The Deathlike Mission - Episode 6

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That evening, Kari found herself before her mirror applying her makeup all over again for the third time. She had no idea why she let Laura sweet talk her into both of them attending a party, a 30th wedding anniversary of a couple who were Laura family's friends

"You should loosen up a bit sometimes, it will do you a great deal of good besides it's a friday you do not have work tomorrow," Laura had persuaded her earlier.

Well, she had finally accepted. Afterall Her father had travelled to Calabar for a conference that morning and will not be back till Sunday, also she really had an unpleasant day in the office and spending some time in an outdoor event might help wear off the effect of it so there was no point staying at home.

But now, staring at her reflection in the mirror, makeover gone wrong, no idea what to put on, Kari almost had a change of heart . Laura will definitely feel bad at her last minute dissappointment, she will throw her tantrums and... No. She didn't have the energy to handle Laura now Kari thought again, so she made up her mind to attend the party. With that reason, she began beautifying her face afresh and this time it was almost perfect. Letting her well braided hair fall freely over her shoulders, she settled for a red knee length silk-cotton sleeveless dress designed with rhinestones

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. It had been in her wardrobe, untouched for the past eight months. It fitted perfectly to her amazement. Her 3-inched silver block heel sandals, silver clutch bag and pair of silver dangling earings was an icing on the cake as she looked every bit magnificent.

"You really can be beautiful when you choose to be Kari," Laura always told her. It was the truth and today was one of those days. She will let go of her every guard or worries, enjoy all the refreshing the evening had to offer and by monday, everything will fall back to place in the office, damn John Malik's case!

She heard the doorbell. Laura was here to fetch her. She took one last look at her herself in the mirror, smiled, pleased at what she saw left to meet her friend.

The party was just beginning when both girls arrived at about 7:pm. The venue was the garden arena in the huge mansion belonging to the celebrants. There was an array of chairs surrounding various small tables, set in the middle of the tables were bottles of assorted wines, clean empty plates and cutleries ready to be used. There where lighting systems littered about and a disc jockey stand from whence cool music suitable for the evening emanated. There were not so many people around drinking and exchanging pleasantries.

"Aren't we are bit too early?" Kari asked.

"No Miss," her friend replied. "Sometimes it's just perfect to be on time so we can have the best of seats and make some acquaintances that are worthwhile," she winked at Kari.

"Excuse me, making worthwhile acqaintances is that why we are here?" Kari asked searching her friend's face for answers.

"Hey hey, don't misunderstand me. Next thing you'll say is you want to leave, let's just forget about that and enjoy the party Ok?"

"Ofcourse, I won't even be here if not for that."

"Glad to know. Come on, let's sit over there, that's a one good spot," Laura said pointing towards a table at the edge. "We can see everything and everyone from there," she smiled as she guided her friend towards their seats.

Laura poured them both a glass of wine from the provisions on their table as they settled down to enjoy the ambience which the warm evening together with the party provided. Moments later, Laura got carried away greeting old time friends and afterwards she was finally excused from thier table. Soon, Kari was sitting all alone by herself.

"What an evening," she mumbled.

"Feeling lonely?" a male husky voice sounded from behind her ears. She startled, turned, to find a familiar face bent close beside her head. At the sight of him Kari's eyes widened in shock. The familiar face gave a quiet laugh.

"It's just me, did I scare you that much? "

"You! Are you stalking me? What's that name again?"

"Jide. You keep forgetting, and why would you think I was following you?" He asked with a smile towering over her in her sitting position.

"Well because I kind of see you everywhere lately." replied Kari looking up to his face.

"If I am right the first time we met, I was saving your life. The second been earlier today I was being a gentleman by returning your stuff, and now I'm just in a party saying hello to some lonely lady I know, so you see."

"Really? I never told you I was lonely did I?"

"Whatever" he said dismissing her in a way that maddened her. "Can I at least sit?"

"No, seat's taken"

"You mean by your friend who is busy making worthwhile acquaintances?"

"What! How did you... "

"Not necessary sweetheart," he answered sitting on Laura's vacant chair just beside Kari. "You are beautiful," he complimented as his eyes studied her from her face down to below her breasts.

She hesitated before mumbling "Thank you."

"So for the second time today, how are you?"

"I'm good," she replied with a frown.

"Kari, I must really be a bother to you," he said quietly.

"You have no idea."

"Sorry, just that I saw you from a distance and thought to come say hi." The sincerity in his voice cooled down her building rage a bit, she was beginning to feel sorry snapping at him that way.

"Nice of you," she feingned a smile.

"That's a bit better. So, you know the host?"


Just then someone on the Mic called the attention of the guest whom Kari realized have filled the place to introduce the celebrants. As the celebrants gave their speech, Jide turned to whispered in Kari's ears who herself seemed lost in her own thoughts.

"There really look young to believe they have spent thier last thirty years together don't you think?" Kari merely nodded as she gulped her remaining drink. "Need another glass?" Jide asked.

"No thanks, a woman shouldn't drink so much," she replied dropping her glass.

He chuckled, "Mama's old teachings right? Sounds like she was a woman in the 50's."

His last sentence sent a chill through her. Who the heck was he, why did he talk about her mother in that way? She was angry, but on the other hand, he did not know her, so he wouldn't know if her mother were dead or alive. Fool! She chided herself, all the more reason he shouldn't have come sit with her in the first place, he hardly even knows her. Kari wasn't getting the best of her evening like she had planned with this prying stranger on her nerves, it was beginning to get to her and her emotions was becoming too difficult for her to handle.

"Are you alright?" he asked noticing her tensed exterior.

"What do you want?" she snapped again.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want from me? Listen, I had a terrible day at the office today, my case was reassigned to someone else, I came here to try and get it off my chest and Mr, you appear from nowhere, deprive me of privacy and remind me so meanly of my dead mother!" she finished, only to realize she had said a little too much and the tables closest to their were beginning to be attracted.

"Whao! That was one terrible outburst," Jide said not in the least disturbed by that. "Kari, I'm really really sorry about everything, I never knew your mother was no more. For invading your privacy and about your case been reassigned, I am also sorry."

"You sure are," she replied with a scowl.

"I meant it." he replied putting his right palm over hers. This action made Kari freeze, and for a moment she was lost in a feeling difficult to comprehend.

Laura buzzed in interrupting them with a fresh cup of liquor, excitement written all over her face. Clearly she was having a wonderful evening.

"Hi babe, so sorry I left you all by yourself for this long," she stopped at the sight of Jide, his hands over Kari's. "Unless you haven't been by yourself, seems you got company." she added with hesitation, not knowing what to make of the scene before her. Kari quickly removed her hands from his warm grip, embarrassed and made to defend herself.

"Oh no he was actually..."

"Hello, you must be Kari's friend, I'm Jide nice to meet you," greeted Jide extending his hand towards her.

"OK," Laura muttered, taking his hand and doing a quick scan on Jide with her eyes. She turned to her friend whose expressing was as hard as a rock. "Kari you should introduce us properly don't you think?"

"He already did, he's Jide what more do you want to hear? Except that he forgot to add that his surname is Cooker."

"Perfect," smiled Laura. Kari gave her the deadliest stare she could ever wear but she ignored it totally. "Nice to meet you Jide Cooker," she smiled to him as thier hands dropped.

"Pleasure's mine," he smiled back.

The tension between them was freezing hence Laura decided to get away.

"So how about I go get us some food huh?"

"You are not leaving me again Laura?" Kari cried understanding her friend's intent.

"That will be most kind of you dear Laura I'm really hungry. You go now, see you in a while."

Laura left them swiftly with a wide grin on her face. This distraction on Kari's part was what she needed so she could really  catch up with old friends.

"You did not just dismiss my friend that way, did you?"

"I didn't. She left on her own accord, with a reasonable excuse though."

"What exactly do you hope to achieve?"

"Nothing. Look, I'm sorry we started off on the wrong foot, but believe me I'm really not a bad person. Just give us a chance."

"Ok," she replied with derision in her tone.

"About your case that was reassigned," Jide continued ignoring her sarcasm. "I could help you work on it if you want."

She laughed quietly to herself before speaking up.

"You are really a handful young man. What makes you think i need your help?"

"Well, nothing exactly. Just that you are visibly affected that's why I'm giving my help."

"Wait a minute, do you realize it's my job we are talking about here, what do you even know about the SIB?"

"A suspect was murdered, your lead suspect. And as a result of your inability to crack the mystery behind that, you were dismissed off the case, so there."

"I see you have really been on my trail Jide." she said hiding her surprise.

"The SIB is public business, and i also have my contacts. Listen, all I'm saying is that i can help you get at something satisfying if you will accept my offer."

"No. I do not need your assistance, and just so you know, I have decided to let the case rest, evidences before me nothwithstanding" Standing up to leave, she added. "I have better matters to attend."

"And you will be able to sleep at peace knowing lives could be at stake? Come on Kari, I just want to help."

"One simple warning Jide, stay away from me or i might arrest you."

Jide grinned. "And the charges will be?"

"Will think of something in time. I need to find my friend." she leaves him meandering her way through the excited guest to find her friend. Jide stood up and followed her closely, this time he wasn't going to let her walk out on him again till he got what he wanted. He was her killer and time was running out. Zuri would soon start becoming inquisitive about his progress with the girl. So many things were at stake, he couldn't loose all by sparing her. What ought to be done needs to be done quickly- but in his own way.

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