The Underworld(battle fix) Season 2 - Episode 13

afraid but strong

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Mula::. So where exactly is he?. . .

Quan janesy::. That's what i can't tell, i don't know where exactly the bastard is(now she lies down and closed her eyes). . .

Mula::. So tell me, what really happened, you got wounded for real. . .

Queen janesy::. Yeah, i did this to myself thinking the king will concur to my sugestion, oh but it didn't. . .

Mula::. The king is a man of his words, he does not give up. . .

Queen janesy::. That should be for him because after suka turn them to slaves, then ama know who stands on his or her word. .

Mula::. Are they ready to attack tomorrow?. .

Queen janesy::. Hahahaha, as we speak now, they have camped allready at guma forest. Haha. .


Cara and felix stood infront of the throne room while some conversation was going between them.::. .

Cara::. Why has father rejected us from seing mother?. .

Felix::. That's what i dont know too, who know what happened to mother?. .

Cara::. am afraid, of what we are about experiencing, . . .

Felix::. Me too, first in the history of rycan for another kingdom to overtake them-.

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. .

Cara::. Who knows where the prince is?(rhetorically). . .

Felix::. I hope he is alive, cos' am afraid of the worst. Now the queen has been attacked, why we?. . Cara looked at her when she said the queen was attacked, like she knew she was never attacked, instead she is playing them to get wat she want. Then the king came out and they followed him down, as they also tried asking him their faith. . .

Cara::. Father what do we do, because am sure lordray must have camped with his warriors close to us. .

Kingzed::. Ama not gana give up, gana be happy if dead doing the brave thing. . . Felix::. But father, we cant take down those monster in a battle, the 3 sword warriors are the strongest sorcerer presently, so i think the battle is not ours. . King zed::. Do not invite fear in a complicated arena else fairlure won't be too far anymore. . At this time, they got to the open place where kingzed had ordered all the knights to be under a serious training while jimmy was the leader, when they saw the king standing at jimmy's back they all bowed down and stoped the training. . .

Jimmy::. (he didn't know the king was at his back) hey! What your problem, get up let's continue,(now he went into the knights trying to force them to stand, but no one listined to him) i said you should stand up, do not be stupid, we've gat a war to fight so why giving up?. ::::::CHRISTIAN ANACHRIST STORIES:: After talking to them and nobody listined to him he started pushing and kicking the soldiers, then he heard. . . . . . "hey it's ok ,easy with them'. . He turned and saw the king behind him and joined the knights and bow dow while he buried his sword to the ground. .

King Zed::. Stand up, i can see how serious you all are to this, it's allready geting dark and i know they must have come close, let not give up, if we die in doing this happiness is ours in the spirit world, now go get dressed, and get positioned i and my daughters will protect the crown, while you all face them and do not allow them come down to the castle. .

All::. Yes my lord!.

Kingzed::. Good, go now and prepare, remember do not put fear, tell yourself i can do this, then you must win,is it clear?.

All::. Yes my lord!!. . .

Kinzed::. Good, 'he turned and leave while cara and felix followed him off the scene, then the knight all rushed into their apartment to get prepared.

:::selicus part >>>.

After all she did and can't bring back the prince back to life and also seing that lee who went for the leaf hasn't come back and was in danger too, because bangader kingdom is very far from where he was sent to, which implies that for him to be there something must have happened to him, then if the king gets to see the prince lifeless body in her apartment, she will be in a very big case, so she decided killing herself. .

Selicus::. I've nothing to live for again, very soon they will attack us,and then the king will see the prince lifeless body whit me, no i can't i beter die than the king killing me. She went to the prince body, opened the face and kissed the prince on the forehead, then she said "i trust you and know what you can do, goodbye, please help me and return my son back to dide, i know you must sort yourself out, please do not disappoint me.(crying, she pulled her hand knife off from a small leather bag on her waist and made to kill herself when she remember the door isn't locked then she went to lock the door when lee hurriedly flew inside, which got her scared too.

Read " The Underworld(Battle Within) " by the same author ( CHRISTIAN ANACHRIST )

. . She turned with suprise and kept looking at him while locking the door too, after which she looked at the knife on her hand. .

Lee::. What were you about doing ?. .

Selicus::. Where have you been to ?. . Lee::. It a long story, here is the leaf, let get him back before we talk that. .

Selicus::. For him to get back to life he has many hours to do that, and very soon we will be under attack. 

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  • Medina Lawal picture
    Medina Lawal
    God! Miracle were are u? They need u here asap, well done @ Anachrist
  • Ola Hormolar picture
    Ola Hormolar
    Hmm, this is serious o,for three episode now the omega has not wake up, anachrist this your suspense is giving mi blood pressure...well done bro
  • carmen picture
    Hmmmm... Dis is serious ooo, I hope d king wakes up soon
    @Medina . . .long time. . welcome back to my story, . . maybe you don't know my name is miracle
    @Hormolar. . . biko make e no give u please, there must be a way
    @Hormolar. . . biko make e no give u please, there must be a way
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    All I wish for now is the safety of the prince. Nice one
    @Carmen , thanks much dear
    welcome my lovely one @Favour
  • Teema Zarma picture
    Teema Zarma
    @anachrist well done
    @ZARMA Just kukuma kill me one time. . . . hahahahahaha. . . . am glad dear. . if u c as i just dey smile like goat here na eh. . . . hahahahaha
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