To Hate Emmanuel Johnsons - Episode 31

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Prosper's pov:

After searching all the nearby hospitals and not finding olivia, i

drive back to the hospital dejected. How am i going to explain this to

tessy?. What a mess. I park my bike in the hospital lot then walk into

the hospital thinking of a way to break the badnews to tessy. As i

walk into the hospital my eyes meet a middle-aged woman . She's holding

a little girl with a plaster on her head. The little girl is facing

away from me. I turn to ignore them but then it clicks in my memory

that the little girl's hair is the same style as olivia. With my heart

slamming against my chest, i move closer to them so i can see her

face. As i get closer, i hear the woman calling her my daughter. Well

maybe it isn't olivia. No it must be her. The uniform is the same. It

cant all be coincidence. I walk pass them and behold it is olivia. Why

then is she holding this strange woman's hand. This is so confusing.

"poor kid" someone says behind me and i turn to see a nurse shaking her head.

"what's wrong with her?" i ask.

"i heard she was involved in the accident that occurred at the bridge

this evening. She's still so little and now she has amnesia"


All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You mean memory loss?"

"yes. Well atleast her mother is there to take care of her"

"that woman is her mother?"

"ofcourse. Isn't it obvious?. Anyways i have to attend to a patient"

she says and walk away from me.

Something is wrong. Olivia's mother fell with the 4matic off the

bridge, so who is this woman claiming to be her mother?. Well i have

to follow them. I wait for them to leave the hospital premises then

board my bike and follow them. The head to the bus stop. Where is she

taking her?. Before i finish parking my bike, i lose site of them. Oh

no. Panicking, i ask around. A woman point to their direction and i

walk towards them but then slow down. I need a plan. I cant just walk

up to her and grab olivia. I could get mistaken for a kidnapper and

get beaten up as olivia doesn't remember me. I walk up to where they

are but instead of stopping, i walk pass them. I will board the bus

with them. I would follow them to know where they are headed, so i can

inform the police. With this plan, i go to the ticket booth to buy a

ticket. The line there is long. I don't want her bus to go without me

so i bribe my way to the front. After purchasing the ticket for twice

the normal price, i rush to the bus.

The bus is about to leave so i leap  but i don't land because

suddenly, someone is holding me up. I struggle then look to see its

Matthew, my dad's driver. Oh no!

"what the hell! Let me go!" i scream. He lets me down but he still has

a hold on my hand. I turn and watch in horror as the bus starts to

leave. This makes me struggle more.

"no, no, no!" i scream.

"you are not running away again you brat!"

"i am not running away. Please let me go" i am crying now. I cant let

tessy lose olivia because of my ignorance. Matthew is a huge guy so i

use all my strength to jerk up and my head connects with his chin. He

releases his hold on me and as soon as i am free, i run after the boss

shouting at it to stop, but its too late. Its gone. I look around

trying to figure out my next move but then Matthew is on me again.

This time he carries me on his shoulder and places me in my dad's car.

My dad is inside waiting for me.

"where do you think you are running to?" he bellows. He is angry.

"i wasn't running"

"then what are you doing at the bus stop!" i keep quiet.

Read " A woman's dilemma " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. He cant know,

tessy is still alive. He looks at me sternly then continues

"you probably want to go back to abraka and ask about your mother's

death again. I thought you have given this up? Your mother died in an

accident, forget about that useless man that said your mother was

pursued before her car was hit" my mom died in an accident years ago

and last year a man in abraka called me to tell me my mom called him

before the accident and told him that she was being pursued. He said

there was foul play in her death. I had wanted to go and meet him but

my dad never allowed me. I tried to sneak and travel last year and i

was caught. Now he monitors me. I don't trust him anymore. He could

have a hand in my mom's death.

"i wasn't going to abraka" i say

"then why were you running after that bus heading for abraka?" oh. So

that's where that crazy woman was headed. Now i know

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