The Underworld(battle fix) Season 2 - Episode 46

Kill Or Be Killed. II

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when the monster left him, it went to the middle of the room and started roaring with a heavy tune, doing that for a little time, a heavy wind came sweeping the floor before it, the more it does the better it kept forming a blur human image......after the transformation, the wind formed a huge and tall man,with long golden hairs dangling behind him, and cloathed in a light red-brown cloaks, in his left hand was a staff disigned professionaly,with the end having a sword-like desing,which i can't tell if its sharp or just a carving,at the right hand of this very unknown man ,was a blue portion filled into a small transparent bottle...... He looks so week,like he is tired of life,he is making no movement,let alone talking either,.


Now the monster stoped the cry,it looks calmed and happy, the monster advanced closer to the man,and tried pulling off those item away from the man, but suprisingly sword finds its way into its back making it to stop any movement it was about to make.............. . turnning in disappointment, it had its gaze over someone else, thats not the same guy he just fought with, he is in black hood....i think that's black hood...

He is up? Good news anyway.. the monster rolled its eyes to the floor where white hood was suposed to be.

Oh! He still lays helplessly, the monster broke the sword which black-hood threw into its back, and bloods gushes out,

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. .Blood?. . Black-hood questioned in disbelieve,because he was expecting some disgusting green liquids, but reverse was the case, ..


Clenching and positioning his fist, incase any mess is needed, black-hood made his feet comfortable on the ground,. the monster droped the half of the sword it was holding on the floor while the remaining was embeded into its body, it started running down to black-hood, like that of a hungry lion going after an antelope, vomiting fire against him which he always slide away from it to avoid any mistake, when the monster got close to him and launched an attack, black-hood being ready and expecting nothing but that, slides down on the ground with a front-flip and using the space between the monsters two legs, he slides to its back, before it could react,. still being on the floor, black-hood kicked it at the back of its legs,and it staggered a bit,and fell down landing with a heavy thud. ... black-hood used the opporturnity and ran to the old man who has the portion and the staff , because the man is getting weak and tired of standing. ... He is too old, yes he should,because he is older than any life in the enchanted forest,presently, and one person is been known for that. . . 'alexander miulrs' the great wizard of the enchanted forest. 


But should he be the one?why then so weak today and does not react,according to what stories tells about him?. .... these were all black-hood was thinking of ,as he keeps aproaching him.. . . . . . . . .***** 2018 COPYRIGHTS*CHRISTIAN  ANACHRIST STORIES**ALL RIGHS RESERVED.* * * *LOP-PRODUCTION.


 almost close to him and stretched out his hand to take the portinn, but was interrupted by a chain, which came flying and ran round his hand, he turned and saw the monster holding the last end of the chain that was round his left hand, before he thought of any other plan, the monster dragged him back using the chain,and black-hood came hanging on the air,and launched himself against the wall and fell on the ground. ... the monster thought he was gone and wanted to go take the portion,but now knowing black -hood has stand up again,this time ,he picked the chain and holding one end he sent the other to its left leg, rounding it, he quickly dragged it back and the monster lost control and fallig backwards its gaint hand hit the man and he lost hold of the portion,and fell on the ground.... The portion was almost landing on the floor,which would have seen it broke to pieces and black-hood was far from it.

Standing far and watching what he has been sweating and fighting for, almost about to be destroyed, . ...... he closed his eyes ,blocked his ears with his fingers and waited a bit when he thought it must has been destroyed, he opened his eyes. ... His eyebrows raised,his eyes widened and his mouth ran wide open for what he saw. ###. Thats white-hood ,holding the portion,which was supposed to be on the floor in broken parts. he couldn't admit it was true ,Could it be that he was dreaming?. No he can't and not at this time ,if he must in anyway dream in the enchanted forest, he ran his fingers on his both eyes incase it was a dream,but it was not.

Read " Castle Of Iron " by the same author ( CHRISTIAN ANACHRIST )

. .... the monster picked up a little strenght and quickly stand up like flash, when white-hood saw it,he realesed the portion on the air while black-hood jumped to the air and caught it midway just in time,and when he lands to the floor,he quickly stucked it into the side of his hood.. . . white hood clenched his fist and positioning it against the monster he turned his feet to make sure he is comfortable, the monster ran tohim vomiting the fire against him ,but he slides to his left, giving the fire the space to pass, when it got close to him, it was ready to fight.

****. ***. **. *.


Please if am mistaking let me know, lovely ones. . . . 

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