The Quest - Episode 1

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An ancient building stood in the middle of an ancient deadly forest.

In the building were two ladies, a younger one and an older one. 

The younger of the two, a beautiful young lady was sleeping while the older was very old, so old that she doesn't stand up straight. Her name is Dontizu.

Dontizu: (Staring at the young lady who was in bed, still like a statue. Dontizu nodded her head) Wake up Dona, it is time for you to rise up . (As if on cue the young lady suddenly opened her eyes for the first time, in a long time. Her eyes went straight to Dontizu who had started smiling) Welcome back Dona. I made you sleep for a thousand years.

Dona: A thousand years?? What happened? Why was I asleep?

Dontizu: Because you were gravely injured. I had to use all my magic to heal you.

Dona: Why was I injured? I don't even seem to remember how I got injured in the first place.

Dontizu: You took the Imperial scrolls from Raina. She got pissed off and fought with you. Though I haven't heard or seen her for a long time, after you both fought;  although from my observation I think she was gravely injured too. But now you are healed and strong once again, so I have a Quest for you.

Dona: A Quest? What kind of Quest Dontizu?

Dontizu: Something that I had lost thousands of years ago. I need you to go and find it and bring it to me.

Dona: And if I may ask what is that Dontizu? Tell me what you want me to find for you?

Dontizu: A stone, a magical stone.

Dona: A stone? Just a magical stone? Why is it so important that you want me to find it for you

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. I just woke up and I need to rest.

Dontizu: (looking so sorrowful) Well the magical stone will make me look young again. I miss being myself and not this hideous face on me.

Dona: But you have powerful magic Dontizu. Why can't you perform a magic and let the stone come to you instead. You are powerful and I know you can do it.

Dontizu: It is true Dona, but where the stone is am afraid my magic can't penetrate there.

Dona: (Looking shocked) Why??

Dontizu: I can't tell you the reason.

Read " The Last Survivors " by the same author ( Ifeoma Isabella Okeke )

. Just get me that stone and I will explain why I need it. Or won't you help me restore to what I was before? Won't you help me.... your own Mother? (Dona stared at Dontizu for a while. They both stare at each other).

Dona: I will do it (she sighs) Mother.

Dontizu: Good my child. You are going to Ampoka Kingdom, that is where the magical stone is.

Dona: (Surprised) Ampoka? Is that not where you came from? Mother why is the stone there in the first place?.

Dontizu: It is a long story, but you are going to Ampoka Kingdom, to the Palace of Magic. You are going to find your way in and work inside the palace. Then you start looking for the stone. The stone is in Ampoka Palace.

Dona: Okay Dontizu, when am I going on this Quest.

Dontizu: (Smiled) For now I have to start preparing you for the journey you will embark on. This Quest is a dangerous one, you are going to be very cautious.

Dona: Of course Mother.

Dontizu: Rest now my daughter, when you wake up, your journey starts. (Dona lay back and immediately shut her eyes, she slept off immediately. Dontizu smiled.

Ampoka Palace won't know what hit them.

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