The Deathlike Mission - Episode 20

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This new revelation was not easy to live with for Kari. Often she wondered why in such a short time so much tragedy had befallen her. She tried to cry coming to the reality of the situation that her whole life had been a lie but the tears just wouldn't form itself, she would do anything to see her late father and give him a serious tongue lashing for keeping the truth from her, but she couldn't. That feeling where you are deeply hurt by someone, you have so much to say deep inside but the person in question whose remorseful words could have been soothing in itself was no more . But on the other hand maybe the man had his reasons for keeping mute about the situation, after all throughout their years together he never made her feel she wasn't really his, never cared to take a wife for his pleasure or even father a child from his loins. What other dedication and fatherly love could anyone ask for? Clearly she was his legacy as his entire life was built around her. She was the luckiest of all. But still he should have let her know it couldn't have changed anything. Little wonder he wished she had been truly his on his dying bed. Kari couldn't have asked for a better father she surmised in the end. Rather than cry she was listless and enervated barely having any energy

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. But as always, Jide her mainstay had been by her side. On his part, nothing in his whole existence had shaken him like what he had newly learnt. In the file containing information given them, they had been a familiar name Ali Mudu. He had been part of the ring against Kari's father. Well this was getting somewhere. To crown his efforts, Mary identified Paul as the man responsible for Inika's kidnap and murder and she was in grave danger as well. Paul already got a clue they are aware of his treachery and that the truth about Kari had gotten to her. But at that time Paul's interest in this secret was still cagey to Kari and Jide. Although the information at their disposal was enough to hang whoever was involved, they still needed the backing of the law to do so. Jide suggested to Kari that she turned in their findings about Paul to Chief Ajayi but carefully leaving out the part about herself damning every consequences attached and appeal that she be returned to the case to enable them be at an advantage. She bought the idea hence her presence in the Chief's office three days after their meeting with Mary.

As rightly expected, trying to convince him of Paul's likable role in her father's death and the similarities it shares with John Malik's murder making Paul a suspect for both and the possibility that he might be part of a terrorist organization and his interest might be greater than they know was a herculean task as in the midst of that she still had to give reasons why she kept on with the case. Though her speculations were bought by Imoh and two other officers present at his office, Chief Ajayi needed more material proof. At that, matching of the DNA results gotten from samples at the crime scene and that of Paul in the record of the SIB became the last hope. As they waited upon it in his office, Chief Ajayi decided to speak to her.

"If this isn't right Kari,"

"I trust it will be sir, I have no doubts about it and you have been convinced enough but I understand you need a stronger evidence for record's sake."

"Good. And to add I thought you were warned to stay clear of this case,"

"I did, but only officially. I knew what it meant coming out with my findings after being off, but whatever sanctions it may attract, it will be worth it."

"I'm sure, because there are sanctions."

That was the Chief. He was a man who possessed a thick exterior. To him protocols must never be breached but observed to the finish, even though you fish out gold in the process of veering off track you couldn't be let off the hook, what has to be done needs to be done. But a sanction was the last worry on Kari's mind now, after all when all of this is over she will need her quality rest, what other time would be appropriate if not when facing a penalty?

Ruffling her wild thoughts, Imoh entered the Chief's office bearing two broad sheets off papers wearing an undefined expression.

"So what?" the chief asked standing up.

"Both results are the same, Paul's actually been the traitor."

"That explains his resignation then." said Chief Ajayi hiding his surprise.

"He resigned?" asked Kari.

"His letter passed through my table yesterday. He has to be arrested, the law must take it's course." the Chief added sitting down.

"How else could it be explained that the SIB security was breached without lifting a finger, it could only have been a job of an insider." Imoh queried.

"Pretty much explains it," agreed the Chief feeling sort of defeated that a mole had been working under him for the past two years undetected. "It also beats me as to why he left this case knowing he had some connections to it."

"It's simple sir. Murdering your lead suspect by yourself will put you in dilemma in the eyes of your superior you would be lost at what to do next like I was. So he had to transfer the case as quickly as possible covering up with his leave that wasn't to begin until a week later when he handed over to me." Kari replied as sharply as Jide would.

"That makes sense," agreed the Chief while Imoh nodded.

"Sir, what do you say again about the plea to reassign the case to me?"

"She's right sir, she has gone this far and only she can finish this," concurred Imoh while Kari gave him a sideward 'thank you' glance.

The chief thought for a moment before replying. "Still that wouldn't erase the penalty for encroaching on a case you have been mandated to stay off." both of them smiled.

"On my part, I have no intention of evading my due punishment. But I only beg it comes when the waters are calm enough for the SIB to do without the kind services of a good detective."

"Most definitely my dear. Imoh please get me a detailed record of Paul's statistics and all cases he's handled, I have been too slow-witted."

"Yes Chief."

"I am most grateful Chief for your cooperation and support, I'll get the files from the detective in charge."She stood up to leave with Imoh while the Chief nodded her response.

As they got to the door, the Chief added.

"And Kari, I should have trusted you from the start. You were simply the best hand for this case." she nodded with a smile and left with Imoh who kept teasing at the heroine she has become.

*                    *                    *

Paul's heart did a quick somersault as the cars pulled outside their massive building. From where he and rest of his men stood to welcome him, he could picture his father's large figure filling the entire backspace of the vehicle. His father had arrived Lagos to validate and seal off a deal because he had lost confidence in him as a result of his attempted arrest by the SIB and their continuous being on his trail. He had not been pleased at all by the turn of events for fear of his own skin. He was a brutal man, always expecting perfection. If he were not his son he sure knew he would be dead by now just as Malik and so many others before as his father thought his weakness where a woman was concerned is the cause of his impending doom. He could sense his father's deep stare piercing into his very soul as he approached him together with his henchmen present, Zuri and Pitcher amongst others. Ali Mudu, Paul's father wasn't a tall man, he was stout, had black long beards spotted here and there with grey ones. He always wore a suit and a hat carrying along with him a walking stick which he could use on any of his men if they fail him. He was a man of wealth and power obtained from his underworld activities and with that he had built an empire for himself. Aside his vicious attitude, one would not know he had been in the army before now. He had men at every law outlet, that was why Paul had to join the SIB so that their interest will be protected at that level since they were becoming the hottest crime fighters these days. But see where all of this had landed him because of Kari's new-found ally.  At that point, he knew all of his father's men saw him as a threat to their near peaceful existence in the world of crime and if given the chance would make a mince meat of his flesh but for his being their boss's son.

"Welcome dad," he tried to greet warmly hiding his fear when his father got to him. Instantly, brief darkness enveloped him and his head did a momentary spin. There, he realized he had just received a terrible slap across his face from the man he calls his father. Well, that wasn't too bad compared to the gravity of the mess he had made of things. If this is all he gets, it definitely would be far better than a bullet in the head.

"How dare you allow a girl blow up your cover! After all the training and years of experience? you disappointed me." His father spat angrily in his thunder like voice, revealing a set of teeth, obviously blackened by constant inhalation of tobacco.

"I'm sorry father, I sort of underestimated her abilities and... "

"You shut up! Were you besotted or something? There is no ban on having a fling with any woman, but you do not allow it get in the way of business. I have put in so much in this, I cannot lose all at because of a useless son!"

Very bad. This humiliation in the presence of the men he commands, Paul couldn't bear. His father had always been one too harsh on him even as a boy, bringing his past military experience like they were in the army together, that was why Paul turned cold and brutal.  He dared not open up to him yet that he had just discovered a past he shared with Kari's father and she is in possession of a file containing all his misdeeds and those of his colleagues in the past while still in the army, which was largely covered by his superiors only to get him a lighter sanction of dismissal from service when he deserved a more serious punishment.

"I'll make this right," he managed to say with shaky voice.

"How's that? You are already a suspect with demeaning and glaring evidence, how could you not be careful? And what's worst, now the SIB is on your trail, again how could you let this happen?"

"She had help," he managed to say boldly. "Kari couldn't have cracked me open this easily."

"You still make excuses for your incompetence. If you were not my child I would feed you to the dogs right away. Now you listen to me, you had better find a way to clean this mess, because if you go down you go alone your being my son notwithstanding."

"I'll take care of her I promise."

"That's to your advantage." he replied stamping his walking on the ground repeatedly, somewhat calming down. Paul was lucky it did not land on his head. Then he continued more calmly, "Zuri tells me she has one of our men trailing her, if it is so difficult a thing for you to handle all you have to do is drop the word and let someone more competent clear us of all this."

"I give you my word father, I will clear this."

His father merely looked at him with so much disdain and thereafter continued his walk inside the building making his way to the meeting room with his men following closely behind him leaving only Zuri and Paul behind who began walking after them.

"If you ever lay your hands on that girl, bring her to me alive." His father added as he kept walking inside.

"Oh man! Really sorry about that," Zuri told him quietly as they walked behind his father. "You should have gotten used to your old man by now,"

"What do you care, he is my father and we have always been like this since I can remember." Paul snapped trying to vent his anger on someone.

Zuri gave a light chuckle, "Was only trying to make you feel alright,"

"Isn't necessary. Tell me who's this guy you have on her trail?"

"Well, he's a new recruit under me, not older than six months with us. I tell you he is good,"

"I don't think I have met him. His name?"

"Jide Cooker,"

Paul stopped dead on his tracks. "Did you say Jide Cooker?" he asked with utmost disbelief.

"Yes, I said Jide Cooker." replied the unsuspecting Zuri, nudging Paul to keep walking. "He's done tougher jobs for me in the past, sometimes I think he is too good to be one of us. Right now, all he awaits is an order and he will strike at her. I have been away hence the reason things got so bad."

"Oh I see," was all Paul could say as they arrived and open cafe. "And this recruit of yours, you have a photograph of him? I would very much like to see him before I meet him."

"I think I do, right in my laptop. Give a minute."

Zuri quickly rebooted his system, and began his search for the picture. And in that awkward moment, Jide's photograph appeared on the laptop screen leaving Paul in a very shocked state with his jaws dropped wide open.

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  • Doreen Thanara picture
    Doreen Thanara
    A very beautiful imagination.I hope the criminals will be uncovered and brought before the law.I also pray that Jide doesn't betray Kari and that none of them dies
  • Abigail Edos picture
    Abigail Edos
    I know hide won't betray Kari but i fear for him, his relationship with kari and him getting arrested as an accomplice
  • Celestina Oranye picture
    Celestina Oranye
    Jezzzz, this is getting hotter Paul might want to use jide to his advantage
  • Peace John picture
    Peace John
    Jide is in trouble. Now their new target will be Jide discovering he is the one helping Kari. Kari will sure lose the trust she had for him. This is super interesting, biko more episode
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