The Man I Love - Episode 12

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"Tosin!” Emeka called, 

“are you okay?" He asks

"Yes I'm fine, let's go and see the man of 
God" she replied.

In the pastor's office, Tosin told the man of
God that she and Emeka have something to ask of him, 

"Emeka tell him" Tosin persuaded.

Emeka told the man of God that he has 
decided to go to Lagos, that he wants to go
 away for sometime and that he would still
 support the ministry even in his absence.

Tosin was dumb founded, 

"Emeka what are you saying? What about..."

"Well sir” he interrupted

“I will be leaving on Thursday, I would love
 to travel to Lagos to wait around if any of
 the company I submitted my CV to, will call me for an interview”. He said.

The pastor encouraged him and prayed with him . As they were about leaving the pastor's  office, the pastor asked Tosin to stay back.

 "I actually wanted my son to marry you, 
you are a woman of substance, a blessing to the man that will marry you.

 I would have told you about him long 
before now, but I didn’t want you to build 
your hopes on my son peradventure he
 wasn't interested.

That was why i waited to canvass with him first before saying anything about it to you,

 but he has already started his wedding 
preparations with Hani. Nevertheless my

 don't worry, God will not forget your labour  of love in his vine yard,

There's no one that truly serves God that
 ends up in shame"

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. The pastor encouraged her.

meanwhile, Emeka and Vil met outside the
 pastor’s office, 

 Vil apologized to him for any
 inconveniences caused,

“I honestly had no idea about everything 
that transpired in the past, please my dear” Vil pleaded as Emeka smiles

 "Nah! there's no problem really, in life some
things happens that we can't explain. We
 win some and lose some” Emeka 

They both shook hands and hugged.

Tosin, coming out of the pastor's office
 calls Emeka aside.

"Honestly, i don't understand! 

what about what you said we would discuss with daddy?" Tosin asked. 

“Forgive me dear, I changed my mind, 

getting married to you will only add salt to
 injury and i don't want to ruin your life
 because of my problems,

 I really appreciate you for standing by me
 and for saving me from committing suicide the other day.

 I wish you all the best in life and I pray that God bless you so much for all your good
 works, and i also pray that you will be
 happy in life. Take care of yourself" Emeka hugged her and walks away leaving her

Tosin was set to go home, she couldn't join
 the other ushers in their usual routines. She  decides to bade fareware to Vil hence she
 walks up to him.

 Vil had been waiting to talk to her all along,

"My goodness! Tosin exclaimed,

 this world is really a small place, wonders will never cease.

 i never imagined you were my pastor's son. 

Back then in Niger you didn't act like 
someone with a blue blood. You were very 
humble to the core, and even now you’re 
still very simple like always” she said

"Yet you were concerned about my
 wellbeing" Vil interrupted

She blushed, tilting her head downwards in shyness

“Congratulations in advance” she says, 

"I have to leave now, take care…"she added.

as she was about leaving, Vil held her hands pulling her closer to himself.

It was as if an electric current had passed 
through her body.

Quickly she struggles from his grips

"I love you Tosin" he said...

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