The Fall Of The Giant, Anukili The Great - Episode 2

The Fall Of The Giant, Anukili The Great

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Anukili, having discovered where the people were hiding became very happy and he made his trips every morning and evening to Odene River, where they were hiding to eat their food. The people of Eziagulu became worn-out, heartrending and bothered. The elders among them gathered once more to decide on what to do. They agreed that there was no need for them to continue staying in Odene, in view of the fact that Anukili already knew their where about . They decided to return to Eziagulu, their father land and find a way to bring Anukili's menace to an end.

As soon as Anukili saw them coming, he laughed, saying, “I told you all that you can’t run away from me Anukili, you all ought to be grateful for having me, Anukili-ogu the mighty warrior in your midst." The villagers ignored him and left for their respective homes.
Days later, the elders assembled once more to decide on what action to take so as to bring Anukili terrorism to an end. An elder suggested that Anukili ought to be eliminated. "Oh yes, we all will be delighted to have him eliminated, but how would this be possible?" Another elder asked. "By shooting him to death of course" declared another elder. "Come on be reasonable! How would you think firing bullets at Anukili would kill him? Let’s just think carefully because if we discharge bullets at him and the bullets don't kill him, he will kill us all", an elder cried out.
Lots of other suggestions were made during the meeting, and they later concluded on getting a native doctor who would assist them prepare a liquid charm that would make Anukili loose his sight

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. This they did and sent to him through witchcraft. The charm got to him just when he was about sleeping, and got into his eyes just as planned.
Anukili woke up in the morning and could not see; he closed and opened his eyes with his fingers but could not see anything. At that moment he screamed saying, “Who did this to me Anukili-ogu the great warrior? If the person had enough guts why didn’t he or she come face to face? Whoever did this to me must face my wrath" he said.
   The people of Eziagulu became excited knowing that Anukili had lost his sight and would not be able to harass or force their food out of their hands again.    
Anukili was hungry and in pain but could not do anything because of his sight. He was mocked at by the people of Eziagulu until a day his native doctor friend from his mother’s place, learnt about his condition and visited him. Anukili was happy to welcome him and he made known to him all he, the mighty warrior, had been going through. His friend laughed, hailed and said to him, “Were you not the one who titled yourself Anukili-ogu the mighty giant warrior, and also said that no man born of a woman can harm you?” Anukili replied, "Yes I said it."
His friend then said to him, “If, beyond all reasonable doubt, you are all you titled yourself, make the charm in you lose its potency and regain your sight." Anukili made him to understand that his predicament was not from a human, but that it was spiritual and beyond his power. He pleaded with him to help him out, that he had tried all he could but all to no avail.
His friend laughed, “I am the eye of the gods, and nothing happens under the sun without my knowledge". "Yes you are and that is why I’m pleading for your help".

Read " Evidence Of True Love " by the same author ( Ginikawa bartholomew )

. At that moment, his friend had pity on him, went into a bush and plucked some medicinal herb, washed them and drained some of the liquid into Anukili’s eyes. Anukili regained his sight immediately and was grateful to his powerful friend.
The people of Eziagulu, having noticed that Anukili had regained his sight became sad and frightened. They worried, saying to one another, “now that Anukili has regained his sight, who knows what he may do to us again”.
Anukili was so excited that he was able to see again. He showed gratitude to his friend and tried to know exactly what happened to him. His friend explained to him exactly what happened. Anukili thanked him once more and promised to remain forever grateful to him.
Anukili then expressed his annoyance to the entire people of Eziagulu. He told them that they have played a music whose dance can never come to an end. His attitude towards them became so unbearable that, other than forcing their food out of their hands, he requested to be paid before any corpse would be buried, else, he would seize the corpse.
  The people of Eziagulu couldn’t question or challenge his decision; rather they obeyed and honored him even when his demand was too much for them to bear.
It happened that each time Anukili gave out an order; his words are assumed to be law. The right of the elders became his, he conducted the affairs of the elders, handling and judging cases that were the prerogative of the elders. He gave them rules that they must consult him and get permission before any event would hold. He demanded to be paid homage with food items every harvest season.

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