The Dancing Bride And Her Spirit Warrior - Episode 42

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Vuyanzi felt like if she spent a minute longer in Sheba’s company, she was going to kill the city girl. Vuyanzi had never met a more obnoxious person in her life, Sheba was loud, brass, ignorant and a very rude.

Vuyanzi had spent the whole day with Ma. Malika and Sheba. Ma. Malika was a pleasant woman. She did her best to welcome Vuyanzi in the city . If it were not for the bleak weather, they would have gone site seeing. The rain kept them inside and Vuyanzi hated it. Maybe if they were out, she would be able to ignore Sheba’s snide remarks.

‘’Tell me Vuyanzi, where did you go to school?’’ they had just finished supper and Sheba had volunteered to help with the dishes. Ma Malika had left siting an emergency. Vuyanzi thought Sheba would leave with her mother but no. Sheba insisted on staying behind, she was waiting for Koni.

‘’I attended Nyati Primary,’’ Vuyanzi answered through grinding teeth. She was trying to act civil with Sheba but she was getting to her limits. Sheba was not helping with the dishes, she stood there looking at her impossibly long finger nails and clicking her tongue as she chewed a bubblegum. She reminded Vuyanzi of a goat.

‘’Nyati Primary?’’ Sheba scoffed, ‘’what kind of name is that?’’

‘’It is also the name of my town.’’ Vuyanzi didn’t know why she was telling Sheba that information but she had always been proud of her town.

‘’I attended the same school as Koni, though he was way ahead of me,’’ Sheba said. Vuyanzi noticed that Sheba had an unhealthy fascination with Koni

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. She claimed that Koni was like an older brother but Vuyanzi was finding that hard to believe. Sheba was behaving as if Vuyanzi was her rival or something.

‘’Our school was attended by children of ambassadors and other influential people in the country, it was the best,’’ Sheba then went ahead to mention one of the most influential schools in the country.

‘’That sounds nice,’’ Vuyanzi replied her voice flat, she didn’t care. Where was Koni? He said he would be at home in the evening. It was well past nine and he was nowhere in sight. She glanced at the huge clock on the wall again.

‘’Koni is accustomed to coming late at home,’’ Sheba mentioned when she saw Vuyanzi looking at the clock.

‘’I am not waiting for him,’’ Vuyanzi turned off the tap after rinsing the last plate and placing it with the others to dry.

‘’Yes you are, you are practically his wife now,’’

‘’No I am not. I am with Koni for other reasons.’’ Vuyanzi refused to disclose her predicament to Sheba. The city girl would obviously find joy in it. She was that messed up.

‘’Other reasons, don’t tell him you are already warming his bed,’’ Sheba derided looking at Vuyanzi with malice, ‘’I thought village girls were more reserved than that,’’ she folded her hands under her chest.

‘’If you are implying that I am sleeping with Koni you are very wrong.’’ Vuyanzi felt her hackles rising.

‘’Well that is good news then because that would mean that you are the new flavor for the month, Koni is known to be changing girlfriends the way men change socks,’’

‘’New flavor for the month? What does that mean?’’

‘’Don’t be so dumb Vuyanzi, Koni is a man and he has needs. He has girlfriends to take care of them.’’ Sheba rolled her eyes.

‘’I know what that means, what I want to know is do Koni has several girlfriends?’’ Vuyanzi could not believe the pure white jealousy that was clawing at her heart.

‘’Yes, he has girlfriends. Here in the city he is something else. I think when he was in the village, he missed out that is why he is out till now. The organization closes at five in the evening. He should have come by now but since he is not here where do you think he is?’’

‘’That can’t be true, you are lying,’’ Vuyanzi shook her head disbelievingly. Koni didn’t appear to be the type.

‘’Look, I grew up with him, how long have you known him? You being his dancing bride means nothing.’’

‘’I…I…’’ Vuyanzi stammered looking at Sheba incredulously.

‘’Vuyanzi, has he marked you? No. you two have not completed the bond. He is a man Vuyanzi, he won’t hold on waiting for you to put out. Men don’t like prudish girls.’’ Sheba flipped her braids behind her head and glowered triumphantly at Vuyanzi’s stunned gaze.

‘’Let me let you on a secret, look at this photos,’’ Sheba had removed her phone and was flipping through some news articles.

Vuyanzi looked at photos of Koni smiling holding a gorgeous voluptuous woman’s waist. The familiar looking woman was clinging on to Koni’s muscular arm as she laughed towards the camera. Under the picture the name of the woman was revealed and Vuyanzi’s eye nearly popped out of their sockets. Koni was holding on to a socialite that was more scandalous than everyone Vuyanzi knew. In the picture it looked like they were in some sort of party. Vuyanzi could see several musicians, some politicians and other public figures.

At the picture Koni looked like he was having the time of his life. He was smiling, not frowning like he liked to do whenever she was around.  He looked so happy. More than she had ever seen him.

 He was ever frowning in her presence.

The picture also revealed a lot of things that Vuyanzi had been avoiding to acknowledge. She and Koni belonged to two different worlds. She was the clueless, naïve Vuyanzi, a village pumpkin. She was more at home in the tropical wild forests of Nyati and not here in the cold large house in the city.

The picture read, ‘a blooming romance’. Vuyanzi felt sick to the stomach. The supper she had taken was trying to force itself out of her body.

‘’Look at this one too,’’

Vuyanzi knew she shouldn’t look but like a man staring at his death, she looked at the picture Sheba was flashing before her.

Koni was in another party this time around. It was on a sandy beach. Dressed in white he was holding another woman’s waist. They were both laughing at the camera. Vuyanzi identified the woman. A news anchor, she was beautiful and young. Totally suiting Koni.

Vuyanzi turned away from the phone and looked away furious.

‘’I have seen enough,’’

‘’I thought you should know Vuyanzi,’’ Sheba’s fake sympathy was not fooling her. Vuyanzi could not bear to stand beside her anymore. She was toxic.

‘’I have to go got the bathroom,’’ Vuyanzi excused herself. She needed a moment to compose herself. She felt betrayed, somewhere in her heart she felt pain. She shouldn’t feel this bad as Koni meant nothing to her. She was a charity case that he was helping nothing more.

Vuyanzi refused to be anyone’s charity case.

Vuyanzi my bride, Koni’s voice sang in her head. Instantly Vuyanzi knew Koni was around. He had come home.

‘’Oh Koni you are here,’’ she was in the bathroom when she heard Sheba exclaiming. Vuyanzi splashed some water on her face and walked to the large and well lit sitting room.

‘’you brought this for me?’’ Sheba was holding on to red rose flowers and a small red shapely box as Koni stood there looking around. His intense eyes settled on her and he released a sigh. Sheba’s was jumping up and down with the flower and the small box.

‘’Thank you Koni, you even remembered my favorite chocolate,’’ Sheba threw her arms around Koni’s neck and hugged him. Koni appeared surprised and hugged her back.

‘’Sheba, I didn’t know you were back in the country,’’ Koni released his ‘sister’ and took a step back. His eyes trained on Vuyanzi.

Why was looking at her while presenting gifts to another woman?

Vuyanzi didn’t for once buy the whole sister brother story. Sheba was into Koni and it seemed Koni was into Sheba too considering he was giving her flowers and other gifts.

Vuyanzi couldn’t believe how Koni was taking her for a ride. He clearly was a womanizer, a player. His pictures were all over the internet and now Sheba here. She should have insisted on remaining in the town with the grandmother. She was foolish to come out here with Koni. It had been nothing but a big disaster.

Vuyanzi had seen enough, Koni had brought his sister flowers and chocolate. She turned on her heels and headed to the bedroom. A smaller one compared to the one she had slept in the previous night. She was very angry and banged the door for emphasis. She wanted to hit something, probably Koni and Sheba too will be an added plus.

She had never hated anyone as she hated Sheba. Not even Kweyu the lunatic.

‘’Vuyanzi,’’ Koni strong voice didn’t stop her. He had Sheba what did want with her? She turned the lock on and stood pacing inside the room thinking on what she should do. She couldn’t stay here. She would end up killing someone, an offence she didn’t want to commit.

‘’Vuyanzi open the door,’’ Koni was banging on the door. The knocks rattled the hinges. For a moment Vuyanzi felt unease thinking that the door would be broken but on second thought, it suited Vuyanzi just fine. It was his house. If Koni decided to break the whole house, he was clear to go ahead. No lose to her.

‘’Vuyanzi,’’ Koni’s voice turned threatening. He added a few colorful words.

In split second, the door knob had been broken and Koni kicked the door down. He was furious, charging like a raging bull

‘’What are you doing you…,’’ Vuyanzi swallowed the words she was going to say, when she saw the look he had. Koni looked like a feral animal. His eyes were glowing brightly again. His beast was close to surface.

‘’I warned you not to turn your back to me,’’ he growled silently, stepping on the fallen door and walking towards her. Stalking closely. Vuyanzi saw the glint on his eyes and decided she had to get away. She calculated the distance from her standing position to the open door and down the whole way. She could do it. She could run away from this feral animal.

‘’Koni,’’ she called him cautiously as she watched the door, Koni smirked and his fangs dropped. Vuyanzi swallowed hard. Today was not her day.

In a calculated move Vuyanzi had dashed outside the room and into the hallway. Adrenaline pumping through her body Vuyanzi heard Koni growl behind her. To her horror, she found out that she liked it when Koni was chasing her down. The anger she was feeling earlier on evaporated and replaced by something else more potent and intoxicating. She wanted Koni to chase her and pin her down.

With a thudding heart, she blindly ran into the kitchen and tried to cross the counter but Koni was already on her. Suddenly she was pinned down on the granite kitchen counter and Koni’s weight was behind her.

‘’Let me go, you big buffoon,’’ Vuyanzi heaved as she tried to save herself but her trifle efforts were stopped when Koni released a deep growl and grabbed her small wrists in one of his large hands. He then held then on top of her head. Vuyanzi was completely vulnerable and at the mercy of Koni her captor. She tried to kick him in the legs with her hands bound together but she kept missing until Koni separated both her legs and stood between them. It only made her fight more.

Koni lowered his head and captured whispered to her ear, ’Stop fighting young bride, I have you where I want you,’’ the whisper came out as a silent growl and Vuyanzi moaned when a somewhat rough tongue licked her neck. The beast groaned in appreciation and Vuyanzi wanted to smack him after smacking herself for enjoying his rough touch.

Koni went ahead and spread her legs even further and stepped closer to them. She could feel him, all of him and Vuyanzi wanted more. Her body acting on its own volition pushed back at him. Snuggling him closer to her behind, molted heat was pooling to her lower stomach and she tried to regulate her ragged breaths. Koni’s hand dropped released her wrists and Vuyanzi gripped the edges of the counter and released a deep sigh when Koni’s roughened hands tore her clothes and gripped her aching breasts. He proceeded to smother her with kisses on her neck Vuyanzi snaked her hands to his hair pulling him closer to her as she arched her back to him, silently seeking his warmth and gripping him closer to her. Koni’s hand travelled to her skirt and slipped his fingers up her thighs. Vuyanzi’s legs lost energy as with abated breath she spread her legs farther apart as Koni trailed his fingers to up her thighs.

‘’Do you want this Vuyanzi?’’ he bit her ear lobe and Vuyanzi let out an animalistic sound.

‘’Do you want it Vuyanzi?’’ he bit down her neck, ‘’I need an answer or I will stop,’’

‘’Yes,’’ Vuyanzi didn’t want him to stop this sweet torture. Koni’s fingers clamped down on her nipple. ‘’Yes, please,’’ she moaned loudly

‘’Good,’’ Koni fingers found the entrance to her core, with rapt effectiveness, her cotton undies lay in a pile on the kitchen floor and Koni’s fingers were searching. Up and up until Vuyanzi felt him at her damp core. Like a flower opening to the sun, she opened up to the heat of his fingers. Koni turned her neck and kissed her. His lips hard mimicking the movement of his fingers. Vuyanzi tried to close her legs to lock him in.

‘’Open up sweetheart, you are so wet for me,’’ with that Vuyanzi spread her legs even farther granting him full access to her body, ‘’so tight, so ready for me,’’

By now Vuyanzi was releasing choked sounds from her throat. Koni swallowed all of her cries while his fingers played her engorged flesh like a piano. The tension in her muscles grew and grew. She could feel tingling all over her body.

‘’I can’t wait to be inside you,’’ Koni’s words were her undoing. She came crashing down from her high and Koni’s fingers didn’t slow down. Her body moved in jerky movements as she tried to ride the tide that was threatening to swallow her. Vuyanzi knew her moans rang through the house and she didn’t care. At the moment all she wanted Koni’s fingers not to stop whatever he was doing to her body. With a scream, her legs quacked as she touched the stars then came crashing down the earth.

‘’There sweetheart, I got you,’’ Koni silently whispered to her. Koni’s hard kisses turned gentle as he slipped his fingers from her. Vuyanzi released a whimper and leaned her full weight on him, tired and sleepy.

Koni turned her gently to face him. Vuyanzi didn’t knew her legs could feel so rubbery.

‘’Vuyanzi, I want you so bad it hurts,’’ he growled silently into her ear, unable to form a coherent thought she only whimpered as his warm breath sent shivers down her neck.

He looked at her and Vuyanzi could see all the emotions on his face, adoration, something else and the dominant lust. She was sure her eyes expressed the same. She wanted Koni, she wanted him like no any other. Even after what he had done to her she still wanted him. Vuyanzi couldn’t believe she was so wanton. She had completely abandoned himself to his will and suggestive words.

Koni hoisted her on top of the counter and caged her between his beefy arms looking down at her. Now that they were face to face Vuyanzi avoided his eyes. She clutched her dislodged clothes to her body. Another tattered cloth, Koni was costing her more clothes and she didn’t mind.

‘’Vuyanzi, look at me,’’ Koni tipped her chin so he could be able to look at her, she stubbornly refused to look at him and Koni chuckled. Vuyanzi wish the ground would open up and swallow her.

‘’Are you embarrassed?’’ Koni was surprised and Vuyanzi tried to jump from the counter, ‘’is it the first time you had an orgasm Vuyanzi?’’ Koni continued to question her and Vuyanzi covered her face with hands totally embarrassed.

Koni sweetly kissed her forehead, ‘’the um… flowers and chocolate were your gifts. Am sorry Sheba hijacked them,’’ Vuyanzi was touched by his kind words. She basked on his touch.

‘’Sheba, oh my God. Is she still around?’’ Vuyanzi was mortified. She had completely Sheba was still around. Koni had the ability to drive her completely witless.

‘’No, I sent her home before coming after you, we are all alone.’’ Koni assured her smirking as if he could read her thoughts.

Read " Jabali's Redemption " by the same author ( Razia Iminza )

. ‘’No one heard your screams,’’ he added chuckling and Vuyanzi looked away embarrassed. Koni had a hearty laughter, it reverberated all round her and the cold large house didn’t seem so big anymore.

‘’Ouch,’’ Koni mocked rubbing his arm after Vuyanzi punched him. ‘’You don’t have to be embarrassed with me,’’

‘’I am not embarrassed,’’ Vuyanzi retorted back facing Koni square on. He only laughed at her.

Koni pulled her into a hug and Vuyanzi went willingly. She basked in his warmth and scent. They stayed like this for some time, enjoying each other’s company.

Vuyanzi didn’t want this moment to be over. For now she would not think about Sheba or the women on the news articles. For now it was just the two of them. Vuyanzi and Koni. She snuggled deep into his arms wishing such a moment would last forever.

Only if they knew the storm that awaited them.


Hey ebonites.

What do you think? will peace prevail. Tell me what you think

Much love.

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