To Hate Emmanuel Johnsons - Episode 47

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Finally, i am with my children. After the police raided that factory,

tehila, olivia and emmanuel were taken to the hospital. Olivia still

hasn't woken up. The doctor is still with her. I wish i got to them

earlier, maybe they wouldn't have gotten themselves into this mess.

A day after our accident, we were found by some fishermen in a small

village. I was rushed to the hospital immediately and i was in a coma

for almost five years . I got out of it just three months ago. Tessy's

father didn't make it to the hospital. The ambulance attendants tried

to remove him from the car but the railing pinned him in. When i awoke

from my coma three months ago, i had to learn everything all over

again. Things like how to feed myself, how to bathe myself, how to

talk and other basic things. My memory came gradually and last month,

i recovered all my memory. A week after that, i was discharged from

the hospital. I came back to warri but could not find my girls. No one

seemed to know where they went. Most people thought they were dead but

i thought otherwise because they were not in the car with us when we

were found.

After searching for more than two weeks, i gave up hope. I was on my

way back to the village where i was found when i saw them

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Tessy and

olivia at the bus stop. They just got off the bus and i followed them.

Olivia had a little plaster on her head and i wondered how she got

injured. I knew i couldn't just barge in on them so i waited to talk

to tessy first. When she got out this early morning, she was in a

hurry and before i got to talk to her, she was already off. I followed

her in a taxi to a kindof construction company. This must be where she

works, i had thought. But about half an hour later while i was outside

practicing my speech for tessy, i saw her on the building's fence. She

was entering the other property. This was strange but i didn't know

what to do. Some minutes later, a car parked across the factory and i

see emmanuel. It looks like he's sneaking in. I wait outside for hours

but no one comes out.

Read " Beautiful Mask " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. It was when i saw some guys with guns come out

looking for someone that i called the police. They were already on

their way as someone else from the inside already called them. I am so

glad i took the initiative to call them. Thank God they are safe now.

I see the doctor come out and i rush to her. I sigh in relief as she

tells me that they are all fine. They flushed the drugs out of

olivia's system and she would be fine by tomorrow. Tessy just had a

sprained wrist while emmanuel just had some bruises and a broken rib.

No major damage. Thank you Jesus. I don't think i can survive any

further tragedies. My children have suffered enough. This is the end.

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  • Tee MJ picture
    Tee MJ
    And whoa dz nice story gt me wide awake tl 2:00am......Another brilliant work AJ
  • Chekwube picture
    Well done....Juliet....
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