The fugitive - Episode 11

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Dane :

I opened the door to the lighting image of the nurse ,, of course I remember her name ...Vicky ...
I never realised she was this young last night ,, oops

"Hi handsome " she stretch her hand towards me giving me a level glance at the same time

"Hi" I took her hand

The moment became uncomfortable as she just stood their staring at me with a smile on her face ...

"Miss my hand " I said softly but it was like she was lost ,, just smiling and staring at me , gosh I was forced to shook her hand ,, so as to at least wake her up from slumber

"Oh am so sorry handsome"

She cracked her tone and stretched her head in

" is your dad in ,, you know Mr Dane "

.heaven and earth I stare at her and frown Dad is this girl serious just now or what

"Yea" I said softly

I battered my eye to other side and open the door for her to at least come in so she could start looking for my dad ...

"Sir am here,, its nurse Vicky" she called out and squeezed a smile to my direction ..

" could you please tell him ,, am here"

I wasn't replying as I sat down on the sofa just staring at her as if she has rashes all over her body ..

I must have really look horrible with my beard .my Gosh ...I gave her a Level look as I watch her displaying madness still calling out to my name ,...she shouldn't be older than 26 ,, .five foot if I wasn't mistaken

"I didn't see you around here last night ,   are you the brother to the wounded woman or "

She cracked her tone 


"None " I said ...

"Any ways am Vicky and u?"

"Dane" I said with a raised eyebrow...hoping to a least stop her drama so she would go attend to sarah already
"Mr Dane junior right" she laughed ...

Seriously this time I had to frown

"You know your dad is just one lucky man to have you as a son.   You are really good looking you know ,, let me just say hot "

I keep staring at her as she blabber and bladder ,, gosh I didn't say a word as I put on the tv...when she got tired she took her seat and narrow her eyes at me ...

"You are a man with little words ,, you know I found that sexy ..."

"Thanks" I said ..

"I think I should go attend to her now ,  "

" Go through that corner her room is by the left,," she nodded smiling as she pick up her bag ...I watch her enter through the corner and gasp

" gosh she talks too much really "

I stood up and put off the tv
,,,only to get struck by a pounding heart ...thought I saw the flash of an image ....

I hurriedly pick it back and put it back on ,, only to see my picture wide and clear on the TV screen

A prison breaker Wanted ...
Dane garret is missing a ten million ranson to whomever knows his where about

My eyes went huge as I rack my hand hand through my hair ,,

I sighted sheriff scot in his hard case uniform ,, talking to the news caster

"Damn you f-cking sherrif,, I swear am gonna kill you with my bare hand huh," I gritted my teeth hard

Sweating profusely ,, I put off the TV ,, and staggered back to the sofa ....

"Never am I going back to that hell hole never,, sheriff Scot you are a dead man ,, a dead man huh" I slid my hand into my hair and made a dash towards the other room that I'd prepare for myself ...
Really I needed to be alone to think
Why am I so unlucky huh...
Whose sins was I really suffering for ...
I barely live the phase of my life only to be accused of murder ,,
Five years in jail with nothing to hold on to ,,am as poor as a church rat ,, with nothing, absolutely nothing ,, ..
No home , no cash ,,no job, no girlfriend ,, no mother ,  no father siblings , no family ... five years of my life was wasted and there ...

"That f*ck of a sherrif ,  that mad sherrif.,,,that nut head ,, son of b-tch, hullabaloo.,, that wizard ,, ugly monster ,,  bald head dare put my picture to the view of the world huh ..
Any one who found me was gonna be paid a ten million ransom heroic.....really...why is he after my life, huh how else can he explain why he is after my life ..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Huh"

Few minutes of pacing uncomfortably i put off my all too stuffy shirt and laid down on the bed,,
Thunder rumbled faintly in the distance teasing the edges of my hearing ..,,

Its about to rain
if I tried I could almost pretend I was ten again or maybe eleven,, when I always stay alone cold and scared grieving for the loss of a mother while dad would be down the hall screwing whores 
Gosh my life has been nothing but a piece of shit ever since I was little,,
Every one I ever cared about left me
First it was mum ..
And Theresa , gosh
Feeling tired of life ...I just wish a genie would visit me and no doubt i would have definitely used my three wishes wishing for a death sentence than live the rest of my life being a fugitive ...
God I am so tired huh  ,I need a break from this torture ..,

A long break,, I shook my head and memory shifted...

Talking and laughing with mum ,, gifts for a birthday ,, surprises
High school, football games ,, fighting jaguars with my friends. ,,,throwing pass after pass ,, prom with Theresa. ,, making love at the back of a car sneaking into her room back at her grannies,,,
eddy and pascal going to the military school ,,  preparing to go the following year,, dad ,,murder"

I opened my eyes and swallow hard at the memories ..

"Dad was murdered ,,,was that person really dad,, "

I was so scared I couldn't even wait to take a look...

"What if it was some else who look like dad"

I adjusted my form on the bed ...

"I need to get some sleep ,,if I don't then am gonna go crazy huh....God....Goddddd"

I closed my eyes and when next I opened them i saw a face staring down at me ,,,this wasn't her normal look ,, of course ,, she was worried ....


"Dane you are burning up " she said with an huge eye


I had to get up ,,although I wasn't able to walk well but at least i can use a manage ,,
Its been four hours after the nurse left,, she removed the I.v and I did a little exercise with my leg ....she was a funny type , i wont lie she gauged my mood really well , but every thing she said about Dane ,, being an hot specimen , a picture perfect...and all sort of romantic names really made me head crack ,, i didn't know what brought up the feeling though but I had shut her up by telling her he was my boyfriend ...

Of course i wasn't thinking when I said those words,, but I said it.,, and that's it I couldn't take it back
Her face shows a disappointed expressions but who cares ,,the rain was beating so hard.  As I watch it silently from where i sat in my bed ..
I decided to call dad and no doubt we talked at full length omitting the incident of course ...


Five hours gone ,, then six ,, up to seven ,,I stare up at the wall clock realising it was 4.30pm
Dane hadn't come to check up on me since he left my room this morning ,, not even once ..
I hope he's is fine ..
Or has he left .?.
If he did he should have a least said goodbye

I became worried  I had to  manage myself up and left my room ,,i searched the living room ,  he wasn't there or neither in the kitchen ..
I peeped out the window to the view a bike parked right in the lot ,,
That must be his ...

",where the hell is he then,,or is he"

I went searching in the two rooms beside mine and finally stopped at the one in front of mine ...
I took a deep breath slowly and cautiously,, I turned the knob and eased the door open ...

I had to gasp at his sight  ,,
Dane was sprawled face down on the bed too small for his size ,, one bare arm was hooked over its edge and hung nearly to the floor ,, the other was curved under the pillow ...his legs were wide spread ,,and he was of course shirtless ...

I closed the door behind me and  looked towards the ceiling but that didn't do much good ,, in the minutes that I study what was on the bed ,, certain things inched them self indelibly on my mind...
I had never seen anything that has a debilitating effect on my knees as the body spread before me...
The hard muscles on his shoulder ,the powers that radiated from his biceps . the dark turf of the air underneath his arms,  the firm flesh at the spot of his hips that was covered with briefs,, his long hairs of course was spread down his back covering some of his face ,, I moved towards the bed and sat gently at a small angle ,,
I angled the hairs that had fallen to the side of his face back against his ear ...

He was of course a figure ,,
I had to smile softly as he snore

"Gosh he must have been so tired "
I touched his face and got shocked ...

He is burning up ...

"Dane " I shouted ,, I was beginning to feel mildly panicked ,, if he didn't wake to my voice I would have to shake him ,, which meant putting my hand on his body ,,,
That I don't care
The moment I touched his arm ,, my eyes got huge , 

He is burning up like hell

"Dane wake up" this time I had to shake him on his upper arm

"Hmmmmm" he turned his head on the pillow ,now I could see his full face ,, I had to swallow hard at his think long eye lashes ,, I wasn't able to focus on admiring him ,, i was only after him waking up ...of course his eyes were still closed ...

"wake up please" when he didn't respond to that ,, I said

"Dane "


"Dane wake up " I tapped him on the face this time

He neither move or make a sound...

"Dane " this time I pressed his two flat cheek ,,, I tell you the heat coming out from his body could fry an egg,  fact was I was really sacred ..he opened his eyes faintly

"Sarah" he said softly and threw an arm over his eyes

"Dane you are burning up "

A sound slid out of his throat ..

"No am not  am fine really"

He lifted his arm and peered at me ,, of course to me ,he looked so pale and sick ,,the strains line on his face said it all

"No you are not,, "

He slowly sat up and I suddenly felt small beside him ,,I didn't wanna look but heaven knows I couldn't help it  my gaze fell to what have been wishing to see ...His body
The gentle swell of muscles radiating in every part of him made me swallow...

" first cover yourself ,, its starting to get cold,, let me get you a sweater ,, " with an heated face I was about getting up when he stopped me ...he took my hand...


Slowly he shifted a little towards me and here I was about to have an heart attack ,, and what's he trying to of his leg was down the bed ,, the other was still on and I of course was between...he was big ,, the whole of me seemed trapped around him ,, the manly scent and heat coming out of his body poured through my veins like a flash of white hot light ,, sending spark radiating outward all along the route

"Dane ,, you are burning up" i said with my worried look flashing all over him

"Shhhhhhh" he stopped me with one of his finger on my lips ,, slowly he slid his hand down to my neck and down the column of my throat ,,my body swelled to his touches

"You don't know how beautiful you are Sarah ,,"

"No " I whispered thinking he was about to kiss me ,,
He drew his hands around my upper arm and inched Me forward

"No Dane " I said again

"Its just a hug ,, I wanna feel you close "

Gosh it was his eyes that drew me most strongly , I could see darker shards among the grey  eyes that looks as tempting and inviting as it seems ...
No one has ever looked at me with such desire ,,,
He drew me closer ,, and when I felt his large heated body closed around me ,, I was stunned because ,, I'd never been a particular sexual being ,, but this man could make a woman feel suddenly wanting ...which was why when he whispered

"I feel so lonely huh, " I had to closed my arms around him

"Don't leave me sarah ,, huh don't leave ,,stay here with.... "

Then he went silent,, a minute ,, up to two ,,then three ...

"Dane are you okay ..."

No answer

"Dane everything alright"

Shocked at my thought ,, I released his hold from me and grabbed hold of his face ...His eyes were closed now.... 

"Dane" I gasped out and
his weight gently fell back on the bed the moment I released my hold ...

"Daneeeeeee" i scream out in horror...


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. .

Read " Her Secret Lover " by the same author ( Op. Amina )


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  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Nothing bad should not happen to Dane , he's innocent
  • Adedoyinsola picture
    @Amina....I give it to u, ure good at what you do, thumbs up
  • Adedoyinsola picture
    Hello Amina, pls don't let us loose trend of the story before posting new episodes.
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Am so sorry guys I had big issues with my phone ,,it was horrible ,,pity I wasn't able to repair it ,,it has screen problem which amount could buy a new phone ,,,it took a while but I got a new one and am back online ,,,thanks dearest ,,,I would be posting soon,nothing would stop me from finishing my stories,,
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Still waiting dear....
  • Afia Sarpong picture
    Afia Sarpong
    Waiting biko
  • Opeyemi Deet picture
    Opeyemi Deet
  • Opeyemi Deet picture
    Opeyemi Deet
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