Tears Of Summayah - Episode 49

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Hajia Fatima was in the kitchen preparing lunch for the family and Mallam Yusuf was in his room resting. Musa is just back from school, he came back specially for his baby sister, Summayah. He came in running and screaming.

Musa:Salam Alaikum mama. 

Hajia Fatima:(She came out of the kitchen)What? You are back? 

Musa:Just reply my salam first mama. 

Hajia Fatima:Walaykum salam. 

Musa:Good, are you not happy to see me?

Hajia Fatima:Off course, i am. You should have told us, we would have come to pick you up from the airport. 

Musa:We are on holiday and i have not talked to my sister for a long time . Whenever i ask of her, you give me some excuse but i am home now there is no more excuse. I will go and see her in her house now, i am upset with Summayah too, she didn't bother to call her friend. I know the tariff is high for international calls, she should have just chat me up. Her phone is switched off anytime i tried calling. It's so unfair, she forgot me because of Jamiu.

Hajia Fatima:Uhmm, just relax okay? 

Musa:Mom,you feel uncomfortable? Is there something you aren't telling me?Something happened to my sister? Give me her new number then, i want to speak with her right now. 

Hajia Fatima: Just go to your father and shower. When you freshen up, we would talk about everything that has happened since you left. 

Musa:What is it that you can't tell me now? (He shouted) Just tell me where my sister is

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. I don't want to shower or eat, all i want is to see her right now. 

Hajia Fatima:You can't see her.

Musa:Why? Did something happen to her? 

Hajia Fatima:Go to your room. 

Musa:I will have to talk to father if you cant talk to me. (He ran to his father's room) Father! Father!! 

Mallam Yusuf:(He stood up from his bed) Musa? You are back? 

Musa:Yes, i am back. I need some information on Summayah's home address.

Mallam Yusuf:Don't mention that name ever again. 

Musa:Father, she is your daughter. 

Mallam Yusuf:No, she isn't my daughter. she is a disgrace to this family. I raised her as my own and she repaid me with sleeping around with guys.

Musa:How can you say all this about your own daughter?

Mallam Yusuf:She is just a girl i saved when she was young. I think i have done her much favor for letting her live, she would have died there and then. 

Musa:You are not the one that saves life father, you didn't do it_another person would have unless she is destined to die at that point. I can't believe you believed what people say about your daughter over what you know she can do.

Mallam Yusuf:How dare you talk to me like that? 

Musa:How could you say that the child you raised is sleeping around with guys? Father, how could you? Summayah isn't the kind of person that even make friends with boys not to talk of having sex with guys and not even once.

Mallam Yusuf:She isn't part of my family anymore. 

Musa:I can't believe you did this to my sister and mother too? 

Mallam Yusuf:Remember, i give orders in this family. She has to do whatever i say.

Musa:You pushed your only daughter away? When the family she grew up with and call a home didn't support her, i wonder what she must be going through in her husband's house. I know this is a joke right? You are trying to pull my legs, isn't it? Just tell me (He shouted) 

(Hajia Fatima rushed into the room.)

Hajia Fatima:Why are you shouting?

Musa:Is father saying the truth about Summayah?

Hajia Fatima:Ye...Yes. 

Musa:Mother, didn't you feel anything when you threw her out of this house? No wonder you married her off so quickly, it is because Summayah is not your real daughter. You didn't feel any connection between you too? You know how  she can be when she is sick, what if she is in a lot of pain? Didn't you think for once, the daughter you raised with your own two hands, you also ruined her life with that hands. How could you? You sleep and eat comfortably without my sister? (He wiped his tears) 

Hajia Fatima:She...

Musa:You don't need to explain anything to me. I am also at fault, it has been months since i talked to her. Why didn't i notice you have all disowned her, i thought she was enjoying her marriage and i didn't want to disturb her. I was wrong. I entrusted her with you, what if she was your daughter, would you have disowned her like that? No,  right? 

Mallam Yusuf:Yes, i would have done the same. 

Musa:There is no point talking to you all. Mother, give me the address to her home. I. Mean. Right. Now. 

Hajia Fatima:I...I

Musa:You won't give me the address too? 

Hajia Fatima:Let's go to the sitting room to write it.

Musa:I don't think i can stand one more minute with you. Just send it to my phone.

Hajia Fatima:Okay.

Mallam Yusuf:Do as you wish, all i know is that she is not allowed in here anymore. 

Musa:I don't know if i am your real son, this is how you throw me out if i make a mistake too. (His phone beeped indicating his mother sent the message already, he rushed out of the house to search for Summayah.)

Mrs Aminat arrived at her son's house with Jennifer. What they saw left them in shock, Jennifer had to recompose herself. It was a female's bag and shoe, she barged into his room. She couldn't hold her tears anymore, the guy she fought and want to commit a crime for is here sleeping with another girl instead of her. She removed the duvet from their body and dragged the girl out of the bed.

Jennifer:Stand up girl. 

Mary:Why are you dragging, can't you see that i am enjoying my sleep with my baby. 

Jennifer:Watch your mouth, who gave you the right to call him baby. 

Jamiu:Jennifer, why are you shouting. I need to get some sleep.

Jennifer:Why did you bring this sl-t into your house? 

Jamiu:You know i went out to club yesterday and this is not the first time i bring girls here. I have to fulfill my s-xual desires. 

Mary:Spare me all this talk, just pay me my money, i have to leave. 

Jamiu:It's under the pillow. 

(Mary quickly checked it and she took the money, dressed up and left. Mrs Aminat entered his room only to see Jennifer crying) 

Mrs Aminat:Jennifer my dear, what happened? 

Jamiu:Just because i spent the night with a girl.

Jennifer:Cant you see that i love you? You think it is a small issue, if you want to fulfill your desires then i can do it. Just name it, i will do anything for you. 

Mrs Aminat:Jamiu, just stop this nonsense and get married to Jennifer. If you are married, you don't need any girls. What if you contact some deadly disease, i can't bear to lose you. You know you are my only son and your father didn't care to know anything about us. I won't be able to live if i lose you, so please just get married. 

Jamiu:Mother, i don't want to be committed to a girl. You made me marry Summayah, what did she give back for all the love and care, it was betrayal. 

Mrs Aminat:Dont compare that sl-t with Jennifer. Jennifer is ready to give you whatever you want, she will not deprive you of your rights to her. 

Jennifer:Trust me jamiu, i can never be like Summayah who didn't appreciate everything you gave her. I love you so much and promise to do whatever you want me to do. I will go to parties with you, just be my boyfriend again and you won't regret it for once. I give all my body and soul. 

Jamiu:Are you sure you will not be like Summayah.

Jennifer:Dont even compare me with her. She was the one that came in between us, we should have been a couple right from the beginning. (She moved closer and kissed him on his cheek.)Why do we go tonight? 

Jamiu:I will think about it, i have to freshen up right now. 

Jennifer:Okay baby. 

Mrs Aminat:Enough with your romance. We have to prepare breakfast for him. 

Jennifer:I will do all that for him.

Mrs Aminat:Hmm,i see.

(Musa knocked very hard on the door, he couldn't wait to see his sister. He was determined to take her away from here by all means. Mrs Aminat and Jennifer looked at each other, wondering who could be knocking at the door at this hour.) 

Jennifer:Mother, are you expecting any visitor?

Mrs Aminat:No, maybe jamiu is expecting anyone. Let me check. 

Jennifer:I will go and check, if it is a girl, i will make sure i give her a piece of my mind. I can't tolerate anyone near my Jamiu.

Mrs Aminat:Okay, i will be waiting. 

(Jennifer finally opened the door, she was pushed aside by Musa and almost lost her balance. Musa kept on shouting.)

Musa:(He turned to Jennifer) Where is Summayah. 

Jennifer:She isn't here, i guess you are one of her customers. Well, Summayah left this house to get herself another rich guy she can dupe. I hope you weren't duped too? Because she is a scam. 

Musa:Then what are you? Are you a legal wife, for you to be here in a man's house by this hour of the day. 

Jennifer:How can... 

Musa:Shameless human being. All i want is to see Summayah right now, where is she?

Jennifer:She is not here. 

Musa:I don't have any business with you, call Jamiu for me. 

(Jamiu and his mother came out of the room.) 

Musa:Jamiu, where is my sister?

Jamiu:She is not here.

Musa:What do you mean by she's not here? 

Jamiu:Your sister is a thief and a pr-stitute. She eloped with some other guy and you know what she stole my mother's jewellery box and money. She sleeps with a lot of guys and was impregnated by one of them. Do you know how promiscuous she is? Your. Sister. Doesn't. Know. The. Father. Of. Her. Unborn. Child. (He stressed on the word)

Musa:(He slapped him and held him in the throat)How dare you talk about my sister moral like that? I have known her for good fifteen years and you have only being together a year or less than and this is what you say about her. My sister isn't the one that make friends with people, you are now saying she sleep with guys. How could you? I thought you are a responsible guy that love my sister genuinely, how did i make a mistake by entrusting my sister to you. Allah knows how much you have tortured her before she left your house. 

Mrs Aminat:Leave my son alone or i will call the police right now. 

Musa:Call them right now, i don't care. You will all pay for everything including my parents.Wallah,you will regret it. 

(Musa remembered the hadith for anger and he released him immediately)

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The strong are not the best wrestlers. Verily, the strong are only those who control themselves when they are angry.”


Musa:Wallah,if not for Allah, i would have beat the hell out of you. You left my sister for her, right?

Jamiu:(He choked while talking) Don't bring her into this matter, i left your sister for no one. Summayah betrayed my love and trust, why don't you understand. She isn't what you think she is, i have never touched her for once after our marriage. You expect me to accept her and the child when it isn't mine. I know you can't accept half of what she has done to me, i respected her and even fought with my mum for your sister and all i get is deceit. 

Musa:That is enough. I will make sure i find my sister no matter what, only Allah knows how she is fairing right now. My sister is all alone. (Tears was streaming out of his face) I failed as a brother, i failed already. (He quietly stood up and left his house)

(Jennifer was very happy to see how everything has turned in her favour. She doesn't need to worry about Jamiu since he was hers now and nobody can separate them. Not even death as she thought. Her mission is finally completed, all she needs to do is to persuade his mother into marrying her son since her mother will not object to their union.) 

Good morning guys, i am sorry for the late update but that is how it is going to be for now because i have a very important thing to do on the 10th of next month and it is taking a whole lot of my time. 

I pray it is successful so that i can get back to writing without fear, i need your prayers too. 

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  • Cutedreamer picture
    Great episode Timi, well done
  • chijay picture
    Jenifer will cry last. Great work u did here Tim . May God favour u in ur pursuit; and be back quick for the remaining episodes. Love u .
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    it will b a success Insha Allah. thanks timi
  • Ukbaby picture
    May it be a success
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Jamiu will regret this, kudos Timi
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Jamiu will regret this, kudos Timi
  • Timi picture
    Hello guys, what do you think about a group chat on wattsap where we can chat and you tell me my flaws and the book in general. Should i make it or not?
  • Timi picture
    Hello guys, what do you think about a group chat on wattsap where we can chat and you tell me my flaws and the book in general. Should i make it or not?
  • Timi picture
    Hello guys, what do you think about a group chat on wattsap where we can chat and you tell me my flaws and the book in general. Should i make it or not?
  • Oyebode Florence picture
    Oyebode Florence
    Good work Buh please update on time
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    Timi I love this, but the update is getting too long ooo, trust me you will be successful
  • Timi picture
    @ Oladapo Titilayo Akinola I'm so sorry for the long wait.
    Wow. This Jamiu guy...
  • Teema Zarma picture
    Teema Zarma
    Our prayers are with you dear
  • Popoola Elizabeth picture
    Popoola Elizabeth
    I just pray jamiu know Jenny real character
  • fatumah sulait picture
    fatumah sulait
    Timi please do the WhatsApp group I always wanted to ask this from many writers . nice write up
  • Ngozi Awagu picture
    Ngozi Awagu
    Wow! Success all the way dear, surely it shall go down well with you
  • chijay picture
    Is a great idea , @ Timi, go on wit d group chat.
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Success dear
  • Amma picture
    hmm I've made an observation about this story....pardon me if that's not the case but I noticed all the bad people ( actually two) all don't bear Muslim names...take Jennifer for instance and the prostitute in this episode (Mary) is it mere coincidence or it is deliberate??
  • Timi picture
    @ Amma It is just a coincidence and not deliberate, i have explained this before. I am not using any names because of a9 religion, if you look closely then you would know that Jennifer isn't the only cruel person in this book.
  • Fatima Owodunni picture
    Fatima Owodunni
    Interesting. Well done. Utmost best wishes for life.
  • ibrahimjamilah22@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Yes @ timi am in full support of the group please,nice one here.
  • Nasser Progress picture
    Nasser Progress
    Good write up, may God continue to strengthen you. And give you success in what you are pursuing in Jesus name Amen
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