The God And His Bride - Episode 29

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"Taji, go away from here, I will call you when it's needed" Alixi says to the other man and I'm getting the vibe that he might be one of their kind.

But, why does he make me feel so scared? He nods at what Alixi says before sending a smile to me, I shudder, he walks to his car before pulling away from the curb and I feel Alixi turn to me as soon as the other guy puffs away.

I kid you not, puffs away, like his car literally went away into thin breeze.

"What? What did he mean by me making a summon in the realm?.

" Oh gods star, something is very wrong." Mila breathes and I stare at her, not at all comprehending the dramatics going on in front of me. 

My eyes goes to Jeter and he's the only one looking a bit smug as if, as if he's half what ever happens happened.

My phone in my pocket rings and I remember an appointment I should be keeping, since no one them is feeling a need to explain, I begin to back up. 

"You will not move" Mauxi growls and its come to me that it not because he didn't have anything to say, he seems be holding himself back from saying it. 

"Don't talk to her like that" Jeter says in his growl, oh boy, that sounded like chocolate on strawberries. 

I almost sigh. 

Stop this foolishness star, you are still angry at him, remember? 

Alixi is watching me and its obvious he's a participant to the one woman show in my mind, I blush and look away, suddenly feeling bad. 

For the life of me I have no Idea why? 

"Star, this is a serous matter, we must talk" Mila says and I begin to shake my head, no, I'm not talking, Infacr I don't even want to know what a summon means, if it's anything to go by by their expression, then it mustn't be anything good, I don't want bad news. 

"It seems to be a serious matter to you guys, not me, you guys, why don't ya'll handle it and I get to my appointment? Yes? That's good then" I say, walking past them and sliding the doors open, Mila speaks and I stop, my body almost through the door. 

"You can't be So selfish star, you are not this selfish" She says in a total unjugemental way but my heart picks because I know she doesn't know she's doing it but she's hurting me with her words.

I don't say a word, just step through the door, I could feel his eyes, Alixis eyes on me but I didn't turn back, turn the corner to the dinning and see my family still eating breakfast. 

Liang gives me a look that ignore. 

I grab my bag before blowing air kisses to my parents and telling them I will be back later. 

I walk out the house to see not a single one of them, I don't know why it hurts but it does. 


I lie in my bed, my hand tapping softly on my belly as I think back to today, it's obvious I would be needing a lawyer because let me tell you something. 

Ezra was loaded, and the fact that he willed everything, every single thing down to his cell phone to me did not go well with his manager and other money grubbing bastards. 

I don't know how to feel about that, why would he do that? Why didn't he just give it all to charity? We were over ages ago, he didn't have to take care of me the way he did. 

I sigh, my heart hurting a little that I won't get to thank him for his generosity.. 

"Star" a voice whispers in my ear and I sit up. 

I don't know how I know but I know that person, some how I just know. 

"Star" The voice says again and I follow it.. 

It leads me down stairs, out the front door and into the lawn. 

"Child" The woman standing in front of me breathes, stepping closer to stroke my face, I feel my body settle, the way it would if it had been my mother stroking my face. 

"Who are you?" I ask on a whisper and she smiles. 

"I've missed you child" She says as if talking from a faraway place. 

She seems to realise I asked a question because her eyes come to me. 

"I'm Maia child, I made you" She says. 

"You are one of them aren't you?" 

"Yes, we are all alike, including you" She says but my mind has moved on, wondering what she wants, why she here. "

" Oh child, I can hear the questions in your head, but I can't answer they, you have to do so on your own, I just came here to tell you something, something very important"

"What?"I ask. 

" You must choose wisely, very wisely child, you must not make the mistake you made last time, you must follow your heart and accept your soul, the remaining half of you" She says with passion that makes me nod. 

I have no idea what she is saying but the way she is saying it makes me agree with her. 

She steps back and I hear bells tinkling

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I have an idea she's about to leave. 

"You are leaving?" I ask, suddenly feeling like crying, like my mum is going on a long journey. 

"Yes child, you must, you must make the right choice, when you do we will be together"

She says and the tinkling of bells continues, suddenly she dissolves into water, bubbles swallowing her up before she disappears from my sight. 

I feel like sobbing but I don't know why. 

I don't know what she wants me to do. 

I sigh, my eyes going to the sky. 

What do I do?. 



Good morning. 

Thank you for reading, sorry about the lack of updates last evening. 

Really sorry. 

Please leave comments, thanks. 


. .

Read " Forever, Mitchell " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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  • kadosh Wambua picture
    kadosh Wambua
    Another character , the more the merrier I guess hi hi hi
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hope she'll make the right choice
  • YO DE picture
    YO DE
    The choice better be jeter please
  • Mandy-princess picture
    Nice story line, keeps getting better each time. I love you Bebe
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