The Puzzle - Episode 16

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Dr. Michael was seated in his office that Sunday morning attending to his patients when one of his nurses entered his office.

"Yes, Nurse Loveth, how may I be of help?" He asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb you doctor. I want to ask you a question please."

"Yes, go ahead please," Michael replied giving her his full attention."

"Okay doctor . Please, the young woman whose mother had an accident last week, it seems I knew her somewhere but I want to be very sure. Is her name Mrs. Evans?"

"Oh, you mean Roseline, whose mother was rushed in after she was hit by a careless driver?"

"Exactly Doctor, is she Mrs Evans?"

"I do not know Loveth, all I know is that she is Roseline by name, I do not know her surname."

"Okay sir. Her face really looks familiar,  she looks like someone I knew when I was working in a hospital at Akure, before I moved to Lagos."

"I see. Maybe, maybe not," Michael replied resuming his writing.

"Okay doctor, thanks so much, she replied."

"You are welcome. Call in the next patient please."


"Loveth, I will advice you to follow your mind, so that your conscience will be free." Rachael, Loveth's friend advised.

I don't know how to, Rachael

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. Though my conscience had never been at rest since the time the deed was done but I can't come to terms with making a confession, I mean how do I tell her?"

"Well, it's either you confess and have your peace or keep silent and allow your conscience to torment you," Rachael advised again.

"But don't you think I might be arrested? I am scared."

"You won't, we will pray about it, you can go with your Pastor on the day you decide to confess so that issues won't get out of hand. Let's hope God will take control, let us have the faith."

"Amen o, I pray so oh.
I am very sure she's the one, yes she is, though my boss said he doesn't know her surname but she is the one, I can recognize the face quite well. Ha! Poor woman. I regret that I was involved in such a crime. The evil doctor involved me in his merciless act. I wish I wasn't the one on duty that very day. I have a feeling that I do not have a child of my own till now because I was a part of that crime..." Loveth lamented on and on.

She could remember that fateful day vividly. The memory is so clear. A woman had given birth to a set of twins through Cesarean Section at the hospital where she worked then. It was a private hospital, the doctor had known through scan right from the fifth month of the pregnancy that she was carrying a set of twins, two girls. But he concealed it because he planned to sell one of the girls to one of his clients who had a damaged womb and still wanted to give people the impression that she gave birth to the child herself, so she feigned the pregnancy.

Read " Omoshalewa " by the same author ( Moyosore Teniola )

. Loveth learnt the woman came from a far city to buy the child.

She and one other nurse were on duty the day the twins were delivered but she was the one that stayed with the doctor during the operation. She was instructed by the doctor to take one of the twins to the woman who had paid for the baby in the next ward, while her real mother was still asleep. 

And that was how it happened. One of the girls was sold to another woman. Their real mother never knew that she had a set of twins. Loveth's conscience had since being troubled. The doctor later called her and offered her some money but she refused it. She later left the hospital and relocated to Lagos where she met her husband.

The day she saw Roseline at Fountain hospital, she knew it was time for her to confess her sins and relieve herself of the guilt once and for all.

"God help me." Loveth cried on her bed that night. She was home alone, her husband doesn't come home everyday anymore, she heard that he had impregnated another woman because she had been unable to bear him a child. Loveth was very sure that Karma was judging her already. 

"God, I don't want to regret this confession I am about to make, I just want to right my wrongs and have my peace again. God have mercy, I am so sorry to be a part of this...

I just hope the other twin will be found and returned to her real mother, the girl deserves to be with her real parents. But can that even be possible? I don't even know where the woman who bought the child is but Doctor Johnson may know...
She cried on till she slept off.


Hello my people, I hope you are all good? 

Nurse Loveth's mind is made up, Something is about to happen!

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