To Live For Once (Set Me Free II) - Episode 30

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 Tossing and turning around on the small cabin bed only makes my discomfort severe. I gently sit up in bed and place both my feet on the ground. It's so quiet with just me in here which only serves to make the voice in my head louder. Rory's voice. I caress my barely there baby bump and sigh deeply.
"If only your Daddy loves us right?" I whisper. All I see him doing now is trying to make himself feel better before he leaves . He's only acting on guilt and pity. None of which I want him to feel towards me. I want more but I don't kid myself into thinking I can get more than this new found guilt of my husband. Nope! I'm no longer that naive girl waiting to be loved before she can feel good about herself. From now on, I'm going to love myself and do everything I've always wanted. All those things my father forbade. A slow smile creep on my lips as I remember how the last time I wanted to live an adventure ended. It ended me in a marriage worse than that of convenience. Doesn't mean I'm going to change my mind though.
 I look around the room for a pen. Thankfully, I find one within touching distance, without having to stand on my hurt ankle. I grab a sheet of paper off the small table and scribble all the things I can remember from my list

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. I remember Michelle telling me the original list was with Rory. I never got the courage to get that back. He probably threw it out anyways.
"Things to do before the end of my marriage." I mutter as I scribble it down on the A4 paper. Various things I want to try seem to rush to the front of my mind as the pen meet paper. I'm smiling excitedly at the end of my list. I have twelve things in total when I'm done.
"Oh this is going to be exciting." I grin. I know just the right person to help me get them done. I pull my phone off the bed and dial Prudy. She picks on the fourth ring.
"Hello." Her groggy voice sounds like relief to my ears. I can't believe how long I've been away from my only friend. I completely let my marriage take over my life.
"Maya, you better have a good reason for calling me so early on my holiday rather than keeping quiet." She scolds and my smile widen.
"It's glad to know you miss your friend." I say cooly as I help myself off the bed and stand on one leg.
"I love you friend, but It's an ungodly hour of the day." God, I missed her.
"It's almost 10am." I point out.
"Your point being?" She asks and I chuckle.
"You are so not a morning person." I hop slowly into the wheelchair by the side of the bed and roll myself out of the bedroom.
"It's my holiday babe. I plan to sleep this month away." Prudy is saying.
"Yeah. You deserve that." I reach the kitchen and find two plates covered with savet paper on the table. There's a card beside it.


 I caress the scrawl on the small card, a weak sigh coming out of me. I bypass the food and continue out the house. I need some fresh air.
"I know that sigh. What's up girl?" Prudy asks as I battle with getting the wheelchair over the threshold of the door.
"I need you here Prudy."
"Yeah? You've been doing great ever since you got married. Didn't think you did anymore." I realise she sounds hurt.
"I'm sorry. It's not been easy. Can you come over? I need help getting around. Seeing as I'm pregnant and in a wheelchair." I know the last part will surely get her. Her squeal over the line proves me right.
"Babeeeee! Shut up! You're pregnant?! OMG." I chuckle. She's more excited than I am. I get the wheelchair out the cabin finally and cool breeze tickle my face.
"Wait what did you say about a wheelchair?" Prudy stops her excited squeals and ask. I can't go into all that on the phone so I tell her to come get the full gist at the address I'll text her. We say a brief goodbye and I send off the directions to the property. She's a smart girl, she'll find her way.
"Hey, it's a butterfly!" My ears perks up at the voice of a child. I look around but I'm alone.
"Julian! Slow down!" I hear again and this time, the owners of the voice run a few distance from me. Both harmless children do not seem to even notice my presence as they chase after the beautiful butterfly. The younger one's laugh is carried by the wind to my ears. I watch them run after each other with a small smile playing on my lips. I guess it's the little things of life that makes us smile. They look so carefree.
"Isn't it cold out here?" My smile freeze on my face at Rory's voice so close. I don't turn around though. I ignore him and continue to watch the kids till they get out of sight. He doesn't say anything either.
"What are you doing?!" I snap when I feel his hand brush my shoulder from behind. I almost jerk out of my chair with the bolt of electricity it ignites inside me.
"Calm down. I'm just making sure you don't catch a cold." He whispers into my ear in that warm husky voice that makes me warm inside. I cuss my body for responding to his touch as he arrange his jacket over my shoulders. He doesn't let go of me even when he's done.
"You feel so tense." He whispers again into my ear. Why is he doing that?! I clamp my mouth shut from fear of moaning out loud from his hand massaging my shoulder. I blame it all on pregnancy hormones.
"Stop touching me." I say but it sounds weak even to my own ears.
"You sound like you don't want me to NOT touch you." His emphasis on the not totally grates on my nerves. I bite down on my bottom lips. He doesn't stop massaging. His hands only going further down my shoulders.
"Don't." I grind out when his hand brush the side of my breast. My breathing is coming out in hard pants. I'm so easy!
"Your voice says you want this." Rory drawls slowly. My hands ball into fists. Two can play this game.
"Just let yourself go Amaya. I'll--" I suddenly grab his hands off me and pull him to my front with a strength I never realized I possess. Rory looks stun and that's pulls a smug smile on my face.
"I still hate you but I'm going to use your body just for the sake of it." I sound totally s*xy! Okay, who's this woman? Rory looks just as stun and before he can get any word out, I grab his collars and rip his shirt apart. The sound of the fabric riping gives me an high. Rory seems to be crazed as well as he pulls me out of the wheelchair. I notice how gently he wraps me around him, careful not to hurt me.

Read " Intoxicated Romance " by the same author ( Ameh juliet )

. He kisses me and it's too  tender. I don't want that. I sink my teeth into his lips and when he groans, I let my tongue explore inside his mouth. It's sensory overload right now. I vaguely notice him taking us both inside the cabin. I've forgotten completely that we were outside. I don't let him break the kiss for long as he takes my top off. I come back ferociously with bruising kiss. It's maddening.
"Oh my God!" I startle at Michelle's unexpected voice and my head snaps up from Rory's. Rory freeze for a few seconds before he tries to hide my body from Michelle.
"Sh*t! Oh umm Mich-- Michelle" he stutters as he almost breaks into a run into the room with me still wrapped around him.
"Hi Michelle!" I call out before Rory slams the door shut. I can't believe I find this situation funny while Rory looks like a rattled rat.

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