Tears Of Summayah - Episode 67

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Jami’u stood there dumbfounded. And there wasn’t a single vein in his body that’s working the way it supposed to work. All this things unveiling themselves on their own are too hard for his brain, he couldn’t start assimilating each and every information he’s getting. The puzzles he solved himself, and the dotted lines he joined. 

Totally forgetting about the clothes he was about to pack, he slid his two phones in his jeans pockets and walked out of the room. His vision is getting blurry with each step he takes, but that’s the least of his worries . What he’s worried about now is Summayah. Ya Allah, how is he supposed to start asking for her forgiveness? Does he even deserve it? No. 

If he is to be frank with himself, a single glance from Summayah; he’s not worth it. He placed his sweaty hands on the steering wheel and drove out of the compound, silently praying to Allah so he could drive safely. He knew the condition of his mind would never let him drive safely. 

He was on the road, but the only image he gets on his brain was that of Summayah, the way he treated her, how she begged him and he didn’t listened to her even for a second. And now what? He’s the one regretting at last.

He arrived at the police station and parked his car

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. Taking only his old phone with him, Jami’u trudged inside, not being able to compose the anger rising within him. He couldn’t wait to set his eyes on Jennifer, for he could feel the hatred he has for her threatening to suffocate him. Oh how Jennifer had ruined his life. 

He met a female officer and they exchanged pleasantries before he asked to see Jennifer. “I’m sorry sir, but you can’t see her now; she’s getting interrogated.” She said and dipped her head into the book she was reading on her hands. 

“Please help me, I’m in dire need to see her. I’m not here to bail her or anything. Please.” He begged, eyes turned red and he couldn’t begin to tell this officer how he so much wants to see Jennifer, he has alot to ask. 

“Oga please leave here, you can’t see her today! Period.” She hissed loudly and dropped down the book, getting annoyed at how he seemed not to be relentless. How can a person be this stubborn? She made it crystal clear that he can’t see her, what again?

“Look, this woman is my wife, if you would help me see her. We need to talk about certain things before I get a lawyer, I know she’ll be taken to the court right?” He asked again, taking a stack if 500 naira note from his pocket and silently slipped it into her book. 

She looked at him and smiled, turning her head sideways to see if someone has seen them. “I’ll escort you to the cell she’s locked in, don’t stay long.” She walked out and Jami’u silently followed her, praying to the almighty to help him tame his anger, he can be a criminal soon. Because all he feels is like to kill Jennifer and everyone would rest. 

She unlocked the cell and Jami’u entered, sitting on the long bench. The officer stood in front of the office to guard them and waited. Jami’u flashed Jennifer a disgusted look and yawed his gaze away from her face, his fists were clenching and unclenching themselves. She looked at him and started playing with the hemp of her shirt. 

He cleared his throat and spoke, disgust and hatred spewing directly on her face. “Tell me, why did you hid the truth from me? Why haven’t you showed me the messages Aisha sent? Why did you do all this? Why Jennifer?” He was trying so hard not to smack the living daylights out of her, but Jennifer seems unscathed about his seething rage. 

“Which messages are you talking about? I haven’t seen your old phone for long, Jami’u.” From the way her voice sounded he knew she was lying, and he knew his instincts were telling the truth. He’s afraid if this isn’t the only thing Jennifer did, he could smell something worst than this. 

He touched the space between his eyes out of frustration and looked at her again, “Both you and I know that you’re not telling the truth. It’s either you save us all the stress or you’re going to feel it painfully. So, Jennifer, tell me why you hid the truth from me all this while.” He asked again, flashing her a look that emotes nothing but the sheer rage and hatred boiling in his heart. 

She was mute, not being able to utter a single word. And that infuriated Jami’u. In a swift, he lifted his hand and slapped her hard across her left cheek. “Would you tell me the f*cking truth or not?!” He clamored and stood up, Jennifer following his steps. 

“To hell with you and your excuse of a mother, Jami’u! To hell with that useless girl, Summayah. You see that excuse of a mother you have? She has 50% in what happened to Sunmayah! Me and your wicked mother did the snapping and video recordings! She was behind the idea of all those malicious plans we had!

Look, I’m the one that hit your mother’s head with a rod, it wasn’t the armed robbers. Did you know what she saw and threatened me? She saw me on bed with the love of my life in your goddamn house! And let me tell you something, I’m freaking pregnant and the child isn’t yours! So go deal with it! And your stupid pathetic Summayah!” The next thing she felt were Jami’u’s strong hands strangling her to death. She coughed and began gasping for breath when the officer entered and yanked Jami’u away from her body. 

As he was being dragged out of the cell, Jennifer burst into a series of laughter, because she knew, out of 100% there’s 0.01% of Summayah surviving the situation she’s in. And that alone is worth every ounce of hardship she’s facing and would face in the future. 

He was in his car, but Jami’u couldn’t bring himself to ignite the car on. He could remember the way he treated Summayah, he could remember how she wailed and begged for his mercy but he couldn’t stop beating her. The words he threw at her were enough to damage her mental health. He r*ped her so many times thinking she had an illegitimate child in his house, not knowing it was his. Summayah was carrying his child while he did what he did to her. Would his child ever forgive him? 

He was so dumb not to think of that, he was the first to have any s*xual intercourse with her, and while had he never thought of that while he was humiliating her? He doesn’t deserve her forgiveness nor his child. Because he punished her while she was being faithful and loyal to him. 

They didn’t know how, but there were journalists waiting at the reception of the hospital to know about the condition of Summayah. How they know the hospital they were in would still remain a miracle to all of them. 

Hadiza decided it’s high time the world knows about Summayah and that she’s the owner of Ayah organization. She walked out in trudging steps and in a matter of second, the journalists were before her ranting questions at her. 

She cleared her tears, and that didn’t stopped them from rolling down in a rush. “I have a secret to unveil to the world. As you all know, Summayah was adopted by my family, but today I could proudly say; she was the good daughter and sister my children and I would ever wished for. She’s the most nicest person I’ve ever met in my life. She had been through alot, but that doesn’t change the way she views the world. 

The Ayah organization isn’t mine, it’s Summayah’s. I know lots of people might be shocked, but this is the reality of the truth. Summayah owns Ayah organization not me. Thank you.” She couldn’t continue because of the fountain of tears rolling down her cheeks. She doesn’t know how to describe the pain she’s feeling in her heart because of Summayah, and she’s afraid something terrible would happen to her. 

In the next thirty minutes, people had been trooping inside the hospital to check up on Summayah. Some were from the neighboring houses while most of the people were from Ayah organization. They came with a lump of grief and regrets in their heart, because they all lived with the thought of Hadiza being the owner of the organization never thought it could be Summayah. 

They could all remember when Jami’u and his likes were humiliating her publicly, and what did they did? They backed him up and called her a sl*t, not knowing she was the one that sponsored the eid park fun day. She was the one pending for their needs. She was the one that gives them capitals to start up business so they could feed their families and make ends meet. 

They kept praying for her, and all their faces were showing how much they regretted ever doubting the faithfulness of Summayah. And their lips kept monotoning a quick recovery for her. Hadiza could only nod her head in response to their prayers. 

She beckoned for Azizah from the corner they sat glumly with Maryam; with her hand. Azizah came forward and she told her “Azizah, please go home and get some of Summayah’s clothes and the babies’, I’m sure they’re going to ask of them any time soon. Be fast.” Azizah nodded and inhaled a deep breath before she stood up and walked to the exit. 

Azizah was about to walk out of the hospital when her bloodshot eyes caught a sight of a devastated Jami’u, having his shoulders slumped in remorse and his head couldn’t have the effrontery to look at the people around the hospital. 

She felt anger rising up to her throat, seeing the cause of all the hardships Summayah went through standing there unscathed. He was about to pass her without noticing her when she yanked him back using the hemp of his shirt. 

“What the hell are you here for?! Are you here to take off the oxygen mask on her nose so she could die and you would fill your heart desires or take the babies she endured all this hardship for?!” She clamored using a thundering voice, at the same time tears spilling their ways out of her eyes socket. 

He bulged his eyes, lamentation clearly written all over his face. “I was told that she’s in this hospital, I just came here to see her Azizah. I don’t wish her bad anymore.” He stammered and yawed his gaze away from the scorching eyes of Azizah. 

“So you could laugh at how miserable she is? That she has never found peace since you left her?” She asked again, crossing her hands across her chest; flashing him a hot glare right through his eyes. 

He immediately shook his head and was about to talk when she cut him off “Or you’re here to take your babies with you after knowing that they’re your children?” He was stiffed at the plural pronunciation of baby. Does this mean Summayah gave birth not to only a single child but two? Ya Allah!

Seeing the train of thoughts he had been driving on, Azizah dragged him again using the hemp of his shirt into the hospital. They stopped at nowhere until they were in the waiting area of the ICU unit, where Summayah is there fighting to be in the world or the hereafter. 

Hadiza and Uthman immediately stood up upon the sight of them. Uthman’s fists naturally clenched by themselves when recognization of the one following Azizah hits him. He was the guy that hit Summayah on eid day. 

What’s wrong with Azizah, how could she make him close anywhere close to Summayah? She avowed hours ago on never letting him anywhere close to Summayah and now this? 

He walked towards them without waiting for them to reach were they were seated, fists clenched ready to make blood to spurt out of Jami’u’s nose. 

“What the hell is he doing here, Azizah?” He bellowed out the words, flashing Jami’u a disgusted and hatred filled look. 

“He came here to see how Summayah is doing, his words not mine though.” She said sarcastically and glared at Jami’u, whom has head looking down at the white tiles of the hospital. 

“She doesn’t want to see you, and she doesn’t give a f*ck about how you see her doing. Before I do something we all will regret, kindly find your way out of this hospital!” Uthman thundered and pointed towards the exit door door, looking nothing but a pained and devastated lover. 

“Uthman, take it easy on him. Nothing could bring him where Summayah is unless he knows about the truth now. And she would be happy to see him, even if she doesn’t love him anymore. She would be happy to know that he finally realized the truth.” Hadiza spoke calmly, placing her hand on Uthman’s clenched muscles. 

Uthman held Jami’u’s wrist and dragged him into the ICU unit, they stopped at the door because they couldn’t be allowed into the room she’s in. “Look over the glasses, and ask your heart who puts her in the condition she’s in now. About your babies, you wouldn’t be able to see them unless she asks for that herself.” Uthman informed through gritted teeth and walked away, leaving Jami’u stiffed on the white tiles of the hospital. While his eyes were begging him to peep through the glassess, his heart was afraid of doing so. 

He was about to lean on the door when Uthman’s angry voice halted him. He turned and his eyes fell on Uthman’s bloodshot eyes as he uttered the words that broke Jami’u’s heart to shards. 

“I want you to know that you’re nothing but a hypocrite! A coward that couldn’t stand for himself and his babies. This woman you took as nothing, you took for granted because of her naivety, she’s the real heroine. 

She protected your babies even after knowing you denied your fatherly rights on the babies. If it was someone else, she would’ve long flushed out the babies and she would’ve been fine now. May be hell bent in love with someone or happily married that it would take her a journey down the lane of her memories that she could even let herself remind of a certain Jami’u that was once in her life. 

But what? She choose her babies over her happiness, over her health and all that this dunya has to offer. You should be ashamed of yourself, because you’ve failed this innocent lady all over in her life. Not once, twice or thrice, you’ve failed her ever since man knows of the realm of forever!”

The words weren’t easy on his heart, they were taking a huge toll he couldn’t get to bring up together. He knows that whatever Uthman said is the truth, and the least he could do to himself is to let his soul grief, as hard as it would grief. May be then he could find a place in his heart and forgive himself. 

He finally found the courage to peep through the glasses, and if a heart could speak, his heart would’ve cursed him right this instant. He felt his knees going weak, and he had to slump on the bare floor of the hospital, he’s regretting ever knowing Jennifer in his life. 

But there was a certain proverb he learned when he was in school “It’s too late to cry when the head is cut off.” He believed this is the exact situation he’s in, it’s too late to be remorseful when the one he’s to ask for her forgiveness in deep into a coma and only god knows when she’ll be awake.

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  • Bukenzo picture
    First to comment. Jenifer must not go Scot free ooooo, she must also suffer , her suffering should even b more than that of summaya. let her cry for death to take her nd death should fail to and. let jamiu also suffer for all he caused sumaya, he must not go free oooooo. I pray sumayah comes around quickly. what about summaya's so called parent nd brothers. God bless u timi, I love this story like kilode, more ink to ur pen in Jesus name
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    God don't let Summaya died o, very interesting, good work.
  • Binta Zakari picture
    Binta Zakari
    Tears of Sumayyah is really a tears oozing out blood instead of tears. I felt sorry for Summayyah but will keep following Timi till the end. May your ink never dry.
  • Vivian Anny picture
    Vivian Anny
    Please Summayah should not die ooo. And her babies should be fine ooo
  • belladiva54@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Summy pls don't go back to jamiu wen u wake up.nice one
  • Olatunji Mariam picture
    Olatunji Mariam
    timmy please next episode....i have been waiting for too long
  • chijay picture
    Aah!!, Timi, so one episode for one month ? am tired of waiting na.
  • UjBless picture
    Please post na#crying#
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Where are Sumayyah's adopted parents that got her married to Jamiu in the first place?
  • Excel Christophers picture
    Excel Christophers
    Dummy had really suffered, I pray she recovers soon
  • Excel Christophers picture
    Excel Christophers
    Summy had really suffered, I pray she recovers soon
  • Rufusucheoma Rufus picture
    Rufusucheoma Rufus
    I pray she wake up sound and bealthy she deserves to be happy with uthman
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