Tears Of Summayah - Episode 6

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The cab arrived at Sumayyah’s family home in a few minutes and the girls alighted, with Azeezah helping Sumayyah into the house. The house was empty as Sumayyah’s parents had not returned from work.
“Come on, let me help you to your room.” Azeezah told her friend. 
Sumayyah crawled into bed immediately she entered her room. “Thank you so much Az . It’s getting late, don’t you think you should get going? We don’t want to worry your mum” 

Azeezah shook her head. "I will explain to her and she will surely understand. Just be quiet and let me help you with some things before I go."

"You have to start going, I am fine really. You know how dangerous it is at night.” Sumayyah insisted.

Azeezah nodded in defeat and sighed. Sumayyah could be as stubborn as an ox sometimes. "Okay, I will leave. But promise me that you will be okay."

"I am okay Az. All thanks to you." Sumayyah engulfed Azeezah into a tight hug.

"I know you are lying to me," Azeezah teased.

They both laughed and Azeezah left for her home which was a few blocks away.

Sumayyah burrowed further into the pillows and thanked God that Azeezah and Jamiu had found her when they did. Perhaps I would still be lying in that godforsaken place, with no one to rescue me, she thought

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. The horrible memories of Jennifer and her clique punching, slapping and humiliating her rose unbid into her mind’s eye and she choked back tears. Why would somebody do such a wicked thing because of a man? Sumayyah ached all over and she knew that if she did not take a warm shower, get a massage and swallow some painkillers, she would get a crisis episode. Sumayyah groaned and sluggishly got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. On the way she suddenly remembered that she was supposed to cook dinner for her parents, so she headed straight to the kitchen instead.

Sumayyah decided to prepare something easy and light and when she managed to get it done, she went straight to the bathroom and had a long, warm shower. Feeling a little refreshed after the shower, she changed into her night clothes and took some painkillers. How I wish mum was here to give me a massage she thought. Tears sprung into her eyes again and she climbed into bed again, feeling sorry for herself. “Ya Allah, I need your Rahmah because I am scared, and I don't know what to do.”

With that prayer on her lips and tears streaming down her cheeks, Sumayyah fell into a fitful sleep.


Hajia Fatima returned home to find the door unlocked. How come? She thought. Sumayyah must have forgotten to lock it. Hajia Fatima knew that it was unlike her daughter, and she feared that maybe she was sick, or worse having a crisis. Suddenly feeling very afraid, she hurried into the house and sprinted into Sumayyah’s room.

"Sumayyah! Sumayyah! Are you in there?" Hajia Fatima burst into Sumayyah’s room and was relieved to find her in bed, asleep. Relieved, she touched Sumayyah’s forehead and was startled because she was burning with a fever. Hajia Fatima tapped her gently. “Honey wake up please.”

Sumayyah woke up from her sleep to see her mother standing over her.

"Are you sick? What is the problem?"

"Mom, I am okay. I just had a little cold but it’s getting better. Please don't be worried.".

"Okay, let me make you something to eat so you can take your medication.”

"I have already prepared dinner mum, it’s in the microwave. But I won’t be having any as I haven’t got much of an appetite."

“Oh, my dear thank you, but you shouldn’t have”. Hajia Fatima kissed Sumayyah’s cheek. “Please just eat a few bites, to keep your strength up, hmm” Her mother insisted 

"Fine, I will try" Sumayyah sighed.

"Good. Let me bring it for you." 

After forcing a few spoons down her throat just to satisfy her mum, Sumayyah swallowed the pills her mum brought and settled in to sleep. But sleep evaded her as memories of the horrors she witnessed earlier in the day kept playing over and over again in her mind’s eye. Then she slept off after the medicine started to take effect.


Azeezah arrived her home some minutes after 8pm, to meet her mother waiting in the sitting room. She was worried sick, and rightly so. Azeezah never stayed out late and was supposed to have returned from school by 5pm.

"Where have you been, Azeezah?” Her mum shouted. “You know that I am the only person that has been taking care of you, please don't make me look like a bad mother. If you are to join those rogue girls, our honour would be badly damaged." 

Azeezah started crying. "Mom, it's not like that, please let me explain. Sumayyah was very sick and I had to take her home. I also stayed with her for a while because her parents were not at home.” Azeezah knelt before her mum. “I'm really sorry for making you scared, I only wanted to help my best friend.”

Azeezah’s mum took her hand and pulled her up. "Subhanallah! And here I was thinking the worst of you, while you were out doing good” She hugged her daughter. “I am so sorry for yelling at you.”

"It's okay, mum. I understand"

"Thank you, my baby.” Azeezah’s mum led them both to a settee. “So how is Sumayyah? Was she okay before you left her?”

“Yes, she was sleeping when I left her.” Azeezah replied, rising from her seat “Mum, I need to go upstairs to change my school uniform."

“Alright dear. But come down so you can eat your dinner before it gets cold.”

"Okay.” Azeezah started up the stairs but stopped midway and looked back at her mum. Mom, can you do me a favour? I need you to call Hajia Fatima to check up on Sumayyah"

"Sure, I will."

"Thanks, mom!" Azeezah continued up the stairs to her room.

Azeezah’s mum dialled Hajia Fatima’s number several times but got no reply from the other end. Why is Hajia not picking her calls? She thought. Azezah’s mum tried again and this time Hajia Fatima answered on the fourth ring


"Hello! Good evening, Fatima"

"Good evening. How is Azeezah?"

"Oh, she is fine. She just informed me that Sumayyah is sick, so I called to know how she is."

Hajia Fatima replied, "That is so nice of her. Sumayyah is getting better, Alhamdulillah.”

“Alhamdulillah.” Azeezah’s mum sighed in relief.

“Say hi to Azeezah for Sumayyah. I know how close both girls are.”

"Yes, I will. I will tell Azeezah to come and check on Sumayyah tomorrow. I would have come with her, but I have been very busy lately”

“That’s is so nice of you ma’am, thank you. We will be expecting Azeezah tomorrow. Extend my greetings to her. Good night" Hajia Fatima said.

“Good night.” Azeezah’s mum ended the call. She informed Azeezah when she came down that Sumayyah was feeling better.


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