The Last Virgin - Episode 8

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**** The moment Maria hit the ground, the trance in which Valerie seemed to be suddenly vanished into thin air.. She blinks.

Was she just dancing? Or it was another one of her illusions? She blinks again.

But.. She was just lying on her bed and humming to some kind of song just a second ago.

So how come she was now standing in the middle of the room? Valerie groans in frustration.

Was her life so pathetic that she couldn't even differentiate between reality and illusion anymore? So much for being a teenager.


She stops,staring around.

Why did she feel like she had set eyes on her mother a moment ago? She turns and makes her way towards the door when her feet came in contact with a warm liquid, squishing underneath her feet.

Valerie takes a step back and stares down at her feet.

Blood? Her bushy eyebrows furrow in confusion.

Where did blood come from?.

She checks her body for any bruises or cuts.

There was none.

She turns her head.. If the blood wasn't from her then where... Her eyes follow the thick trail of blood until her eyes land on her.

She gasps.

Maria lay sprawled practically lifeless near the wall that connected to her bathroom. How did she land so far away?.


Valerie shrieks as she makes her way hastily and bends to her level..

"What happened to you mother? Mother!.. Dad!!! Dad!!!"

Valerie screams uncontrollably.

She lifts her mothers head and places it on her lap slowly, the school uniform she was yet to take off soaking with blood immediately.

"Mom.. Mom open your eyes please"

she cries,flashes of what she'd done seconds ago flashing in her minds eye all at a ago.. Her dancing. Her singing. Maria entering her room and seeing her glowing hair and skin.

Her hair flip.. Which resulted in throwing maria high up into the air and falling heavily.

Before she could fathom how she'd done that,James comes rushing in.

"Why are you scream...."

He trails off spotting Maria in a pool of her blood.


His scream echoed across the walls as he rushes to her with his heart on his sleeves.


Her feet tapped continuously on the floor in an unceremonious manner.

She was sweating profusely.

Her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest due to the rapid rate at which it kept beating.

More than three hours had passed after her mom had been sent to the operation theatre when they arrived at the hospital yet no news.

The nurses just came and went without so much as sparing them a single glance.

And the way her father was pacing to and fro iby front of her wasn't helping with her anxiousness either.

She bit her lip,trying to stop the sob from escaping her.

Yet she failed.

"Dad" her voice came out croaked and ragged. James stops pacing and turns to face his daughter whose eyes were red and lips trembling.

Sh*t! He should be comforting his daughter instead.

Quickly he rushes to her and engulfs her into a hug.. She wraps her arms around him without hesitation, letting the tears pour out into his chest.

He rubs her back soothingly, kissing her forehead.

"Hush now. Mummy's gonna be alright. She's not gonna leave us so soon. She'll be fine you'll see. hush now my love. It'll be alright. Its okay love"



My heart constricts immensely.

My chest tightens at father's worse.

How do I tell him? How do I tell him these tears I'm sheddimg isn't because of mom's present condition but because I feel like I'm going to lose my senses and go mad soon.

I'm going to lose the little bit of sanity I have left with all these strange things happening to me.

How do I cope with the fact that I had somehow, someway in a twisted way thrown my mother against the wall with just a flip of my hair.. How do I cope with my hair turning red whevener it damn well pleases and then goes back to normal?.

How do I cope with dreams I have no answers to?.

I shut my eyes, holding on to father tighter wishing all this was just a very bad bad nightmares.. But like they say,wishes are not horses..


"Are you sure?"

The bearded doctor asks father for the thousand time to which he answers the same again

"Very sure doctor. But why do you ask?"

The doctor signs.

"This is strange. You said there was nothing like a gas explosion or anything. The impact the fall had on ur wife was very grave. It wasn't just a slip and fall kind of impact. It was strong. Almost like... Almost like there was an explosion that threw her off her feet or an.. An invisible wind. Or an incredibly strong person threw her making her hit her head.. And.. And you said nothing like that. You just found her lying down"

he shakes his head as if he wasn't believing the words he was spewing himself... I take a step back, wanting to disappear.. Wanting the earth to open up and swallow me wholly. The doctor may have been just making assumptions due to lack of finding tangible reasons for mother's present condition but he was right.

More or less, he was.

An invisible wind had thrown mother off.

And I caused it.

Me.. Me.. I don't know how it happened but if there's one thing I'm sure about, it's the fact that I'm probably cursed. 

"How's my wife doctor?"

Father asks jolting me out of my thoughts. The doctor sighs again

"Nor good Mr Kent. She lost a lot of blood and the concussion she suffered on her head isn't something that's going to heal any time soon. And well.. Since the brain controls every function of the body, your wife may or may not lose some her reflex actions"

"Wh...what are you saying doctor? How can you use may or may not in your sentences? Aren't you supposed to be a professional?!"

That's it. I can't keep on listening to this.. Turning sharply, I make for the door pushing it harshly as I run out of the office and out the hospital completely ignoring my father's call.

I run.

As fast as my legs can carry me.

As far as my strength can take ne.


It's eating me up like a prey would it's predator.

I'm feeling extreme guilt for doing something I didn't even mean to do.

For doing something I don't even know how I did it in the first place.


I let out a groan, kicking a stone in my way.. This is so twisted.

F*cked up!. What the f*ck is happening to me?.

Why can't I fanthom anything? Why do I feel like... Like... Argh... Like I do not belong here.

I stop runninh and lean against a wall, my hand automatically going to the mark beneath my ear.

I begin to rub it slowly,hoping to get some comfort like I always do anytime I rub it.. But no. This time it doesn't give me the relief I'm desperately searching for. Instead,the moment my fingers make contsct with the mark,I begin to feel strange, a sudden emotion overcoming me,overwhelming me instantly.

I heave in deep breaths.

My arms fall limp at my sides.

My knees buckle unwillingly like a sudden weight has been dispatched on my head, giving me away.

I Fall to my knees, wrapping my arms around me ,feeling cold suddenly. I blink. Again and again.

Oh God. What's this? What's going on? I blink again.

A groan escapes lips as I fall to the ground,face first, succumbing to emotions washing over me.

I knew at that moment. I just knew,that I'll give anything to stop feeling this way.

The crescent mark feels like fire on my skin as it burns. I scream,writhing and rolling on the ground.


MEANWHILE.... Lord Hades sat on his throne comfortably, his eyes fixated on the screen, both hands folded under his chin. A slow smile appeared at the side of his lips, growing into a wide grin.

He let's out a long contented sigh as he steps down from the throne walking closer to the screen.

All four boys or should he say men were still frozen just like they were fifty years back.

Fifty years fir him had never felt so long.

But now it was over.

The wait was over.

It was time.


He was going to erase each of their memories and they'll remember nothing from their past, not even Valerie.

Even he'd taken Valerie's memories away when she'd been reborn.

It was up to them to remember and find each other so the task could be complete.

Oh well, this wasn't part of the plan but.. He smirks. Where was the fun in that? It's been so long since he'd some fun.

"Let's get you out of your cage shall we?"

Hades waves his hand slightly at the screen.


The misty fog surrounding all four men began to clear, disappearing into thin air.

The thick layer of ice in which they'd been trapped in began to melt.

Bit by bit.

Slowly.. Until all four men blinked, their hearts beating again like it had never been frozen.

Breathing in the breath of life once again.


Hades laughs as the men return to life and begin to stare around in confusion, obviously not remembering anything about ego they were or their past life.

He sighs in content. Now this,was what he described as real fun. Someone was gonna pay for sure.. Why?. Because you don't make deals with the devil.


Good morning people!.

Please don't forget to like, rate and drop your thoughts as always.. love you..

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  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Hmm! The devil takes whatever he gives out in double folds. Kudos eliza
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hades is being unfair why did he erase their memories? thoz 4 imbeciles are released.....i pray their dicks remain frozen....!
  • Logan Kludge picture
    Logan Kludge
    More ink to your pen, cont pls
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Bennie. so accurate
  • eliza picture
    Jesus Pamela. aww why you being wicked now? how can the most important part of their body be frozen?
  • eliza picture
    sure thing.. Logan
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol Eliza I think Hades is rubbing off his wickedness on me....I've been hanging out with him lately, but not as friends....i repeat not as friends....just wanted to know his plans so I can alert Valerie!!!
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    I hope Valarie meets Eugene first.
  • eliza picture
    lol. Pamela. you really should keep an eye on him then
  • eliza picture
    let's hope so Zainab
  • okwudiliHarry picture
    ok he who dare to dine with the devil should go find a long ladle. Nice one. But why would valerie go to shoel instead of heaven
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Will do hun
  • jamal picture
    @pamela...mind you,we also have female rapist!...dnt blame those mens nd your comments shouldn't contain abusive words!
  • jamal picture
    [email protected] u get the picture?? Eugene is gonna be the last!...nd probably her lover again
  • eliza picture
    @ Harry I don't know ooo. its all my imagination
  • eliza picture
    lol. @ Jamal you like fighting with Pamela. I didn't know we had female rapists though.
  • jamal picture
    @eliza...i nd @pamela...we're cool!...its just that she is been prejudiced..nd what makes u think feminine rapist don't exist?? Its a two race smthing..
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    @Jamal I know there are female rapists..but if we were to compare the rate, men will definitely take the lead....and I put a full blame on those 4 guys who raped Anna to death.
  • eliza picture
    I have a feeling Jamal and @ Pamela are gonna be best friends. lol
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol @Eliza we gonna need a third person to play a referee since there'll be a lot of arguing.....!
  • jamal picture
    lol..@[email protected] go nd read the nxt EP joor!
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Plz go right ahead ogbeni...hope you won't find my comment "abusive" @Jamal
  • jamal picture
  • Bright chris picture
    Bright chris
    More ink to u gal! Kip it up it quite interesting
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