The unstoppable Achiever - Episode 12

The Unstoppable Achiever

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The Boss was interested in political office. A man without any political pedigree ; a man with a tainted image and a well known criminal. How is that possible? Sandra was to make it possible. 

   "It's impossible , it's impossible," Sandra said unconsciously at home.

   " Honey , what is impossible" the Governor, her husband walked in and asked her.

She suddenly realised herself as waking up from a trance. 

   "Nothing dear. I , I.. . Never mind me dear. It's this your son. I gave him home work in mathematics and he was arguing the answer with me. Can you imagine this small boy? she lied.

  " But, they've all gone to play football for over two hours ". 

  "Oh! Is that...anyway don't mind me.' She fumbled and obviously confused.

She's been acting strange recently , hence the governor has been very wary of her.

As part of the agreement to eliminate Dave, the Boss has detailed his men to trail him.

There was inexplicable tension everywhere.The governor couldn't understand the strange behaviour of his wife in recent times, Dave was not frequenting  the governor's house as before. Sandra was scarcely seen in public

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. Every Time there was an occasion for her, she would feign sickness and send her aides.

No one could explain anything to the governor until it started to rain, a torrential rain of terror. 


Dave was set to take the package containing everything about Sandra and the Boss to his lawyer. He was intercepted on the way and kidnapped to an unknown destination. The package was  taken from him.

 " Can I talk to her Excellency please. A voice came"

This is Dr. Benjamin from Abuja.

Sandra's aides took the phone to her.

 "Hello , how may I help you " she said

 "Sandra, this is the Boss, call me on your private line. It's important" he still calls her Sandra.

She left her office to a corner of the compound.

 "Hello Boss, any news" she said

" Yea Sandra. The lion is in a cage. I like you to come and see me at the usual place today, 4pm" 

 "Ok, will be there" she assured him.

The boss took away Dave's package,and studied it. It contains very useful information.

" This is good. This will be useful to me" ,the Boss said to himself


4pm at the usual place…

Sandra left the governors lodge with her bodyguards and aides. They drove to a restaurant. She bought them drinks  and walked through the back door to the next street where a rickety camouflaged beetle car was waiting. ( this is how she always escapes scrutiny ).

As she entered , the car moved straight to the usual venue where the Boss was waiting. 

 " Boss ,the Boss. What's the matter "she said

"Follow me" 

 He went to the underground where Dave was sitting on the bare floor.

"Ehhh who do we have here? The lion himself. I told you I'm your shadow "

 "So this is your idea, Sandra. In this battle, no one will win, trust me on this" Dave said assuringly 

 "Yea, certainly in your next life" she said.

 "Sandra, he is all yours." The Boss said

 " Gully I should guillotine your head right now, but no, I have reserved two bullets and one is for your thick skull "

She opened her purse, brought out a golden gun. 

"Oh sorry, I almost forget the silencer, I don't like noise"

She brought that too and screwed it on.

  "Sandra you have all this inside that small bag" the Boss exclaimed!

  "Yea, Sandra is always prepared" She giggled.

  "My husband will come back for dinner in 20 minutes time  so I'm not gonna waste time here and moreover, my aides are waiting at the restaurant "

Everyone there was just waiting to see what she wanted to do.

She walked to Dave , stayed like three yards away, stretched her hand straight to his forehead , later she turned, aimed at a bottle that was  50 yards away , scattering it to splinters with one shot and then turned again to face Dave…

 " Gully, say your last prayers"

Everyones hearts skipped.

"Stand up , Stand up"  she roared . Run for your life. Disappear now and never, ever come back. Gully run, run run for your life, run from your shadows " she was shouting and giggling hysterically as if under some demonic influence. The Boss mouth dropped in awe !

When Gully ran up the stairs and escaped, she stopped and walked to the Boss who was certainly bewildered and said.

"The Boss Sir, that will be it for the day. Let us see  again on Wednesday by 4pm, same venue."


The Boss...

Sandra surprised me with her shot. She is awesome with a gun, a real snipper.  I thought she was going to shoot Dave. The reason she didn't kill Dave amazes me.

I've been in crime, I've never seen such dexterity. Just after 40minuites of the whole episode that went underground, I was told Dave's body was seen inside a roadside gutter battered with bullets. Who ever killed him, I wouldn't know. Sandra wouldn't have been the one because Dave ran out and she left 10 minutes after that."

 Could it be armed robbers that attacked him?. Could it be a rival political group?


Wednesday 4pm

  "Hello the Boss, Sandra greeted."

  "Good evening Sandra"

  "Have you heard Dave was assassinated "? 

  " Really? That's ok"? She said

  " Did you kill him"

  "No I didn't, in an case, what's my business" she waved her hands sidewards.

She went on to give a run down of what she wanted the Boss to do for her. Assassinate the husband by any means since Dave couldn't do it.

  "Ok ,Sandra In responds, you must give me N300m to run my political campaign first. You must ensure you help me become the governor."  the Boss demanded 

  "But you know that is not possible as you said"

  "You make it possible"

The Boss wasn't going to be like Dave. He is more dangerous and a harden bunch.

  " What happen if I don't do it" she said

  " Then you will sink in the mud of public oblivion "

  "Are you threatening me"?

  " No Sandra, I don't threaten people, I act accordingly"

That evening, the Boss sent an anonymous letter to her husband intimating him to investigate who maimed him , now that he is the governor.

A day after, the governor told Sandra about the anonymous letter that came to him. 

  " Sincerely , that sounds weird. This happened over 20years ago. What case is that" he continued

The following day, Sandra called the Boss for an urgent meeting

  " Why did you do that" she said to the Boss

  " What are you talking about"

  " I mean the letter to my husband"

  " Oh that ! well, the Boss hates delays you know , worse things will come your way,  if no money drops for me."

The following day, the Boss got an alert for N30M ."

  "Oh Sandra , the Boss take no sh*t . What do you take me for? I've reverted your piece of  pie back to your account. For causing the delay, you are to make it N500m. Don't take it as a mere threat"

   Let's see at the venue tomorrow by 2pm, Sandra pleaded as she needed some time to think.

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