The Bodyguard - Episode 16

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Theo Mcdonough

He had no idea his father knew Allison's mother.

Allison excused herself from the table and left for her room.

"You knew her mom" 

he queried immediately Allison was out of sight.

"Just casually"

 The captain said nonchalantly.

He couldn't help but feel the captain was hiding something from him.

"I came here to inform you that I've taken care of the situation, so you and Allison can come back"

 He wiped the corners of his mouth with a serviette.

"You came all the way here just to tell me this?"

 he wanted to say but decided against it.

He pressed a button and he wheeled out of the house in a linear way, Xavier was waiting in front of the door.

Xavier helped the captain into the car and zoomed off.

He felt Allison's warm breath on his back, he felt like hugging her but he was very aware of what the visit to the house meant.

It was to put him back in line and make him focus on their mission.

"Get ready, we're leaving"

 He announced.

"We're leaving? Where?" 

"It's safe we are going back to Forchia"

 She was asking too many questions and it was getting on his nerves.

She wore a big shirt over a pair of shorts and was very quiet as they drove back to Forchia.

He couldn't fall in love with Allison.

He tried very hard not to think of the night before or the fact that she smelt of his soap and she was sitted right next to him.

It was killing him; he knew he was going to have to hurt her heart.

He knew she felt the same way he did about her, he could see it in her eyes.

From the corner of his eyes he could see her chew on a cuticle.

He sighed.

I'm sorry Allison.


Allison Winters

She had never felt this nervous and sad her whole life, Theo made her nervous in a good-ish way.

He was back to being cold and a mean son-of-a-b-tch, why did his father have to come and complicate stuff.

She wondered what his father told him that made him to be so cold again.

He brought the car to a halt and she noticed they were already at the apartment.

He opened the door on his side and opened her door too; he stiffened and stood in a 'bodyguard' pose.

They got into the house and the silence was really unbearable.

"Theo about last night?" 

"That was a mistake, and I'm really sorry it happened. If you sue me for sexual harassment I'd understand"

 He blurted.

She chuckled and waited for any sign on his face that showed he was joking, but she saw none.


 her voice broke.

"I'm really sorry"

 He said again and walked into his room shutting the door.

Tears filled her eyes and she sniffled.


Theo Mcdonough It broke his heart to hurt her that way, but it was for the best

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. His phone beeped and he checked it.

The message was from Peaches, he'd asked Peaches to find out some stuff for him.


Mr. Winters was clean or maybe he was just very good at cleaning his tracks.

. .

Read " Rose " by the same author ( Louisefaye )

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