Tears Of Summayah - Episode 18

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Guys beware, long chapter ahead. 

Ejo, abeg, bikonu... I need you to comment ooo. I want to know your views, any suggestions, just type away. Don't leave without commenting... Na beg i dey beg all of una...Hehe. 



Sumayyah’s wedding day dawned bright and clear. The Sanusi compound was a beehive of activities, as people ran helter-skelter, trying to make things perfect . Sumayyah sat on a stool in front of the mirror in her room, allowing herself to be prepped up for the occasion. The award of ‘Unhappiest bride in the world’ was one she was sure to get because she felt very miserable and wasn’t feeling up to anything. However, she was extremely glad that Azeezah was around to support her and be a shoulder to cry on. Hajia Fatima had to persuade her to allow the makeup artist work on her, because she had refused initially.
“Mum, I don’t need to wear make-up. I am fine enough.”

“Come on, you have to look pretty, you know today is your wedding? Just do it for me please” Her mother had pleaded.

And that was how it was settled, and the make-up artist started to work on her face. The result was breathtaking, as evidenced by Azeezah’s small scream when she saw Sumayyah’s face

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. “Wow, Sumayyah. You look so beautiful.”

“Stop teasing me, Az.”

“For real. I am sure Jamiu will faint when he sets his eyes on you.” Azeezah insisted.

Sumayyah smiled but it soon disappeared when she remembered what was going to happen in a few hours’ time, and she burst into tears. “Az, I am missing you already. Won’t you miss me?”

“I will.” Azeezah replied, trying her best to hold back tears as she hugged her friend. “Come on Sumayyah, stop crying. You’ll ruin your make-up if you continue.”

Sumayyah hugged her friend tight and wished she wouldn’t let go. “Az, you know we will be travelling to Lagos after the Nikah ceremony”
“Wow, that’s good. Just promise me you won’t forget me.”
“Never Az, you’ll always be my best friend.”

Just then, Hajia Fatima walked into the room and informed them that it is time to go.
The wedding ceremony was a success and Azeezah was very happy for her friend. Soon it was time for the newlyweds to take their trip to Lagos. Sumayyah and her mother hugged each other and cried until Musa and Kabiru had to separate them.

“I will miss you so much Sumayyah.” Hajia Fatima said amidst tears.

“Mother, please let me stay a little bit. Tell them that I don’t want to go with him.” Sumayyah held on to her mum really tight and was not ready to let go

“Sweet heart you have to go, okay. Your husband’s family is waiting”. Hajia Fatima pried Sumayyah’s hands from her body. “Be a good wife to him. Don’t forget everything I told you”

Sumayyah reluctantly walked towards the car where Jamiu and her brothers were waiting.

“You must promise to take care of my only sister. If you do otherwise, you won’t like the consequences.” Kabiru warned Jamiu.

“Yes sir.” Jamiu replied meekly.
“Please, just like my brother has said- take care of my sister as she is the apple of my eyes.” Musa said trying to hold back tears. “Never make her regret marrying you. Sumayyah makes people happy, so don’t make her feel lonely.” He chuckled before he continued. “Lastly, I want you to know that she really likes you, even though she may not show it. Goodbye”. With that he walked away, trying to avoid looking at Sumayyah as the car zoomed out of the premises.

Sumayyah continued to weep uncontrollably during their ride to the airport. Jamiu was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

“Yes” She sniffed.

“Please stop crying and look at me. I want to see your face.”

“I don’t want to look at you.” Sumayyah covered her face with her palms.

Jamiu sighed. “Ok, no problem.” He reached into his bag and produced a wrapped parcel. “I have a gift for you.”

“What is it?”

“You have to look at me before you can see it.”

Sumayyah slowly raised her head and looked at him. “What is it?”

Jamiu unwrapped the parcel to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. “Please accept it wholeheartedly.”
“It’s beautiful. Thank you”

“Thank you for accepting it.” Jamiu was very pleased that she liked the necklace. “Let me put it on for you.”

“What? No, there is no need, I can do it myself”


“Jamiu, I can’t put it on with my hijab.”

“Okay, then.” Jamiu turned to face the window, a disappointed look on his face.

Sumayyah felt bad that she had made him sad, after he had so thoughtfully gifted her with something beautiful. She decided to make it up to him. “Uhmm, Jamiu.”

“Yes” He said looking at her.
“You can put it on for me, but I won’t remove my hijab.”

Jamiu lips broke into a smile. Sumayyah smiled as well and turned so he could gently place it around her neck. “Thank you so much, it is beautiful. I love it.”

“You don’t need to thank me. Alhamdulillah, I am glad you like it.” Jamiu smiled ”You know what Sumayyah? That necklace is meant to bind us together forever.”

“Bind us together...You are funny.” Sumayyah laughed

Jamiu laughed too. “You should always laugh like this Sumayyah, you have no reason to cry. I promise to help you with your education and make you happy always.”

“I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

“You are welcome.”


The plane trip to Lagos exhausted Sumayyah so much that she fell asleep with her head on Jamiu’s shoulder during the cab ride to their hotel. Jamiu was so content with watching her sleep that he almost did not hear when the cab man announced; “We’ve arrived at The WheatBaker Hotel and Suites sir”

“Thank you.” Jamiu paid the cab fare and gently shook Sumayyah awake. “Wake up. We are here”

Sumayyah slowly opened her eyes and apologized when she realized her head had been on his shoulder the whole time. “I am sorry for resting on your shoulder.”

Jamiu smiled. “No problem” They alighted from the cab and retrieved their luggage from the boot.

Sumayyah yawned. “I am so tired, I could fall asleep right here.”

Jamiu laughed. “So, you are such a sleepy head. I am sure you can sleep on water then”

“Oh no, Jamiu. Now you are exaggerating.” They both laughed at that and walked into the hotel lobby. It was beautiful, with floors tiled in fine marble. A chandelier made rainbow colours dance across the lobby and embroidered sofas surrounded a large flat screen television. The doors and desks were made of gold-plated polished wood and exquisite African paintings hung from the walls. Sumayyah gaped at the splendid sight. “This hotel is breathtaking!”

They went to the receptionist, checked in and collected the key to their room. At the door to their room, Sumayyah stood rooted to the spot. She was scared as she had never been alone in a room with a man. Jamiu opened the door and noticed that Sumayyah wasn’t ready to come in.

“Sumayyah what’s wrong? Won’t you come inside?” He asked in a concerned voice
“I don’t feel like coming in with you.” Sumayyah’s voice shook.

“Why not?” I won’t bite”
Sumayyah remained silent.

Jamiu realized that she was feeling uncomfortable being alone with him and so he tried another tack. “Sumayyah, do you want to sleep out here in the cold?”

Sumayyah began to tremble. “I- I am scared”

“You are scared of me?”


“You don’t have to be. I promise not to hurt you.”

Sumayyah looked up at him with fear in her eyes. “Promise?”

Jamiu nodded. “Just trust me.”

They stepped into the room and immediately she dropped her luggage, Sumayyah plopped into a chair ready to go to sleep.
“Won’t you change your clothes?” Jamiu asked, surprised.

“I know I ought to, but I have a headache and I am too weak to fetch my nightie from the box.”

Jamiu offered to help her fetch it and soon returned with a lingerie for her to change into. “Here you go.”

Sumayyah accepted the gown and looked at Jamiu, silently telling him to leave so she could change. He gets the message and leaves the room, mumbling something about needing to speak with the receptionist. Sumayyah quickly donned the lingerie, put her hijab back on and went back to sleep on the chair.

Jamiu returned after a few minutes and smiled when he saw that she still had her hijab on. And was sleeping in the chair. “Sumayyah, get up and sleep on the bed please. This chair will only make you more uncomfortable and worsen your headache.”

“No, thank you. I will manage it.”
“Alright, if you say so.”  Suddenly Sumayyah’s phone beeped and Jamiu picked the call when he saw that it was Musa calling. “Hello.”

“Hello, Jamiu. How was your trip?”

“It was fine.”

“How is my sister doing?”

“She is fast asleep.”

Musa was shocked. “Sleeping?”
“Yes. She is very tired.”

Musa sighed. “Hmm, Jamiu please accept my apologies on her behalf. She is still a child”.

Jamiu laughed. It’s fine. I know she will come around.

“Thank you. Tell her I called when she wakes up”

“I will. My regards to mum and dad.”


“Goodnight.” Jamiu ended the call and promptly fell asleep in the chair opposite Sumayyah’s.


The next morning, Sumayyah awoke around 4:30 am to find Jamiu sleeping on the chair opposite hers. “Why didn’t he sleep on the bed? She thought to herself. She decided to arrange her clothes in the wardrobe and was embarrassed when she remembered that Jamiu must have seen all her underwear last night.

Jamiu awoke minutes later and was surprised to see her doing chores. “Sumayyah, you have enough time to do this later. Rest okay? You know you had a headache last night”

Sumayyah stopped arranging the clothes. “Okay, I have heard you.” She moved to return to the chair she slept in.

“Don’t tell me you want sleep on the chair again?” Jamiu asked baffled.

“Yes, I do.”

“I won’t allow you to. Please just sleep on the bed. I promise not to touch you.”

Sumayyah reluctantly agreed to sleep on the bed. Her phone beeped some minutes later and she picked it up. It was her mother-in-law.

“Hello, this is Ummu Jamiu.” Mrs Aminat said

“Mummy, I am sorry I would have called but I don’t have your number”
“Never mind, my daughter. I hope you and Jamiu are okay?”

“Yes, ma'am but he is still sleeping.”
“Alright. Let me leave you to rest too.”

“Yes ma.”
“Allah Hafiz.”


Jamiu and Sumayyah woke to pray Fajr, after which Sumayyah informed him that his mother called.
Alright, I will call her later.” Jamiu smiled. “Will you like to go out with me today?”

“Where to?”

“Anywhere, just some place where we can have fun.”

“I am not going.”

“Why? Are you scared?”

“I am not scared.”

“Then tell me why”.

Sumayyah smiled at that. “I was only joking. Of course, I will go with you”

Jamiu was relieved. “Start preparing because we will be leaving soon.”

They both showered, dressed and ordered some breakfast before leaving the hotel to have fun. Jamiu and Sumayyah visited different places, like the museum at Onikan, and the Freedom Park on the Island. When it was getting late, Jamiu decided that they had to return to the hotel, so they headed back. Jamiu took Sumayyah’s hand in his while they were waiting to take a cab, but she refused to allow him hold on to her.

“What is the problem?” Jamiu asked, confused. They had been having a good time until this.

“I don’t want you to hold my hands.” Sumayyah sulked.

“Why wouldn’t you?”

Sumayyah shrugged. “I just don’t want it.”

“Sumayyah, why are you being like this, hmm?”


“You are making me feel like I am a bad person.”

“No, I didn’t say that”

Jamiu was frustrated and he resisted the urge to shout at her for being so childish. “Then why can’t you trust me or have I offended you since we arrived here?”

Sumayyah could tell that he was on the verge of tears. “Are you crying?”

Jamiu did not reply and he started walking, without looking back. Sumayyah ran after him

“Wait for me! I am very sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Jamiu stopped and turned to face her. “You didn’t mean to hurt me? Can I ask you a question?”

“Yes” Sumayyah answered in a small voice.

“Am I so disgusting that you can’t allow me to hold your hands.?”

Sumayyah did not know what to say, so she remained silent. When Jamiu did not get a response from her, he started to walk away from her.
“Wait for me!” Sumayyah called. She almost got left behind, as he had already boarded a cab. She quickly hopped in just as it zoomed off.

They rode back to the hotel in silence. When they arrived at the hotel, Jamiu went straight for the stairs instead of the elevator. Sumayyah was shocked, because their room was on the
15th floor, and the stairs were bound to be long.
“Why don’t we take the elevator?” She suggested to Jamiu
“I prefer to use the stairs. I don’t want to be with someone who can’t stand me.” Jamiu replied in a clipped tone.

“Wait, but the stairs are too long…” Sumayyah called to his retreating back, but he did not stop. “I have no choice but to also use the stairs now” Sumayyah thought to herself. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have frustrated him”.

Sumayyah hurried to the foot of the stairs in a bid to catch up with Jamiu. She began to climb the stairs but on the 12th floor, she stepped on a hidden nail in the stairs.
“Haa, my leg” She cried, and sat down to check her legs but her bag slipped from her shoulders and all the contents spilled to the floor. “What kind of trouble is this?” Sumayyah was frustrated but she managed to pick up her stuff and continue her climb. At last she reached their room and she went in, trying to hide the limp in her legs
“Assalamu alaykum.”

“Walaykum salam.” Jamiu replied, without looking up from the book he was reading.

Sumayyah entered the bathroom so she could clean her wound. After 20 mins she came out and sat beside him on the bed. “Please forgive me. I didn’t do that on purpose. I promise to change in shaa ALLAH.”

Sumayyah did not get a response, so she glanced at him and saw that he was fast asleep. Sumayyah smiled and folded his clothes scattered all over the place. She took some pain killers to relieve the swelling on her foot and fell asleep beside him, hoping that he would forgive her the next morning.

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  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    That's What A Child Gives U When. She Is Stil A Baby. I Hope She Comes Around Soonest. Come To Think Of It, The Way Muslim Marry Out Their Daughter At A Tender Age Is Very Very Appalling......Kudos To U Timi. That's Splendid..
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    It obvious one can't give what he doesn't have.....I really hope Jamiu will be patient enough o& I hope his mum isn't deceptive oo
  • carmen picture
    Way are dis children doing on a honeymoon? They're too young 2 get married sef
  • Ruqaiya Tanko picture
    Ruqaiya Tanko
    Nice one timi
  • Timi picture
    @ carmen haha, very funny.
  • Timi picture
    @ Blessed Daniel Not all Muslims though, it is mostly done in the northern part, i guess it is not in vogue like before. Muslims are not to be forced to get married to anyone.
  • Timi picture
    @ Blessed Daniel Not all Muslims though, it is mostly done in the northern part, i guess it is not in vogue like before. Muslims are not to be forced to get married to anyone.
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    More interested, I don't think Jamiu can wait patient and endure with summayah character bcoz I think isnt her fault still young for d marriage.. Thank you timi
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    More interested, I don't think Jamiu can wait patient and endure with summayah character bcoz I think isnt her fault still young for d marriage.. Thank you timi
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    She's needs to start adjusting
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    To o childish, I pitty her it's not easy ,they don't even know what they doing.
  • Feyisara Modupe Sanya picture
    Feyisara Modupe Sanya
    she's too childish
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