The Last Survivors - Episode 14

The Last Survivors

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Austin and his company were still on the road wondering were to spend the night. They knew it would only be a matter of time before the scorpion would return, looking for another host to attach itself to so it can attack them. Osoba who was driving pulled up the vehicle by the roadside and asked Austin to take over. He needed to make a call, there was someone he believed could unravel the mystery of the scorpion to them and how to stop it once and for all . After his call Osoba announced to them all, “We are going to BADAGRY, we have to see a man at ANCIENT WAWU KINGDOM. He can help us with answers”. With no better idea or option about what to do, all of them acquiesced to Osoba’s ideas and they headed off to Badagry that night. Austin drove like a crazy man; it took him only one hour and thirty minutes to get to Badagry. When they arrived at Wawu Kingdom, the man they had come to see, HUNGBO SEWEDO was already waiting for them. Osoba stooped and greeted the man in Egun tongue, “Ogboni mi karo ro o!” The others stooped in respect and Hungbo Sewedo led them to his living room. The man’s face was taut, something in his eyes gave him the impression he didn’t like their visit. Melinda leaned on Austin’s shoulder and whispered, “I don’t like this man

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. I hope he won’t sell us out”. “You are right something is wrong, the look of his face says it all. Be on your guard, stay close to me and be ready to fight”, replied Austin. Melinda and Austin were the last to step into Hungbo’s living room, before she entered the house, she cast her eyes about Hungbo’s compound for anything unusual; for a moment she thought she saw a shadow moving through the wall of Hungbo’s compound and heading towards the backyard.

When they sat down in Hungbo’s living room, Melinda pinched Austin and whispered, “I think I saw something outside; it looked like the shadow that dragged me into the valley of the dead some weeks ago. I think we should tell the others and get out of here”. Hungbo fixed his eyes on Austin and Melinda and said, “No one is going to hurt you while you are here, but you must do your business here quickly and leave. This is one place you shouldn’t have brought them Osoba. There are more enemies here than friends. What you saw outside followed you to this place, as I speak; it rallies its like to capture you all. In a matter of hours all of you will die………..” Hungbo raised his hand and pointed at Melinda and said, “Except you!” “What would happened to her? Tell me old man!” Austin asked. “She shall be forced into an unholy matrimony with the one who is dead and yet lives now. That is what I see”. “Who do you speak of sir? Who is the one who is dead and is alive now?” asked Osoba. “The one whose grave you dug up and destoryed with fire. He has returned in the body of another. He wants blood”.

There was silence in the room. No one could speak a word. Seeing how despondent his guest were, Hungbo tried to offer them some hope, “The shadow scorpion which you have battled all day long is called AYARI. It never returns to its abode until it has taken the soul of the one whom it was sent to kill, it is a stubborn spirit, but it can be trapped or even turned against those who unleashed it against you”. “How can we do that?” asked Austin. “You must lure it to the grave of the one who seeks your death, to the grave you dug up, but that is, if you all will survive the next few hours’. “That grave is in Eku-Obhiosa, Edo state. It is too far”, said Melinda. “Even if the grave was in Jamaica, you must go there to send the scorpion back to the sender”. Hungbo pointed at Verah and said, “You have faith, but you often doubt yourself. If you would exercise your faith in the most High, your faith would save your friends. When the shadow scorpion enters the grave, command it to return death to the sender in the name of God’s Holy Son. It will obey you! You have the faith my child”.

“We need somewhere to sleep tonight”, said Osoba. “I can tell you are not listening to me, this place is the last place you want to be at this moment. Our land crawls with evil. The shadow your lady friend saw outside is gathering other shadows to take you all captive or worst still kill you all. You must leave tonight. The land you have come to is evil; it is a home too many demonic powers, they will be glad to feast upon your flesh. I have left the evil ways I followed years ago; I do not want to start a battle with the Circle of Stars. They revel in blood shed, they feed upon blood like you and I breathe air. You must leave my house!! I am done helping you!!!”
His voice startled all of them and they sprang to their feet and hurried outside. As soon as they all were outside. Hungbo locked his metal door securely, not bothering to do much as wave them goodbye. As if on cue they all ran outside the compound and headed straight for Osoba’s bus. Osoba started his bus and drove out of the small Ancient Kingdom, with no clear picture in his mind as to where he was driving to. After some twenty minutes of racing on the highway, Ochuma who had been silent all along told Austin that he was in much pains. The anesthetics given to him after the ceiling fan blade chopped of his arm must have worn off; he was in need of another shot. They all told him to hang on for them to get to the next town. The next town happened to be Ijaniki, they had thought of stopping at Agbara, but it felt too eerie and over crowded, so they chose to make their stop at Ijaniki.

Auatin and Etim were asked to find a durg store or some local hospital where they could find anesthetics. The two of them braved up and dashed into the night. Melinda was scared for Austin; she had to call him back and asked him to be careful. She kissed Austin as though that was the last time they were going to see each other. Reluctantly she let Austin go; Austin had to hasten his pace so to catch with Etim.

Read " Riches Of The Dead-Ije (The Journey) " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. While Austin was with Melinda, Etim was already asking passers-by where he could find a hospital or drug store. A woman pointed him in a direction; there was something odd about her, but Etim was in so much haste to noticed it. When Austin caught up with him, he told Austin, that a woman had told him a hospital was somewhere around. The two of them headed in the direction the woman pointed them to. There was a building full of light with a number of cars parked in front of it; they assumed it must be the hospital. They hastened down to it, chatting about their determination to live beyond the hours set for them by the Circle of Stars.

At some point Austin felt something was wrong; the building was right in front of them and for some unknown reason they were unable to reach it. It was as though the building was moving away as they drew closer to it. “Etim stop! Something is wrong! How long have we been walking? Why can’t we reach the building right before us?” Austin turned back to see the distance they had covered and behind him was a vast thick bush.

Matters came to a head when the same Austin and Etim lost in some bush had returned to Osoba and wanted to lead them to a hospital which they had supposedly found. When they returned no one suspected they were impersonations of Austin and Etim until Ochuma who was gritting much pain asked to be prayed for. Melinda volunteered to say the prayer for Ochuma and asked the rest to lower their heads in reverence to God. The strange Austin who was with them took offence, “What Ochuma needs is painkillers not prayers! I think we should hurry to the hospital and not waste our time on helpless prayers!”

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