The Puzzle - Episode 4

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Rose met David at the wedding ceremony of a colleague of hers. It was exactly two years after she graduated from the University. David being one of the groom's friend was asked to take the toast for the couple. He spoke so eloquently, backing up most of his points with scriptural references. This got Rose's attention . She had a flair for men who are close to God. From the way David spoke and from his gestures, she believed he must be a God fearing and responsible young man.

Part of the reasons why Rose was yet to have a relationship was because most of her proposals had come from men whom she had rated below her godly standards. She believed that as a devoted child of God that she is, she mustn't get married to an ungodly man. She concluded that it is better to wait for her desired man, a man who wouldn't cheat on her or go violent, one who has the fear of God...

When David later sat down after the toast, Roseline went to him and passed a compliment. "That was a nice speech," she said.
"Oh thanks, David responded with a full smile. " He's so handsome!" Rose thought...
"By the way, I am Roseline Edwards, she said offering a handshake. " David Evans" he responded still smiling, while receiving the handshake and added, "it's nice meeting you." 
"Same here," Rose enthused, glad that the man is also friendly.

He offered her a seat next to his and she gladly sat down

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. They talked about a lot of things and at the end exchanged contacts. And that was it. They started a friendship, and later got deeper. David told her that he was willing to marry her and he believed God had led them to each other. Roseline who had been praying on her own and had received confirmations from God, accepted his proposal right away. So, they started their courtship, four months after they met.

Though, David was still working as a storekeeper at a Pharmaceutical firm at the period, with a meagre salary of #35,000 per month and was staying in a single room apartment, ('face me face trouble house'), Roseline still agreed to marry him. She loved him a lot and she told him that she believed in the days of little beginning. This increased the love and respect David had for her.

During their courtship, they visited each other on weekends. Either David went visiting at her place or she came over to David's place on Saturday morning and leave on evening of same day. They never spent a single night in each other's apartment. They both agreed to delay their sexual enjoyment till when they were married and thus, they had a short courtship of only 7 months in order for them not to fall into temptations.

Roseline noticed during their courtship that David  was an indoor kind of guy. He hardly went out on picnics or any social events except if it was inevitable. Rose, judging from her own background likes going out a lot, so she personally facilitated some of their weekend outings when they courted. 

Although, David enjoyed them but it had never been a part of him to embark on such trips voluntarily.
The first outing they had was at a beach in Badagry. They sat under one of the trees, enjoying the cool of the evening. The breeze coming from the sea and the nearby trees was so soothing. They chatted for several minutes, eating one sandwich after the other, then they later rose to play around on the warm sand.
After a while, they sat down again watching other love birds. After a while, Rose spoke, "I love nature a whole lot, I feel so relaxed and happy when I come to places like this often." "Yeah, I love nature too" David replied gazing at a butterfly perched on the sand nearby.
"But you do not like outings David" Rose accused him, "Why do you prefer to stay indoor always?"
"Well, it had never been a part of me," David replied truthfully. "Okay, but I hope you will get used to it when we get married, I like going on outings a lot, Roseline replied holding David's hands, "do you promise me to do so Dave? " Okay, I will try, David answered, I'll do anything for you my Rose." "Oh thanks baby, that's why I love you," Rose replied, blushing.

David concluded in his heart that he would try to improve in that area, or so he thought...
A few months down the line, they walked down the aisle, they had a beautiful and glorious wedding. It's 8 years now, David had successfully built a business empire, he hardly had time for Roseline and their daughter. Almost all his weekends were fixed for one business trip or the other.

Read " The Agony Of Beauty " by the same author ( Moyosore Teniola )

. Rose felt so lonely, she missed the man she fell in love with. David tried a lot to make some adjustment but his business is so demanding. Though, if he was really determined to spend some quality time with his family, he could have squeezed out sometime despite his busy schedule but the issue still remains the fact that he was never used to such kind of life. He believes the ideal model of a perfect husband is the one who can provide conveniently for his family, no matter how busy he may be, just as he had watched his father in his growing years.

It's such a pity. They both didn't know how wide apart they have grown over the years in their marriage each of them pursuing his or her career. The crack in the wall of their marriage was not noticeable until something happened...

Dear readers, whenever you notice a loophole in the life of a potential spouse, don't pretend as if it isn't there. In marriage, trivial issues can become so big and unmanageable. Ask yourself, 'if this man or woman doesn't adjust, will I be able to cope?' Your answer will go a long way in determining if you will be able to forge ahead or not. It's either you manage that weakness if you can or allow the person to go if you can't. Little issues in courtship grow bigger in marriage.

Oya drop your comments, let's rub minds together. Thanks for the previous comments and thanks for reading always.

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