The God And His Bride - Episode 12

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"Baby, You've got to chill, The way you are being is soooo" Mila says from her position at my see, Rubbing her thousand face creams before bed.


"What's sooo?" I ask, Going over a patient chart.

"You sound like one of those girls who come on the gram and say that they can't imagine living without a guy."She says and roll my eyes.

" Do not roll your eyes at me Starr Madeleine Marx, I'm serious "She says, using my full name, getting up from the chair and tying her nightie, walking towards my bed.

" Let me get this straight...

Read " Forgetting Yesterday " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

. "I say, dropping my chart and sitting back, folding my hands on my lap.

".. . What you are saying is that it's wrong for me to be absolutely in  love with my boyfriend and not only that it's wrong of me to show it? "I ask.

" Well... Yeah" She says and I frown..

"Why?" I ask, totally confounded.

"Because..."She says,looking at a total loss for words.

" Because?..... "

" Well, Because you have to make them want more..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You are being very wife material ish right now, I mean do you know how many times you both have texted back and forth since I came in? Twelve times and I've just been here for what? An hour? "

" We are young and in love " I say 

" Well .... " She starts and I stop her with a hand to her knee.

" It's okay Mila, he's not going to hurt me, it won't do me any good to hide my feeling at this point, I'm too head over heels, If by chance he ends up hurting me it's going to hurt either way because I've crashed and burned for him" I say and she nods solemnly,seeing the truth in my eyes.

"Fine, I will respect your decision" She says.

"Wow, I'm honoured that you are going to let me a grown girl date the man of my choice, thank you very much mom" I say and she gives me the middle finger.

"Feed me, I'm hungry" She says, pulling me up from the bed and I follow.

"I think there's some leftover rice, wanna microwave it?" I ask.

"At this point I will even eat a live deer" She says and I let her pull me from my room down the stairs.

She halts abruptly which causes me to halt too. 

I look over her shoulder to see what's causing this hold up and there on the counter is my shirtless brother doing push-ups. 

One, let me clear something up, although Liang  Michael Marx, named after a Chinese general is my brother, he's fiiiine. 

Like so fine that he literally causes holdups on the street, not only once or twice or three times have I gotten gifts from girls who think they can get to my brother through me. 

The funniest thing is that he does not date, he's dated only once but had to break up with the girl because she became too clingy and jealous, while I was searching for a guy he was running from girls, got to the point where he had to use face masks while going for classes, when that couldn't be helped he applied for an early graduation and took online classes.

The only females he allows to get close to him is I, mila and my mum, even our cousins are limited in their interaction with him. 

I stand here now wondering if God was being biased blessing me and my brother with marvellous genes. 

He stops when Mila walks to the fridge and gets milk, gulping it straight from the carton. 

"Squid..." Liang just says as a way of caution, using his nickname for Mila before getting a glass and taking the milk from her, pouring some and keeping the rest. 

"Why do you deprive me of my milk, uh Liang?" 

Did I forget to mention the little fact that the only girl immune to my brother's charm is Mila? 

"We all drink from that milk, don't know where your mouth has been" He says and mila gasps in mock outrage before giving him the middle finger. 

He tilts his head and I roll my eyes before settling in to watch the show, I know what's coming next, Liang is gonna try to intimidate Mila, even though he knows it won't work. 

Liang takes a step, Mila takes one back, Liang takes more before successfully boxing Mila against the fridge. 

This is a new development. 

"What.... Wha... What are you doing?" Mila stutter and my eyebrows fly up, not once have I heard Mila sound so unsure.... But come to think of it, not once has Liang tried to use his assets to intimidate her before.

"Why Mila? Is something wrong?" 

"Get away from me?" 

"Why? Do I make you scared?" He asks, a smirk growing on his face and Mila looks lost for words before seeming to regain her composure. She opens her mouth and I know.. I just know she's about to say something wrong . 

"Why would I be scared Liang? You look like a cute teen to me" She says and Liang shuts down, He hates been reminded of his age and Mila knows that. 

Liang steps away and Mila stands up straight. 

It's always fun watching them bicker amongst them selves, I know it won't be long before Liang comes up with a good comeback. 

"What do ya'll need?" He asks, pushing Mila away from the fridge and bringing out the leftover rice. 

"That's what we are here for" I say and he nods popping it in the microwave and taking out some eggs to scramble. 

"Are you gonna make  some for me too?" Mila asks a redundant question and Liang refuses to reply. 

We all know Liang does not eat scrambled egg, he's scrambling it for us. 

My brother is opening his own restaurant next month and true to form, he can scramble eggs that are as fluffy as clouds. 

I turn to mila, allowing Liang to do his thing. 

"So, how's the banker doing?" I ask 

"Ohhhh, before I forget, we are going on a romantic date tomorrow, he's taking me on a yacht , his yacht" She says with excitement and I  laugh. 

"Well, it's good to see that you are happy with him, and what? You guys have been dating for 2 months now, that's the longest you've dated anyone, he might be the one chicklet, what do you say?" 

"Hold your horses, chicklet , just because you are in la la land with your doctor does not mean everyone has to be in it with you, I and Philip are taking it slow" She says and I laugh at her demonstration. 

I startle when the plate hits the counter In front of me and Mila, the eggs follows and the milk he poured for Mila. 

Liang turns away to walk towards the stairs after telling me to 'Clean up' 

"Aren't you gonna stay with us?" I ask and he doesn't reply, just going up the stairs, I hear the door to his bedroom bang close and Mila turns to me to  asks. 

"What crawled up his ass?" I shrug before digging into my food. 



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