The Dancing Bride And Her Spirit Warrior - Episode 20

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Koni was livid. He should be back at Nyati town with Vuyanzi and not here in the city. He could not wait for this meeting to be over so that he could go back. He paced back and forth on the luxurious green carpet that decorated the head office of Baraza la Wazee. He had taken an early morning flight to Nairobi to meet up with the elders who had summoned him and his brothers once they heard about the poaching that happened under their noses on the day they were launching the new reserve. The clan elders wanted answers.

Big Cats Group of Companies was a cover for the spirit warriors . It allowed them to spread all over the continent and penetrate into many poaching syndicates. The amanani had evolved, they not only attacked spirit brides but also endangered forest animals.

Baraza la Wazee was the security arm of the organization. The heartbeat of the firm.

Spirit warriors were divided under different species. The lions, cheetahs and leopards. There were also the chimpanzee spirit warriors but they defaulted from the Council. They were few and it was rare to hear from them. Koni suspected the elders were keeping something from them but he didn’t question them. Sometimes it was better to live sleeping dogs to lie.

Each species had its own strength that they capitalized on

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. All of the spirit warriors had mightier strength, super speed, enhanced senses. In fact all their five senses were superior to all beings. They also had prolonged lives but not immortal.

Each species had a leader, a chief that represented them in the Baraza La Wazee. The chiefs were ancients and came from long lines of fearless spirit warriors.

Koni’s father was the chief of the lion clans. Koni could trace his roots back to the first group of spirit warriors. He came from an impressive line of strong fighters and noble men. The first spirit warriors were human warriors who were granted the power to shift into animals.

‘’Koni Jasiri,’’ a voice bellowed at the entrance of the office.

Oh great, now he had to deal with Roiman Lenku, Koni thought.

Koni stopped pacing and cursed his luck. He should have known better, he was bound to meet with Roiman, the sleek house cat oh sorry cheetah.

‘’Roiman Lenku,’’ Koni answered snidely. He was in a bad mood and meeting with the likes of Roiman was not improving it. Roiman was an impressive warrior, he had worked with Koni over in several cases but they had always rubbed shoulders. The cheetah always seemed to have a bone to pick with Koni.

Naturally, lions did not get along with other predators like cheetahs or leopards and vice versa. It was always a big fail when they were given a case to work on but the council insisted they always had to work together. Unity in strength or something like that.

Most of the time the council assigned different groups different missions. Most undercover work was given to the leopard clan. They seemed to be good at blending in and disappearing quickly. They always worked to perfection. Most of their intelligence officers were leopard warriors. They were also the best assassins in the organization.

‘’The new conservation has not yet started running and trouble is following you, such a dirty spot on your pristine record,’’ Roiman stalked closer to Koni, Roiman had a distinctive scar running from his right eye to the corner of his mouth. It gave him a ferocious look. He did not even try to hide it. It helped during interrogations as one cold stare from Roiman was enough to coax a perpetrator into talking.

‘’Are you sure you are qualified to manage it Koni? Or is the name Jasiri so powerful to get you anywhere?’’

Koni gritted his teeth.

It was no secret Roiman hated the inherited leadership that selected the leaders of Baraza La Wazee. He always reminded Koni that without his family name, Koni could not be anywhere near the top.

Koni had worked hard and more than several times, he had proven that he earned that post but the likes of Roiman would never see that.

‘’I can also see you here Roiman, that means you have been summoned too,’’ Koni refused to take bait and argue with Roiman. Instead he folded his muscled arms across his wide chest and decided to stare down at Roiman.

They held a staring contest and Roiman seemed to notice the volatile emotions behind Koni’s glare.

As always Roiman was the first to break away. Someone coughed and both turned to look at Kofi, the team leader of the leopard warriors. Kofi was as silent as the night and no one ever saw him coming.

‘’Now that everybody is here can we go to Pembeni, I don’t want to be here anymore than you two,’’ Kofi said and Koni agreed with him. Keeping his beast calm was hard in the presence of other predators.

Pembeni was the meeting room where only spirit warriors were allowed to enter. Each of the three teams comprised of several soldiers. Koni had brought Manute with him, the rest had been left at the reserve back at Nyati town. Two other teams on lion warriors had joined them. This seemed serious. Koni thought grimly.

Inside they found several elders seated in the podium looking down at them. The lion chief Dakarai Jasiri, the cheetah chief Lekan Duma and the leopard chief Dubaku Chui. All the three chiefs were old and belonged to the same age bracket. The teams were also chosen that way, according to their age groups. The warriors had to belong in the same age group. An old secretary was also seated beside them ready to jolt down notes. A few other dignitaries sat on the platform.

The teams took their positions and waited for the meeting to start.

Apart from the three chiefs and their secretaries who were sitting on the raised podium, several other elders were also present. Their stoic faces showing the seriousness of the matter. Despite the warm temperatures in the room a cold air could be felt. Each and every of the leader had a story to tell. They all came from different species.

‘Warriors, there is a saying that goes dalili ya mvua ni mawingu (the sign of coming rains is clouds). There is a war coming warriors, the amanani are gaining foot. We are no longer fighting mindless beasts. These are well calculated attacks, coordinated and strategically planned. You have all been summoned following the recent poaching attacks that have taken place in different parts of the country where you were put in charge. The most recent one was in Nyati Animal Reserve, yesterday night. The day the new reserve was being launched. This attacks seemed to be organized very well. The Mara National Park was the first to be attacked. A rhino was killed and its tusk taken, a week later another attack here in Nairobi National Park, in our own background warriors. A few days later Nyati Animal Reserve was also attacked.’’ The secretary an old woman said. Koni knew she was a dancing bride, she had lost her husband a leopard warrior some time ago.

‘’How do we solve this warriors?’’ the lion chief asked first. Dakarai Jasiri was a warrior, he rarely mixed words and always straight to the point. He was a hard man to please. Koni rarely received an encouraging word from the old man, his father.

‘’Yes warriors, the national government has asked us to investigate more into this, we can’t lose more animals to these senseless killings,’’ Lekan prompted. Unlike the lion chief who was always solemn, the cheetah chief was always a happy to go man. His face was always cheerful and smiling.

‘’Something is happening chiefs, these are not normal attacks. I think the amanani are evolving,’’ a leopard warrior said. A few grunts of approval rang through the room.

‘’Recently the amanani have been taking over human bodies, it’s difficult to catch them once they possess humans,’’ Roiman argued. Until recently had they discovered that the amanani had learned to take over human bodies and control the actions of the person.

‘’The human authorities can’t get to them because they think the poachers are humans,’’

‘’Yes and that is why we have to kill the poachers on the spot once caught,’’ Roiman continued, he always abide by the rule shoot now ask questions later. Koni tried not to roll his eyes at that.

‘’No that is not a good idea, killing them on the spot will raise a lot of suspicion. We have to catch them then hand them over to the police. Let them deal with the humans as we deal with the amanani,’’ Kofi objected

‘’Oh please we know how the human police work, we can’t trust them to prosecute the poachers,’’

‘’Do you guys think it is okay to let the amanani near the humans? These beings are unpredictable and volatile. We will be endangering the humans if we put the amanani in their care,’’ the leopard chief Dubaku said. Dubaku had always had a soft spot for humans. He always kept the affairs of the animals close at heart.

This led to a full blown discussion about the efficiency of humans to handle such cases. One side wanted the Baraza la Wazee to deal with persecuting the poachers and sentencing them while the other group wanted to be allowed to kill the poachers at sight.

The discussion went on for a while until the lion chief called the meeting to an order.

‘’Team leader Koni what do you think?’’ Koni could feel his father’s heavy gaze on him.

‘’I propose that we pursue the poachers. When we catch up with them and we will, we turn over the human poachers to the police and the amanani we prosecute them ourselves,’’ Koni suggested. He felt his reasoning was justified. The previous night he had killed

‘’That sounds reasonable considering we can’t hurt humans, what do you think Kofi,’’

‘’I support Koni, humans have institutions in place to deal with these type of issues.’’ Kofi seconded Koni.

‘’What about you Roiman,’’

‘’I suppose we can do that, but I think killing this amanani right away is the best way to take them out. If we continue being soft on them, they will not relent,’’ Roiman said.

‘’Okay, warriors do have anything to add before the meeting is adjourned?’’ Dubaku asked.

The room went quiet.


‘’Okay them. You have to be careful out there. We have a lot of eyes, our forests are full of cameras and other devises that can expose our true nature to the true world. We are the last hope to save these animals from extinction. Also remember what happened the last time the human world came to know of our existence. We were almost exposed.’’

Chief Jasiri was talking about an era when the British colonialists were penetrating into East Africa by building a railway line that cut through modern day Tsavo National Park. Five spirit warriors had not been happy with the invasion of their space and territory. Despite the warnings from the elders to keep off the humans, the embittered warriors turned blind ears to the warning. They went ahead and caused terror and distraction. They took away human lives. Lives they were meant to protect. The elders had to step in and the end result was far from fair. Two sub adult male lions had been hunted down by the foreigners and killed. The five warriors were revoked of their status and cast out of Baraza la Wazee. Rogue lions never made it out there. The ultimate punishment. Nobody had ever heard of them or their descendants ever again. Koni had a feeling the elders knew more than they were letting on. Baraza la Wazee had always been shrouded in mystery that Koni found disturbing.

‘’You will have to be more alert warriors, the fate of these animals is bleak.’’ Koni totally agreed with these, ‘’the teams will have to be reshuffled for effectiveness if no change is seen.’’

After a few more notifications the meeting was called to an end. Koni was thankful, that meant, he and Manute could catch a flight that evening back to Nyati town. Nyati had no airstrip but the nearest town to it had one, but first he had to see his father.

‘’Manute, lets meet an hour before the flight. I have to see Chief Jasiri,’’ Koni rarely called to his father, dad. That term was father was alien to him. His own father insisted that he be referred Chief.

‘’Okay, I also have business in town before we head back,’’ Manute said and they parted.

Koni took the private elevator that led to the thirtieth floor of the Company building. The whole floor belonged to the Lion Clan Chief. Chief Dakarai Jasiri rarely left floor except when he was needed somewhere. He rarely left for his home. A home Koni had not visited for a long time.

The elevator opened and let him out to the quiet floor, an elderly lady was seated in front of Chief Jasiri’s office and Koni felt his mouth forming a smile.

He playfully tapped her lowered head and she looked up with surprise in her eyes.

‘’Koni,’’ she screamed and nearly ran around her desk to tackle him in a hug, ‘’Oh dear boy I missed you.’’ Koni practically lifted the small woman from the ground to give her a hug. She hardly reached his chest.

‘’I am here now Madam,’’ Koni said making a mock salute after releasing her.

‘’Let me look at you, do you take regular meals? You should never have left for Nyati, you have thinned down since the last time I saw you.’’ Mama Malika said as she appraised Koni.

Mama Malika was Chief’s Jasiri personal assistant for a long time. Koni could not remember a time when the small woman was not in their lives. When Koni’s mother died it was Mama Malika who stepped up to ensure Koni had a normal life. Chief Jasiri had completely ignored his only son after the death of his wife. He focused more on his job and left Koni to his devices. The young Koni didn’t know his father was mourning in his own way but as he grew up Koni understood. Koni was taken care of by Mama Malika who took him under her wing. Chief Jasiri thought that his only son was being babied a lot and Koni joined his age group at the tender age of thirteen to train as a spirit warrior.

‘’Your father has been missing you. You hardly call him.’’ Mama Malika continued shaking her head at Koni. Koni knew that look so well. Mama Malika had tried time and again to bring the two back together but her efforts bore no fruit.

After assuring her that he would increase his efforts to visit his father Koni winked to the older lady and walked into his father’s office.

Chief Jasiri’s office had one of the best views of the Nairobi National Park. Koni never got enough of the view. Chief Jasiri was seated behind a large mahogany desk, his chair turned towards the tall windows. He was on the phone. Koni could only hear some parts of the call.

‘’…tell him to get back to me. This is very important.’’ Then the call was disconnected.

Koni sat down and faced his father. Koni looked at his fathers’ face, Chief Dakarai was growing old, and his short hair was jet black except from the greying temples. He favored dressing on dark suits.

‘’I met my dancing bride Chief, I thought you should know,’’ Koni stated he folded his arms on his chest and waited for the old man to say something.

‘’I know and I am proud of you. Take care of her, she will make you happy,’’ chief said with a smile on his face.

To say Koni was surprised was an understatement. He couldn’t remember the last time his father had shown him a bit of attention. When he talked with his father it was about his missions and the progress he made. They rarely talked about any personal matters but this time Koni thought it was important for his father to know about Vuyanzi.

‘’Vuyanzi Amani, that’s her name right?’’

‘’Yes…,’’ Koni answered, he didn’t ask how his father knew about Vuyanzi. Chief Jasiri knew a lot of things. It warmed Koni’s heart that his father approved of Vuyanzi. It meant a lot to him.

‘’She will make you happy Koni, the happiest days of my life were when I was with your mother,’’ chief said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Koni was double surprised his father talking about his mother.

’Baba (father)…I…,’’ Koni started but what would he say? He wanted his father back.

‘’So team leader Jasiri, is there something else you wanted to talk about?’’ Chief Jasiri asked in a tone that Koni was too familiar with, cutting Koni’s statement.

 The special moment that they had shared was broken. His father was back to his old self, hard eyes and a guarded look. Koni’s heart dropped.

‘’No Chief, nothing new to report, everything was said during the meeting’’ Koni replied after swallowing back his disappointment. He stood up and started for the door, eager to leave the suffocating atmosphere.

‘’Koni…’’ his father started and Koni stopped and turned around, keen to hear whatever his father had to say ‘’take care out there,’’ Chief Jasiri said and after a curt nod from Koni.

Read " Jabali's Redemption " by the same author ( Razia Iminza )

. He turned to his phone which was vibrating silently on the table.

Koni stepped out and nearly knocked down Ma Malika, who tried her best to pretend she had not been caught red hand eavesdropping.

‘’Tsk so unbecoming of you Koni. You didn’t tell me you have found your dancing bride,’’ Ma Malika started when he noticed Koni’s indifferent look. She could always tell when he was sad, angry or happy. Koni was so easy to love. She had cared for him for a long time now.

Koni sad eyes sparkled with happiness at the mention of his dancing bride.

‘’We should prepare for a wedding Koni, a big wonderful wedding. When will I be able to meet this bride? I think I should ask for my annual leave earlier. I will come visit you at Nyati town, I heard its peaceful there,’’

‘’She doesn’t know about me, yet,’’ Koni said with an exasperated sigh.

‘’You haven’t told her of your real nature? How come? She must be feeling the pull right now,’’ Ma Malika said with a small frown on the forehead.

‘’I haven’t got a chance to talk to her.’’

‘’You will find time Koni, or would you rather I come and break it down. I remember it was not easy for me,’’

‘’I will call you the moment I need your help Ma.’’ Koni said his heart warming. It seemed everybody was happy for him, his grumpy father and the ever meddling Ma Malika. All he had to do was convince Vuyanzi that they belonged together.

‘’Okay. I am so excited for you and your father is very proud of you don’t you forget that, mmh,’’ she said holding on to Koni’s large hands and looking into his eyes hers radiating sincerity and love.

‘’I will talk to you soon, Ma,’’ Koni said winked at her and walked into the elevator with a much lighter weight in his shoulders.


A new chapter dedicated to you all.

Much love.

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