I say. A man comes into the room and walks over to Mr Gabriel. I watch the old man's eyes literally shimmer at what is whispered into his ears. He waves the man away and waits for him to leave before he faces me.
"I see you are a big deal in the states. Eligible bachelor. Nice." He downs the whole content of his drink and smiles. I don't like the look he's giving me right now.
"35 million or I walk." I state
"Oh you won't walk. I'm sure of it. I can see it in your eyes. You want this and you strike me like the kind of guy who always gets what he wants." I shrug.
"Are you taking the money or not? " I pick my pen back up and reach for the cheque book.
"I'm.... Not." Mr Gabriel says cooly.  Damn you old man! I snap my eyes up to his.
"Now, I'm going to tell you what I told the last man who wanted my shares. I need an heir. Whoever marries my only daughter gets it." My hand balls into fists. I'd hoped it wouldn't boil down to this. If I could just bash his smug face in. 
"Now if you'll excuse me. I have a shareholders meeting to prepare for. It's just tomorrow afterall. I'm sure you know your way out." My fingers dig into the soft cushion as he rises and starts to walk away from me. Gosh, am I really going to do this? My mind goes back to last night. I should just leave and take Michelle to the states. I can make her love me. The several times Michelle has cried to me play in my head. I dig harder into the couch. She followed him all the way to Nigeria. How can you beat that kind of love Rory. I'm going to regret this but deep down, I already made my decision last night as I watch William and Michelle from the room window. I have to do this for her.
"I'll do it." I say softly. 
"Say what?" He turns around to appraise me. He loves that he's won. I hate this man. 
"After you get your heir, I get to leave."
"Free as a bird. I get my heir. You get your freedom."
"One more thing, I need the accounts from the company to convict Mrs William for murder."
"That should not be hard to do." He says 
" It's a deal." I stretch my hand out for an handshake. 
"No. It's a deal after you've signed the contract. 4pm this evening. Don't be late." He shakes my hanging hand with a smile.
"Dad, China just called. The video conference call has been postponed till tomo--"  A woman walks in on the both of us. She looks a mess with her bed hair sticking all over the place. My wife to be? I mentally cringe. She stops short when she notices me and her head snaps down. She must be embarrassed I saw her like this. Whatever. I wouldn't even care if she was naked. She starts backing off without looking up. She looks stupid.
"Amaya meet your fiance." Her father says. The woman's head snap up and I gasp when I finally see her face! It's the crazy woman who kissed me yesterday. I think I just walked into a conspiracy.


"You have to let me in! I said I'll just find her and leave!" I snap at the security at the airport entrance. He wouldn't even let me in without a passport. I'm panicking hard.
"Please." I plead. I have to get to Michelle. Last night was just perfect even after Aurora interrupted whatever was going to happen. I don't think I've slept that well ever. I was beside the women I love and I was content. What is a company that killed my father and probably Dawn compared to love and family. I was going to tell Michelle my decision. I was going to choose her.
 I squeeze hard on the offensive paper in my hand. She just left a flimsy paper saying she's leaving? Who can blame her? It's me! I was so stupid. She's who I need. I don't even have her number anymore.

Read " Redemption " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. Damn it all. Michelle please don't leave.
"Sir you are causing a scene. Don't let me call more security to throw you out." My anger flares at this. 
"Call whoever you want to! I don't fucking care!" I snap in his face.
"William." I drown my mother's voice and still try to force my way in. More security comes out.
"William come on." Mom pull my arm.
"The plane for the states already left sir." I think something's broken inside of me. I stagger slightly into my mother. She holds me.
"She's gone." I whisper. Mom catch a stray tear from my eyes.
"It hurts. She said she love me. She just left." I hug my mother tightly to stop myself from crying. 
"I know. It's not over son. Tomorrow you get everything back."

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  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Took him long enough....!
  • Amma picture
    now Will knows how it felt when he did the same thing to Dawn
  • Amma picture
    now Will knows how it felt when he did the same thing to Michelle
  • Henrique picture
    I love this episode I must say! Nice work Julie
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