The Voice - Episode 24

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Time was tickling very fast, emotions were becoming more heated. Seconds turned into minutes, and the moment was approaching gradually.

The silence in the house was deafening except for a young boy named David who was playing with the toy Jeep Emily bought for him. The boy was less perturbed about the happenings around him as he played, running about with the toy in his hands.

Emily's mouth was still wide agape, Ben was also dumbfounded and lost in thoughts still standing like a statue. His head was tilted towards Emily and they were 
locked up in a gaze.
David's mother was also surprised, she was seated on a couch adjacent to Emily . She was wondering why silence engraved the house and why they acted as if they were held up in a trance.

With the look of things, they might remain static forever without being conscious of their environment.

David's mother shook her head in utmost dismay. She had to do something to stop the trance.

"What's happening?" David's mother shouted at no one in particular.

Emily was the first to regain herself from the trance that seemingly held her. She closed her mouth when she realized it was open.

"Ben?" Emily muttered under her breath with short gasps but loud enough for everyone to hear. 

Ben shook uneasily as he stood, he had never anticipated that the world would come crumbling down on his head such as that. Had it been he knew.... 
He wouldn't have dared the dreaded

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. Worst still, he married two cousins with different characters. To him, one is cool but desperate while the other hazardous. 

He fucked up big time!

"He's not Ben, Emily. He's Richard", David's mother angrily retorted.

Emily tried hard not to blink her eyes because the tears could spill any moment. She had always known that Ben had a wife somewhere else but she wasn't sure as she had never caught him with one, but right there was her worst nightmare playing right before her.

"Ben how could you?", the tears came running down her cheeks like the water falling off a hill.
Emily couldn't withstand the excruciating pain that engulfed her as she ran out with her handbag. A sob burst out, the tears welled up in her eyes, streamed and poured out like an heavy rain. She quickly brought out her handkerchief and soaked it with the tears.


Detective Cole opened his eyes to find himself in a strange place. The walls were tiled and painted white. Strange smell wafted across his nostrils and the bed was very small and uncomfortable. He tried to sit upright but the sharp pain sent him back on the bed. There was a drip on his left wrist and a small amount of blood had formed on the tip needed.

How did he find himself there?

Which hospital was he admitted?

He remembered just a little part of the previous events. He was riding a power bike and then, he had a collision. That was all he could remember.

Cole pressed the emergency button.

"Nurse", he called out but got no response.

"Nurse!!!", he called out again, screaming as loud as his voice could carry him, pressing the emergency button a million times.

Minutes later, a young man came in wearing a white apparel. He was all smiles as he approached Cole on the bed.
Cole's eyes widened when he realized who was standing before him. He was dumbfounded and his face suddenly went pale.

It can't be him. No, it can't. It can't be the forensic man, it can't be. He is dead! Maybe he is seeing a ghost.

Cole argued within himself. He became scared with the thoughts let alone the presence of him.

"Seems like you are surprised detective", the doctor said with smiles.

"Who are you?", Cole asked in a quivery voice.

"Bamidele William, the forensic man you detained, who happened to be dead but very much alive"

Cole was gobsmacked. "But you were confirmed dead by the medics"

"I wasn't the one, I made the man do a face surgery which was the replica of mine.

Read " The Atheist " by the same author ( Tz Jay )

. I had my ways like I always do"

The forensic man brought out a syringe and drew some liquid from an ampoule. He tapped Cole's free hand and found a vein.

Cole drew back in fear. "What are you doing to me!", he shouted but it was more of a whisper as fear engulfed him and he looked on with horror as the forensic man injected him from the syringe.

The forensic man removed it from his body after the contents had gone down not Cole's body. 

He smiled. "I'm sorry, I set you up. You weren't an assassin and never a killer but I had to do what I have to do to cover my tracks which prone the killer to be on your trail. I changed for good but one way or the other, the past came haunting and I had to go back to my old self. I have to stop the son of a bitch before he learns the truth which is why I am doing this to you. I injected you with a form of amnesia virus which would make you lose your memories of the past three weeks. I was never here detective, have a nice day."

Cole only the words ringing in his head as his eyes were fast closing and becoming blur. He heard the bang of the door which indicated that he was out of the room. Even though, he would lose his memory but he would try hard not to forget the voice.

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