Tears Of Summayah - Episode 31

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Mrs. Aminat shouted at Sumayyah when she did not get a response. “Didn’t you hear me? Answer me right now: are you pregnant?”

“I-I'm not pregnant mum, the nurse is just assuming things. It-it’s a misunderstanding.” Sumayyah stammered, fear evident in her voice.

Mrs. Aminat turned to the nurse . “Nurse, why have you assumed that she’s pregnant?”
“She looks pale and has been vomiting all morning”

Sumayyah’s mother-in-law took a few steps closer to her and proceeded to examine her body thoroughly. She checked her eyes, hands and even touched her chest. “Your eyeballs definitely are pale and that is a sign… hmm, why didn’t I notice that your breasts are?”

“Mum, I am not pregnant.” Sumayyah felt the sudden urge to vomit again, so she ran into the toilet. Once through, several questions began to race through her mind: Am I truly pregnant? Did Jamiu's touch make me pregnant? Mother was right, vomitting is one of the signs and that is what I have been feeling all morning.
Mrs. Aminat’s angry voice jerked Sumayyah out of her thoughts. “Sumayyah, please speak the truth- are you pregnant?”
“Mother, I am confused.”
“We will find out soon enough”.
The nurse, who had been silent all along spoke up

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. “Ma'am we can't be too sure as it might be something else. I can go to the pharmacy to get a strip for her to test if she is truly pregnant”
“Yes, please do. I need to know what this foolish girl is up to.” Mrs. Aminat said.
“Mother, I didn't do anything at all.” Sumayyah tried to reason with her mother-in-law but it was to no avail, as she had already handed the nurse some money for the strip.
After a few minutes, the nurse returned and Summayah almost fainted out of fear. The nurse handed her the strip and explained how to use it. On legs that shook, Sumayyah entered the bathroom and did as she was instructed. Minutes later, she came out with the strip, which almost fell out of her trembling hands
“Here it is.”
The nurse looked at the strip while the other two occupants of the room awaited the results anxiously. “She is pregnant.”
Sumayyah gasped in shock. “No, that’s not true. I can't be pregnant. It must be a mix…” The sting of Mrs. Aminat’s slap on her cheek interrupted her.
“Just shut your mouth, Sumayyah. Your wayward behaviour led to this pregnancy. Now tell me who is responsible, because I know my son isn’t.”
Sumayyah tears flowed unchecked. “Mum, please believe me. I am not pregnant.”
Mrs Aminat grunted in disbelief. “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself ehnn, my son gave you everything. He even called yesterday and blamed me for everything… which is very unlike him.” She shook her head in disgust. “I should have known better than to trust you”
“Just take it easy ma'am” The nurse cut in. “I am sure Jamiu will be happy about this. He is her husband, right?”

“Nurse please ask her if my son has ever touched her since they got married because I am a 100% sure he hasn’t”.
“Sumayyah, is this true?” The nurse’s voice was filled with surprise.

“It’s true that he has never touched me, but I am sure that tiny object you gave me is not saying the right thing. I still insist that I am not pregnant. This is just a misunderstanding.”
The nurse turned to Mrs. Aminat. “You can take her to the hospital for a proper test to assure her that she is pregnant. I have to be on my way now. Sumayyah, take care of yourself”
“Thank you, nurse, I will surely do that.”
Mrs. Aminat taunts increased even long after the nurse’s departure. Sumayyah cried her eyes out because she realised that if she truly was pregnant, Jamiu would never be the same with her. She fell into a troubled sleep and was awakened by a bucket of ice-cold water which Mrs. Aminat threw at her.
“Get up! You still have the guts to sleep with that useless thing in your stomach ehn?”
Sumayyah scrambled to her feet. “I am so sorry ma”.
“Don’t apologise to me. You should be sorry for yourself because you are doomed. My son spoke to me rudely because of you.” Mrs. Aminat dragged her by the hair and she yelped in pain. “Tell me what you said to him yesterday”

“Urghhh, mum I didn't say anything to him yesterday” She cried. “You are hurting me, mum, please let me go.”
“You witch, I am taking you to the hospital now, so get dressed and meet me outside. Don’t make me wait too long” With that Mrs. Aminat stepped outside.
Sumayyah donned another dress and hijab in haste and joined her mother-in-law.
“So, you still wear hijab?” Mrs. Aminat laughed. “Pr-stitutes don't use it and you are a disgrace to Islam. I suggest you never wear it again.”
Mrs. Aminat didn’t stop her taunts even after they arrived at the hospital, so much so that it drew everyone’s attention to them. Sumayyah couldn't stop crying out of embarrassment.
Mrs. Aminat went straight to the doctor and Sumayyah could not help but think that they had discussed prior to her arrival.
“Mrs. Sumayyah, I am Dr. Amidah. Nice meeting you.” The doctor smiled at her.
“Nice meeting you too ma'am.” Sumayyah forced a smile.
Dr. Amidah smiled back. “Don’t be nervous dear, the test isn't painful. The results will be out in no time.”

“Okay, ma'am.”
“Come with me please.”
Sumayyah did as she was told and had the test. She prayed that the test should be negative so that she would be free from Mrs. Aminat’s nagging.
Soon the doctor came out with the results and handed it over to Mrs. Aminat, who let out a loud shriek after reading the contents.
“What! Sumayyah. You are truly pregnant.”
“No, I am not.”
Mrs. Aminat slapped Sumayyah. “Take a look at the report yourself.”
Sumayyah reached out to collect the sheet of paper but was dragged out of the hospital by her mother-in-law.
“Let’s go home and you will see what I will do to you.”
“Ma'am, be patient. She shouldn’t be stressed.”
Mrs. Aminat ignored the doctor and dragged Sumayyah out of the hospital. At home, she dumped Sumayyah on a nearby couch and ordered her to stay put.
“Sumayyah, I want to ask you a few questions and would like honest answers. Has my son ever touched you before.?”
Sumayyah shook her head. “No ma.”

“Good. Then tell me who the father of the child in your womb is.”
Sumayyah burst into tears. “I don't know, mother.”
“So you mean this pregnancy just jumped into your stomach.” Mrs. Aminat clapped in disbelief. “Tell me the truth now before I descend on you and make you suffer for the rest of your life!”
“Mummy, please I beg of you. I didn't know how it happened.”
“You didn't know how it happened? Alright, suit yourself. If that’s how you want to play. I am taking you to your parents’ right now.”
Mrs. Aminat dragged Sumayyah into the car and drove to her parents’ home, where she proceeded to explain the matter to them. Her father and mother were both shocked, to say the least.
“Sumayyah! Is this true? Are you pregnant for someone other than your husband?”
“Mom, I don't know how it happened. I…”
“Your pr-stitute of a child showed her true colours immediately my boy went to the university.” Mrs. Aminat’s voice was laced with venom. “You had better ask her to confess.”
“Please calm down ma’am.” Mallam Yusuf spoke softly. “Who is the father of your unborn baby, Sumayyah? You can tell us dear.”

Sumayyah tears continued to fall. “By Allah, I have no idea.”
Mallam Yusuf was so incensed that he raised his hands to hit Sumayyah but stopped just in time. “Don't ever step foot in this house again. You are a disgrace to this family.”
Sumayyah gasped in shock. “Dad trust me. You know I am not a bad girl.”
“Don’t call me that.” Mallam Yusuf removed his leg from Sumayyah’s grasp. “We are not your real parents.”
The world seemed to be spinning around Sumayyah. “Mom please tell me it's not true. Tell me, dad is only joking, right?”
Mallam Yusuf answered before his wife could. “That’s the truth. Your mother abandoned you at the hospital at birth and I raised you as my own. I am beginning to regret that decision, wallahi.”
“My husband, please take it easy with her.” Hajia Fatima pleaded.
Mallam Yusuf disagreed. “We have to let her know the truth. All indulgence must end now. Sumayyah has betrayed the trust and confidence we had in her, yet you expect me to take it easy”.
“I am sorry, my husband.”
“Sumayyah get out of my house. Leave with your mother-in-law. Don’t you ever make contact with anyone in this house again.”

“Dad, please you can't do this to me. I don't have anyone else. Mother, please!”
Hajia Fatima’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Perhaps we should investigate this matter further and not make hasty decisions.”
“I can't and won’t. Mrs. Aminat you can do with her as you please.” Mallam Yusuf and Hajia Fatima showed them to the door and closed it behind them.
Sumayyah ponded on the door with her fists.
“Dad, please forgive me.  This is just a misunderstanding. Please, don't leave me alone dad, please open the door.”
“Stand up! Let's get home before I decide what to do to you.”
Sumayyah knew that no good could come from arguing, so she got up and followed her mother-in-law back home. Back at home, Mrs. Aminat called Jamiu and explained everything to him.
“Jamiu, I want you to listen carefully. Sumayyah has done something unbelievable.”
“Mum don’t start again please. You know I haven't forgiven you for what you did last time.”
“Will you shut up and listen to me? I am your mother and I am telling you that Sumayyah doesn't deserve your kind gestures. She is pregnant.”

There was a long pause at the other end of the line. “What! Sumayyah can't be pregnant. Mum, if this is a joke stop it because it isn’t funny.”
“Let me ask you this son. Have you ever been intimate with her before?”
“No mum.”
“Then there’s nothing left to talk about here. When will you be back?”
“Tomorrow... Ehm, can I speak with her?”
Mrs. Aminat sighed before handing the phone to Sumayyah. She couldn’t believe that Jamiu still wanted to speak with the pr-stitute.
“Hello, Sumayyah. Please stop crying and tell me the truth. Are you pregnant?”
Sumayyah couldn't answer him.
“Sumayyah please talk to me.”
“I am so sorry” Sumayyah gave the phone to her mother-in-law and ran into her room.
“You can see she has refused to confess.” Mrs Aminat started.
“Mum just take it easy with her. I will be back by tomorrow.”
“Okay, goodnight.”
Mrs Aminat went into Sumayyah’s room. “Sumayyah, tomorrow you will leave this house, so you had better rest well today. Jamiu is going to find out everything” She left without waiting for a reply and called Jennifer as soon as she entered the sitting room.  
“You won’t believe this. Sumayyah is pregnant.”
“What? When?  How did you find out?” Jennifer sounded surprised.
“I just came here to execute our plan but discovered that she is pregnant. Jamiu will be back tomorrow and I am sure he will heed my words and throw her out.”
“Mom, Jamiu really loves her and might not agree to throw her out. He might even accept her pregnancy wholeheartedly. To achieve victory, we must make him believe that Sumayyah is wayward.”
“Okay. But how do we do that?”
“Hmm, this is what we will do. I need you to get me her phone very early in the morning. Then make sure to drop the evidence on the table where Jamiu will find it, before dragging Sumayyah outside. Trust me, if he catches her cheating himself then he’ll believe you. I wil come for the phone in the morning.”
“Thank you, dear. You are right. When my son sees her cheating, she won’t be able to convince him to love her back. We will finally get rid of this wh-re for good.”

“Alright ma'am, goodnight.”

“Thank you so much. Goodnight and sleep tight.”

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  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    Walahi I don't like dis at all. Pls God show mercy.
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    What is there gain in destroying someone's life? So painful
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    Isn't too much for summayah.. D time she need her parent dey are abandon her... Jennifer and mother-in-law will regret it later. God will help you and make u over come this problem.. Good job timi
  • Peace Ighofose picture
    Peace Ighofose
    Father Lord pls send help to dis lady pls Lord.
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    It's a story Sha oo bcos I don't understand how an elderly woman will be seeking advice from a stupid child
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    It's a story Sha oo bcos I don't understand how an elderly woman will be seeking advice from a stupid child
  • Timi picture
    @ Olasumbo Ayodeji It happens in reality, also Mrs Aminat didn't think of Jennifer as a stupid child, all she wants is how to make her leave her son because of what she has heard and seen. She will definitely listen to Jennifer than anyone else.
  • Adebanjo Abiodun picture
    Adebanjo Abiodun
    Pls oo post the next episode.
  • Adebanjo Abiodun picture
    Adebanjo Abiodun
    I can't stop crying??this is too much for her
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    I'm just angry, no further comment
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    So sorry dear, this is too much for one person
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    So sorry dear, this is too much for one person
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    So sorry dear, this is too much for one person
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    So sorry dear, this is too much for one person
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Crying. Touching And Pathetic Story Line. Hmm High Tempor Doom.Sigh! What A Pain..Timi Weldon.
  • chijay picture
    @ Olasumbo Ayodeji, it isn't just a story dear, I ve witness such wit my two eyes open . An aged woman who sought advice from a young girl on her to deal wit her son n son's wife.
  • chijay picture
    @ Olasumbo Ayodeji, it isn't just a story dear, I ve witness such wit my two eyes open . An aged woman who sought advice from a young girl on her to deal wit her son n son's wife.
  • Timi picture
    @ chijay Thank you so much ma'am.
  • Young Stella Maries picture
    Young Stella Maries
    I pray that God intervain to the case of this girl and curse her enemies to suffer
  • Suzzy Tim picture
    Suzzy Tim
    So emotional ???
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Too painful
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    The worst has happened.
  • Abdulsalam Aisha picture
    Abdulsalam Aisha
    Subhanallah this is too much to bear for a little girl wuth no one except Allah
  • Orji Christiana picture
    Orji Christiana
    She wants to carry her burden alone, I pray Allah will help her
  • Afonja Mariam Adewumi picture
    Afonja Mariam Adewumi
    What a pathetic episode!! I can't wait to read till end because summayah must come out of this
  • Justina picture
    Am just fed up...its really hurting me
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