The Bet - Episode 2


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*Please do not get confused with the names, its a totally new story, different from Brothers

Jessica stared at Mariam from the bed as she got ready for the party, she and Marian had been friends since first year in the university and while Marian was studying English and literature, she was studying business administration, but yet they were very close friends, she could consider her her best friend seeing Mariam knew more about her than anyone else, Mariam had been with her through the good, the bad and the ugly.. now both in final year Jessica had decided to focus only on her books with nothing complicating her life..

Marian had told her about the said party her boyfriend was hosting but she wasn't interested, never had been, not for a year she wondered why Mariam was bothering

"Why bother asking, you know I don't do parties"she said with a duh

"Chris wants you to come" Marian said turning to look at her, she was fully dressed now, Jessica gave her a look of boredom

"So?" She and Chris were cool but..."he's not my boyfriend is should go, have fun. . I have better things to do"she said and went back to her study note, books were scattered around her bed as she had a test coming up

"Like what exactly." Mariam persisted arms akimbo".your in your finals Jessica, if you don't have fun now, when would you have fun?"

"Maybe never?" Jessica wondered why she was even bringing it up, they had talked  about this  long before now "just leave me alone Marian "she said in dismissal" I have a discussion I have to prep for" before Marian could think of a comeback her cellphone rang and she picked up

" helo Gina, wassup",she said Mariam rolled her eyes, Gina always took Jessica's time even though they were coursemates, she felt jealous sometimes 

"But how could you do know we planned this for long, besides we have a test.." Jessica paused.."so what do you want me to do now..I can't possibly read on my own "a silence" tomorrow.. you are surely gonna pay for this...

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Alrii bye"she cut, Marian saw her frowning

"What is it?"

"She stood me up, said something came I'm just gonna be bored alone "

"I guess other people have better things ro do than read on a friday night.."

Jessica looked up"Her moms sick, she had to go home"

A pause"oh...well why read when you could possibly have fun with me, it's Friday night for gods sake.."

Jessica glared at her, then said

"I actually do not like parties "

"Up until a year ago"Mariam said with an eyeroll

Jessica glared at her then returned back to her book  in silence

"Hey I'm sorry OK, I'm not even gonna bring it up again, you can stay in this boring room alone"

Mariam took her purse and wore her heels

"I just wanted you to meet Dare art alade..Chris said he was coming"

Jessica perked up, he was one of her favourite arts, she looked up

"Why would he be there"?.

" Because Chris knows someone who knows him, they all just friends from way back in school "

Jessica paused in thought, Mariam was doing all she could to get her to this party for a reason which wasn't Dare,  She decided she was gonna go and find out what it was and see her Dare of course. Talk about killing two.birds with one atonet.

She stayed in one corner of the room sipping her glass of  wine as music buzzed and people moved around and interacted, it was Chris's friends birthday she was told., place was filled up with people who seemed to know each other and everyone was having fun except her, Marian had left her some minutes ago to find Chris but hadn't returned, she was bored and a guy was trying to hit her up trying all his lines, even though she was blantantly ignoring him, she looked now and discovered Mariam was returning..

Read " Brothers " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

. Oh thank Goodness, she thought ...but Marian wasn't alone...She was with a guy, who was obviously not her boyfriend, she took him in as he took her in, he reminded her of her boyfriend,...ex boyfriend... those kind of guys that were fine and exuded confidence that they knew they were, so the women should bow down and worship..she disliked him already as she looked back at her friend...he had earlier made a speech, she recalled..he must be the celebrant...

"She's even more beautiful than I presumed"he said hands still in pockets..she stared at him passively, making her own judgements about his character,  she knew his type, he was a player, it was as clear as though, he was wearing it on his sleeves, the other guy had thankfully walked away but she discovered she had to face this too,  all thanks to her friend who she looked at questioningly...

" well Raymond meet my friend..Jessica, .Raymond the celebrant "

Raymond stretched his hand, she winced and slid her hand into it"nice to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine" he said smiling into her eyes as he bent to kiss her hand which she withdrew immediately

"Where's Chris?"

"Hes at the back waiting for me... I ll leave you two to it, be right back"

Oh no, she didn't but she did as Marian shashayed away, she formed a smile and sipped her wine awkwardly, and tried to ignore him thinking he would just go when he gets bored but he was silently staring at her as if trying to know the kind of woman she was, so he would know the game he would play?she wondered

" well you actually look stunning  on this dreasy, red  happens to be my favourite "he began, really, was he gonna say that...

" good for you then"she replied

He drew close and  stood beside her"I've heard a lot about you"

" I doubt, Marian doesn't talk about her friends"

"Yeah I noticed..but the little she told, or was able to telll.. wow"

"Guess I'm more than you expected uh"she teased, twirling her wine glass and standing directly in front of him

His eyes at this time  had left her face and was removing her cloths, she resisted tthe urge to throw the remaining wine at his face

"Well I hope you enjoy your party, if you do not mind, I'd like yo do it alone" that was his cue to leave calmly

"Nope, would ask for a dance but there's to dance to.." he paused"..I like talking to you..even though we just met you're great company" he said, she looked at him, she hadn't been good company to anyone for a year now, was that just one of his lines

"two is a crowd mister,  i like being on my own"warning to leave number two but he wasnt bulging

"Then why might I ask did you come for the party.?"he asked

"Cos I expected my favourite art to be here but its all a scam"

"Dare...why would you think that.he's gonna come..I could even introduce..if you want, .." he paused"but thats after we dance"

She glared at him"you have to try harder than that mister "she said arms crossed

 "Why you being all mean..." he said"we just met"

"You tell me... maybe because I can smell when someone wants something from a mile away"

He laughed and stared away "That's funny because your very right, I do want you" she held his gaze and looked away, she made to go, he held her hand"I just see someone who's too scared to open up to strangers"he said

"Well stranger, I need to go now" she indicated her hand which he was still holding and as if on cue Dare walked in amidst screams from girls and hailings from guys

"Come on , he's playing now" Raymond said, Dare sat on the piano that had been set for him and began to play, Raymond saw Jessica laugh for the first time that night as he took her in his arms , he decided he loved her smile with her dimples..

The music continued to play as they danced slowly to the song,

*Your not the girl I used to know, you're a shadow of yourself...."

He was staring at her throughout, she'd look at him then look away, she finally decided to hold his gaze which was a wrong move on her part because she got lost in it...memories flashed before her eyes  about who she used to be as her environment became extinct and she saw just him....then him...

He was tall guy with a chocolate complexion, a constant smirk was planted on his face, he also had smiling eyes, his hair was very full and dark, she felt his stubble.....

Jessica felt heat wash all over her, her stomach in tumbles before she realised he had his lips on hers, he was begging for entrance and she wanted him badly..she didn't know what was happening and as she sighed and let him in, the heat got too much and she got scared and like a flash came back to her senses.. What the hell was she doing.. No why had he done that.., she tried to pull away but he didn't want to let her go..

"Let go of me..don't you..." She finally pulled away and slapped him hard across the face

"Don't you ever in your life"she blurted as she met his shocked gaze with his hand on his face before she stormed aware that the music had stopped and people were staring, they had caused a lot of attention

Dare chuckled, to lighten up the atmosphere" it happens all the time"he joked,  people laughed, but Raymond still stood there as Marian left Chris and ran after her friend..Raymond wondered at his behaviour, he had never been so carried away as to kiss a girl on the dancefloor before.. What the f*ck...But with his lips on hers, he had felt he was in heaven....

"Shit man, you couldn't wait for dessert?" Chris came to ask him arms akimbo with a chuckle accompanying his remark,  Raymond ignored him and  looked after the women, this was a no go area, he decided..even though he wanted to explore the fire she coursed in his veins, he didn't want to get burnt..she too wouldn't want to see him again anyway...

"Well that went well" Chris mocked

"it was disaster, " Raymond confessed "we are no match please,we don't even like each other... I just need to get laid that's all, I'm not up for such drama"he said

Chris chuckled then tapped him"Hapi birthday man"

Jessica was so furious in the car

"Omg, I can't believe"

"Just chill out Ok, guess he was drunk or sth"Mariam said, she actually hadn't expected that too

"You brought me here to sell me off to a complete stranger"she couldn't believe it

"I just wanted you to have fun,don't blow this out of proportion,it was just a kiss, I guess he got carried away"

"Stop making excuses for him. And .if I see him around me again, I'm gonna hold you responsible"

Marian glanced at her friend who looked all really angered

"I think you liked it. A lot, that's why you're angry, did he make you remember who you once were"

"Do you have a death wish...just shut up and drive this car" she said in dismissal then looked out the window, Marian didn't reply, Jessica had been irritable for long to everyone around her including her mom, she couldnt blame.her though what had happened was terrible but she wanted her friend to.get over it...

She smiled to herself, at first it seemed like she just wanted to teach Raymond a lesson but she decided now that with these two together her final year just got more interesting...

it'd be a fun game to watch.



Who's gonna win the game?

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